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253 similar results for Crédit
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 German  English

Similar words:
A-metà-Kredit, Cordit, Kredit, Mezzanin-Kredit, Réduit
Similar words:
credit, credits, crit, crudity

Kreditbürgschaft {f} credit guarantee

Kreditgarantiegemeinschaft {f} [econ.] credit guarantee society; credit guaranty society

Kreditgeschäft {n}; Kreditgewerbe {n} credit business

Hilfs- und Nebengeschäfte im Kreditgewerbe ancillary credit business

(manueller) Kreditkartendrucker {m}; Ritsch-Ratsch-Gerät {n} [ugs.] [hist.] credit card imprinter; zipzap machine [coll.]; knuckle buster [coll.]

Kreditlaufzeit {f} [fin.] credit period

Kreditportfoliosteuerung {f} credit portfolio management

Kreditprovision {f} [fin.] credit fee; credit commission

Kreditrückzahlung {f}; Darlehensrückzahlung {f} [fin.] repayment of credit; repayment of loan

Kreditsicherung {f} [fin.] credit security; loan security

Kredittilgung {f}; Darlehenstilgung {f} [fin.] amortization of credit; amortization of loan; amortisation of credit/loan [Br.]

Kreditüberwachung {f} [fin.] loan monitoring; credit control

Kreditverkehr {m} credit transactions

Kreditverlängerung {f} extension of credit

Kreditvermittlung {f} credit brokering

Kreditwesen {n} [fin.] credit system; lending system

Kreditwirtschaft {f} [econ.] [fin.] credit economy

Kreditwürdigkeit {f}; Bonität {f} [fin.] creditworthiness; credit standing; financial standing; credit quality

Leergutbon {m} redeemable credit slip (for returned empty beverage containers) [Am.]

Nachverrechnung {f} [fin.] supplementary debit; supplementary credit

Ratenkauf {m}; Teilzahlungskauf {m}; Abzahlungskauf {m}; Zielkauf {m}; Kreditkauf {m} [econ.] credit purchase; purchase on credit; buying on a credit basis; sale for the account; hire-purchase [Br.]; deferred payment purchase [Am.]; installment buying/purchase [Am.]; purchase on the installment system [Am.]; buying on time [Am.]; charge sale [Am.] [listen]

Realgeschäfte {pl} [econ.] real estate credit business; mortgage business

Rembourskredit {m}; Akzeptakkreditiv {m} [fin.] acceptance credit

Rentenbeihilfe {f} [Dt.] [Schw.]; Pensionsbeihilfe {f} [Ös.] [fin.] pension credit [Br.]

Restguthaben {n} [fin.] remaining balance; remaining credit

vorzeitige Rückzahlungsquote {f}; vorzeitige Tilgungsquote {f} (einer Bank im Kreditgeschäft) [fin.] constant prepayment rate /CPR/ (of a bank in the credit business)

Schufa {f}; Schutzgemeinschaft {f} für allgemeine Kreditsicherung [Dt.] [fin.] German society for the securing of loans; credit investigation company

Schufa-Auskunft {f} [Dt.] [fin.] confidential information on a (potential) borrower's credit standing

Semesterwochenstunden {pl} /SWS/ [stud.] semester periods per week; semester load (weekly hours); credit hours

Soll und Haben debit and credit

Steueranrechnungsmethode {f} (bei Doppelbesteuerung) [fin.] tax credit system (for double taxation cases)

Steuergutschein {m} (kurzfristiger Schatzschein, der für fällige Steuern in Zahlung gegeben werden kann) [fin.] tax credit certificate [Br.]; tax-reserve certificate [Am.]; tax anticipation bill /TAB/ [Am.]; tax anticipation note /TAN/ [Am.]

Stornorecht {n} (einer Bank in Bezug auf irrtümliche Kontogutschriften) [fin.] (a bank's) right to cancel erroneous credit items

Teilzahlungsfinanzierung {f}; Abzahlungsfinanzierung {f} [fin.] instalment credit financing [Br.]; installment financing [Am.]; financing of installment buying [Am.]

Teilzahlungsverkauf {m}; Abzahlungsverkauf {m}; Kreditverkauf {m} [econ.] credit sale; sale on credit; conditional sale; sale for the account; sale on hire-purchase [Br.]; deferred payment sale [Am.]; installment sale [Am.]; sale on the installment system [Am.]; charge sale [Am.]

Treuhandkredit {m}; Treuhanddarlehen {n} [fin.] loan on a trust basis; loan for a third-party account; loan in transit; conduit credit [Am.]

Übernahme {f} des Ausfallrisikos assumption of credit risk

Verbindlichkeiten gegenüber Kreditinstituten amounts owed to credit institutions

Verlust {m} bei Kreditausfall (einer Bank im Kreditgeschäft) [fin.] loss given default /LGD/ (of a bank in the credit business)

Wahrscheinlichkeit {f} eines Kreditausfalls (im Kreditgeschäft) [fin.] probability of default /PD/ (in the credit business)

Weiterleitungskredit {m}; durchlaufender Kredit {m} [fin.] flow-through credit; flow-through loan

Werthaltigkeit {f} [fin.] credit quality

Zahlungsziel {n} [fin.] term of credit; term of payment

Zentralbankkredit {f} [fin.] central bank credit

Ziehungsermächtigung {f}; Negoziationskredit {m}; Negoziation {f}; Negoziierungskredit {m}; Negoziierung {f} (Außenhandel) [econ.] credit authorizing the negotiation of bills; drawing authorization; authority to negotiate; authority to draw (foreign trade)

Zinsanpassungsdatum {n} (bei einem Rollover-Kredit) [fin.] rollover date (of a credit)

akkreditiveröffnende Bank {f}; Akkreditivbank {f}; Akkreditivinstitut [fin.] bank issuing a letter of credit; bank opening a letter of credit

akkreditivgemäß {adv} [fin.] in accordance with the terms of the credit

glaubwürdig {adj} worthy of credit

etw. glaubwürdig erscheinen lassen {vt} to lend credit to sth.

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