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Warzenschwein {n} [zool.] warthog

Warzenschweine {pl} warthogs

Aalen {n}; Aalenium {n} (erdgeschichtliche Stufe) [geol.] Aalenian (stage in the Earth's history)

Inhaber {m} eines Abholmarkts; Großmarktinhaber {m} warehouseman (owner of a warehouse from which goods are sold)

Abstellplatz {m}; Parkposition {f}; Wartungsplatz {m} für Flugzeuge [aviat.] flightline

Analemma {n} (Figur des übers Jahr wechselnden Sonnenstands von einem fixen Punkt der Erde aus gesehen) [astron.] analemma (figure showing the changing position of the sun over the course of a year as viewed from a fixed position on Earth)

Arthrodese {f} (operative Gelenkversteifung) [med.] arthrodesis

Arthropathie {f}; Arthropathia {f}; Gelenkerkrankung {f} [med.] arthropathy; joint disease

Arthroplastik {f}; Gelenkplastik {f} [med.] arthroplasty

Aufschüttung {f} earth deposit

Aufzugs-, Rolltreppen- und Wartungsinstallateur {m} lift [Br.]/elevator [Am.], hoist, escalator, and handling equipment engineer

Aushubmaterial {n}; Aushubmasse {f}; Erdaushub {m}; Aushub {m}; Baggergut {n}; Abraum {m}; abgetragene Erde {f} [constr.] excavated material; excavated earth; spoil [anhören]

Bajoc {n}; Bajocium {n} (erdgeschichtliche Stufe) [geol.] Bajocian (stage in the Earth's history)

Barkasse {f} (größtes Beiboot eines Segelkriegsschiffs) [naut.] [hist.] launch (largest boat carried on a sailing warship) [anhören]

Bartholomäusnacht {f}; Pariser Bluthochzeit {f} [hist.] St. Bartholomew's Day massacre

Bau {m} (eines Wühltieres) [zool.] [anhören] earth (of a burrowing animal) [anhören]

Bedienungs- und Wartungsanleitung {f} operating and maintenance instructions

Bembel {m} (hessischer Apfelweinkrug) German earthenware jug for serving cider

Beobachtungspunkt {m}; Beobachtungsstand {m}; Warte {f}; Ausguck {m} hide [Br.]; blind [Am.]

Betriebserdung {f}; Betriebserde {f} [electr.] system earth(ing) [Br.]; system ground [Am.]

Betriebsvermögensvergleich {m} (Steuerrecht) net worth comparison method (fiscal law)

Blitzerdung {f}; Blitzerde {f} (Vorgang) [electr.] earth wire [Br.]; ground wire [Am.]

Blitzschutzerdung {f}; Blitzschutzerde {f} [electr.] lightning protection earth [Br.]; lightning protection ground [Am.]

Bodenbeschleunigung {f} (bei einem Erdbeben) [phys.] ground acceleration (in an earthquake)

Bodenseefelchen {n}; Blaufelchen {n} [zool.] (Fischart) Coregonus wartmanni

Bodenständigkeit {f}; Bodenhaftung {f}; Erdverbundenheit {f} [geh.] (einer Person) [psych.] groundedness; earthiness (of a person)

Callov {n}; Callovium {n} (erdgeschichtliche Stufe) [geol.] Callovian (stage in the Earth's history)

Dachsbau {m} [zool.] badger's earth; badger's sett [Br.]; badger's set [Br.]; sett [Br.]

Datenlager {n} [comp.] data lake; data warehouse

Dattelmotte {f} (Ephestia cautella) [zool.] fig moth; dried currant moth; almond moth; tropical warehouse moth

Diatomeen-Erde {f}; Infusorienerde {f} [min.] diatomaceous earth; infusorial earth

Direktheit {f} (Person, Darstellung) directness; earthiness (of a person or narrative)

Dreiruderer {m}; Trireme {f}; Triere {f} (antikes Kriegsschiff) [naut.] [hist.] trireme (ancient warship)

Dunkelheit {f} swarthiness

Eigenkapital {n} (Bilanz) [econ.] [adm.] capital ownership; net worth (balance sheet) [Am.]

Erster Wart {m} (Luftwaffe) [mil.] crew chief (Air Force) [Am.]

Einlagerung {f} admission into warehouse

Einruderer {f}; Monoreme {f}; Monere {f} (antikes Kriegsschiff) [naut.] [hist.] monoreme (ancient warship)

dem Element Erde zugehörig/zugeordnet {adj} (Elementlehre) [phil.] earthy (element theory)

Energiehaushalt {m} der Erde earth's energy budget

Erdalkalimetall {n} alkaline earth metal

Erdarbeiten {pl} [constr.] earth works; earth-moving; earthwork

Erdbahn {f} earth's orbit

Erdbaumaschine {f}; Erdbewegungsmaschine {f} [constr.] earthmover

Erdbebenintensität {f} (an der Erdoberfläche) [phys.] earthquake intensity (on the Earth's surface)

Erdbebenschutz {m}; Schutz vor Erdbeben earthquake protection

Erdbebenstärke {f}; Bebenstärke {f} [geogr.] [phys.] earthquake intensity

Erdbewegungen {pl}; Erdarbeiten {pl} [constr.] earth-moving; shifting of earth

Erddruck {m} [constr.] soil pressure; earth pressure; earth thrust; thrust of the ground; thrust; earth load; soil shear [anhören]

Erden {n}; Erdung {f} [electr.] earthing [Br.]; grounding [Am.]; connection to earth [Br.]/ground [Am.] [anhören]

Erden {n}; Erdung {f}; Erdbehandlung {f} (Öl) earthing; earth treatment; clay treatment (oil)

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