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176 similar results for GYD
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 German  English

Similar words:
GuD-Kraftwerk, A-D-Wandler, AD-Wandler, Ad-hoc-Ausschuss, Ad-hoc-Bildung, Ad-hoc-Entlehnung, Ad-hoc-Hypothese, Ad-hoc-Test, Ad-libitum-Fütterung, Anti-G-Anzug, Aye-Aye, Bad, Bad-Accessoire, Bad-Accessoires, Bad-Kryostat, Ballistik-Gel, Berg-und-Tal-Bahn, Branch-and-Bound-Verfahren, CAD-Anwendung, CAD-Anwendungen, CAD-Bauteil
Similar words:
God, God-botherer, God-botherers, God-given, God-likeness, god-awful, gym, gyp, sun-god

Äskulap; Asklepios (Gott der Heilkunst in der griechischen Mythologie) Asclepius (god of healing in Greek mythology)

Allgütigkeit {f} Gottes [relig.] absolute goodness of God; omnibenevolence of God; all-bountifulness of God

Dasselfliegen {pl}; Biesfliegen {pl} (Oestridae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] bot flies; warble flies; heel flies; gad flies (zoological family)

Dionysos (griechischer Gott des Weines, der Trauben und der Fruchtbarkeit) Dionysus; Dionysos (Greek god of wine, grapes and fertility)

Doxologie {f}; Lobpreis {m} Gottes in einem liturgischen Gebetstext [relig.] doxology; praise to God in a liturgical prayer text

Dreikönigsfest {n}; Dreikönigstag {m}; Heilig-Dreikönige; Fest der Erscheinung des Herrn; Epiphanie {f}; Epiphanias {n} [relig.] Epiphany; celebration of God's appearance [listen]

Ebenbildlichkeit {f} Gottes [relig.] God's likeness

jdn. das Fürchten lehren {vt} to put the fear of God into sb.

Fußballgott {m} [ugs.] [sport] god of football; football god

Geldmacherei {f}; Nepp {m}; Wucher {m}; Abzocke {f} [ugs.]; Abzockerei {f} [ugs.]; Abriss {m} [Schw.] [ugs.]; Geldschneiderei {f} [veraltet]; Beutelschneiderei {f} [obs.] [pej.] rip-off; daylight robbery [Br.]; highway robbery [Am.] [coll.]; gyp [Am.] [coll.] [dated]

Oh Gott!; Du liebe Zeit!; Ach du lieber Gott!; Oh jeminie!; Ach du meine Güte; Jesses!; Gute Güte! {interj} Oh my god! /OMG/; Oh my Gawd!; Oh, my goodness!; Oh my gosh!; Oh my word!

Gottesbeziehung {f} [relig.] relationship with God; relationship to God

Gotteserfahrung {f} [relig.] experience of God

Gotteserkenntnis {f} [relig.] [phil.] knowledge of God; perception of God

Gottesferne {f} [relig.] distantness of God; distance of God

die Gottesfrage {f} [phil.] [relig.] the question of God; the God question

Gottesfurcht {f} [psych.] [relig.] fear of god; theophobia

Gottesgabe {f} godsend; gift of God

Gottesgeschenk {n} [relig.] gift of God; God's gift

Gottesgroschen {m} [fin.] [hist.] God's penny

Gottesleugnung {f} [relig.] denial of God

Gottesschau {f} [relig.] vision of God

Gottessohn {m}; Sohn {m} Gottes [relig.] Son of God

Gottestreue {f} [relig.] faithfulness to God; loyalty to God

Gotteswort {n} [relig.] word of God

Gotteszwang {m} (Weber) [relig.] [soc.] obligation imposed on God (Weber)

Gottgleichkeit {f} (einer Person) [relig.] God-likeness (of a person)

Gottvater {m} God the Father

Gottvertrauen {n} [relig.] faith in God; trust in God; confidence in God

Gymnastik {f} [sport] gymnastics; gym [listen]

Hausgott {m} household god

Hisbollah {f}; Die Partei Gottes (Terrorgruppe) [pol.] Hezbollah; Hizbullah; The Party of God (terrorist group)

Jupiter {m} (Gott des Himmels, des Donners und der Blitze in der römischen Mythologie) Jove; Jupiter (god of sky, thunder and lightning in Roman mythology)

Lamm Gottes {n} (Liturgie) [relig.] Lamb of God (liturgy)

Muckibude {f} [ugs.] [sport] muscle factory (gym) [coll.]

Ringe {pl} (Turngerät) [sport] still rings; rings (gym apparatus)

Rückengymnastik {f}; Rückübungen {pl} [sport] back exercises; back care gym

Schickung {f} act of providence; stroke of fate; act of God

die Schöpfung {f} (von Gott erschaffene Welt) [relig.] the Creation (the world as created by God)

Schwebebalken {m} (Turngerät) [sport] balance beam (gym apparatus)

Seitpferd {n}; Pauschenpferd {n} [Ös.] [Schw.]; Pferd {n}; Pferdpauschen {m} [Schw.] (Turngerät) [sport] [listen] side horse; pommel horse (gym apparatus)

Sich-Offenbaren {n} Gottes; Gotteserscheinung {f}; Theophanie {f} [relig.] divine manifestation; manifestation of God; theophany

Sonnengott {m} [relig.] sun-god

Stundengebet {n}; Offizium {n}; Tagzeitengebet {n} [relig.] Liturgy of the Hours; Divine Office; Work of God

Trainingsbereich {m} ohne Geräte; Bereich {m} für freies Training (im Fitnessstudio) [sport] streching area (in the fitness gym)

Zeus {m} (Gott des Himmels, des Donners und der Blitze in der griechischen Mythologie) Zeus (god of sky, thunder and lightning in Greek mythology)

allgütig {adj} (Gott) [relig.] absolutely good; omnibenevolent; all-bountiful (God)

gottgegeben {adj} [relig.] God-given; ordained by God; divinely ordained

gottgewollt {adj} [relig.] ordained by God; willed by God; God's will; God's intention; divine will: divine intention

gottlob {adv} thank God; thank godness; thank heaven(s)

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