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934 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Goode
Tipp: Mustersuche: Wort*

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Geode, Anode, BIC-Code, Backward-Diode, Bode-Diagramm, Boote, Borde, C-Diode, Code, Code-Schlüssel, Code-Umsetzer, Diode, Dolde, Garde, Geoden, Geoide, Gilde, Gnade, Gnome, Godl, Gold
Ähnliche Wörter:
Goody!, do-gooder, geode, good, good-!-will, good-bye, good-for-nothing, good-hearted, good-humored, good-humoured, good-humouredly, good-looking, good-natured, good-size, good-sized, good-tempered, goodie, goods, goods-in-transit, goody, goody-goody

Weltverbesserer {m}; Weltverbesserin {f} starry-eyed idealist; do-gooder

Weltverbesserer {pl}; Weltverbesserinnen {pl} starry-eyed idealists; do-gooders

Weltverbesserer {m}; Gutmensch {m} [iron.] do-gooder

Weltverbesserer {pl}; Gutmenschen {pl} do-gooders

Inhaber {m} eines Abholmarkts; Großmarktinhaber {m} warehouseman (owner of a warehouse from which goods are sold)

Agenturwaren {pl} agency goods

Allmendegut {n}; Quasikollektivgut {n} common-pool resource /CPR/; common good

Altwaren {pl} [econ.] second-hand goods

Altwarenhandel {m} [econ.] second-hand goods trade; resale business [Am.]

Anlassbeständigkeit {f} (von Stahl) (Metallurgie) [techn.] good tempering properties (of steel) (metallurgy)

Aufwiedersehen {n} good-bye

Ausgangssteuer {f} (Mwst., die die Anbieter von Waren und Dienstleistungen ihren Kunden in Rechnung stellen) [fin.] output tax (VAT that the suppliers of goods and services charge their customers)

Ausschussware {f} substandard goods

gutes Aussehen {n} (Mann) good looks; handsomeness (of a man)

Ausverkaufsware {f}; Abverkaufsware {f} [Ös.] [econ.] sale goods [fig.]

Backware {f}; Backwaren {pl}; Backwerk {n} [cook.] baked goods; bakery products

äußerlich gute Beschaffenheit apparent good order and condition

Betonwaren {pl} [constr.] concrete goods

kleine Beule {f}; Brausche {f}; Brüsche {f}; Binkel {m} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [ugs.]; Dippel {m} [Ös.] [ugs.] [med.] goose egg [Am.]

Beziehen {n}; Bezug {m} von Waren [adm.] procurement of goods; purchase of goods

Bremsartstellung {f} "Güterzug-Personenzug" (Bahn) 'goods-passenger' braking system (railway)

Butterfahrt {f} [ugs.] shopping excursion (by boat) to buy cheap/duty-free goods

Cuvier-Schnabelwal {m} (Ziphius cavirostris) [zool.] Cuvier's beaked whale; Cuvier's whale; goose-beaked whale; goose-beak whale

Eilfracht {f} express goods

Eilgut {n}; Eilfracht {f} express freight; goods sent by express; fast freight [Am.]

Einmalartikel {pl}; Verbrauchsmaterial {n} für den einmaligen Gebrauch; Verbrauchsmaterialien {pl} single-use items; expendable goods; expendable items; expendable supplies; expendable materials; expendables

Empfangsabfertigung {f} (Gütertransport per Bahn) [transp.] arrivals service (forwarding of goods by rail)

Entenmuscheln {pl} [zool.] goose barnacles; gooseneck barnacles; stalked barnacles

Ersatzware {f}; Ersatzwaren {pl} replacement goods; replacement parts

Europäische Güterzugfahrplankonferenz {f} /EGK/ (Bahn) European Goods Trains Timetable Confercence /CEM/ (railway)

guter Fall {m} (eines Stoffs) [textil.] good drape (of a cloth)

Faules Ei; Plumpsack {m} (Kinderspiel) Duck, Duck, Goose; Daisy in the Dell; Quail, Quail, Quarry [Am.] (children's game)

Ferdinand der Gütige [hist.] Ferdinand the Good

in guter Form sein; in guter Verfassung sein; gut in Form sein; gut in Schuss sein [ugs.] {vi} to be in good nick

Franz Gans (Walt Disney-Figur) [lit.] Gus Goose (Walt Disney character)

Friedenspflicht {f} [Dt.] [jur.] commitment (by the parties to a collective agreement) to good industrial relations

Gänsebraten {m} [cook.] roast goose

Gänsebrust {f} [cook.] goose breast

Gänsefett {n} [cook.] goose fat

Gänseleberpastete {f}; Gansleberpastete {f} [cook.] goose liver pâté; pâté of goose liver

Gänseschmalz {m} [cook.] goose fat; goose dripping

Gebrauchsgüter {pl}; Bedarfsartikel {pl} [econ.] durable consumer goods; consumer durables; durables; utility goods

Gefahrenguttransport {m}; Gefahrguttransport {m} [transp.] [envir.] dangerous goods transport [Br.]; hazardous materials transport [Am.]; hazmat transportation [Am.]

Gefahrgut {n}; Gefahrengut {n}; Gefahrgüter {pl} [envir.] dangerous goods [Br.]; hazardous materials [Am.]; hazmat [Am.]

Gefahrguttransport {m} [transp.] dangerous goods transport [Br.]; hazardous materials transportation [Am.]; hazmat transportation [Am.]

Gefahrgutumschließung {f} [transp.] containment system for dangerous goods [Br.] / hazardous materials [Am.]

Geschenkartikel {pl} fancy goods

Gießhals {m} goose neck

Glückssymbole {pl}; Glücksbringer {pl} (zu Neujahr) good luck symbols (at New Year)

Glückwunsch {m}; Glückwünsche {pl} (für) [anhören] good wishes (for)

Gute {m}; Held {m} (Figur im Buch/Film/auf der Bühne) [art] good guy; goody [Br.] [coll.]; goodie [Br.] [coll.] (book/film/stage character)

Güterabfertigung {f} dispatch of goods

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