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525 ähnliche Ergebnisse für CX Huth
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Abbruchschutt {m} [constr.] demolition debris

Anklopfschutz {m} [telco.] call-waiting protection; call-waiting block

Arbeiterjugend {f} working youth; working-class youth

Aufprallschutz {m}; Anprallschutz {m} (Straßenbau) [constr.] impact protection; shock protection (road building)

die Augen vor etw. verschließen {v} to close yours eyes; to shut your eyes; to turn a blind eye to sth.

Bautenschutz {m} [constr.] preservation of structures

Begleitschutz {m}; Geleitschutz {m} convoy escort; convoy protection; escort duty

Biotopschutz {m} [envir.] habitat protection; habitat preservation; habitat conversation

Bördelkantenschutz {m} clinched flange protection

Brustschutz {m} [sport] chest protection

Chemikalienschutz {m} chemical protection

Deckschutt {m}; Aushub {m} [constr.] overburden

unter Denkmalschutz stehen {vi} to be listed for preservation; to be a listed building/a protected tree; to be scheduled/classified as an ancient monument; to be under/subject of a preservation order [Br.]; to be listed on a historic register [Am.]

Dorfjugend {f} village youth; country youth; young people of the village; young hicks [pej.]

Einfallschurre {f} (Kohle) [mach.] (coal) down-chute

Erosionsschutz {m} [agr.] [envir.] erosion control; protection against erosion

Explosionsdruckschutz {m} blast protection

Explosionsschutz {m} explosion protection

Fahrerhausschutz {m} (Traktor) [auto] driver's cab shield (tractor)

Feuchtigkeitsschutz {m}; Feuchtigkeitsisolierung {f} [constr.] moisture proofing; damp proofing; water proofing

Feuerschutz {m} [mil.] covering fire

Fingerschutz {m}; Fingerling {m} [med.] fingerstall; finger-stool; finger cot [Am.]

Firewall {f} (Zugriffsschutz im Computernetzwerk) [comp.] firewall

Frauenschuh-Orchideen {pl} (Cypripedium) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] lady's-slipper orchids; slipper orchids; mocassin flowers (botanical genus)

Fremdstrom {m} (als Korrosionsschutz bei Metall) [constr.] [electr.] impressed current; current from an external source (as protection from corrosion)

jdm. Geleitschutz geben; jdn. begleiten {v} to convoy

Gewässerschutz {m} [envir.] water pollution control; prevention of water pollution; water conservation

Gläubigerschutz {m} [econ.] protection of creditors

Glimmschutz {m}; Potentialsteuerung {f} [electr.] corona shielding

Goldhut {m} [hist.] gold cone

Grießrücklaufkanal {m} [techn.] classifier return chute; oversize return chute

Grobschutz {m} coarse protection

Grundflächenzahl {f} /GRZ/; Überbauungsziffer {f} [Schw.] [arch.] [adm.] plot ratio [Br.]; building coverage [Am.]; factor for calculation of permissible coverage [South Africa]

Halskragen {m}; Schutzkragen {m}; Halskrause {f}; Leckschutz {m} (Veterinärmedizin) [med.] [zool.] [anhören] recovery collar; cone collar; buster collar; Elizabethan collar; E-collar; pet cone; pet lamp-shade [humor.]; pet radar dish [humor.]; cone of shame [humor.] (veterinary medicine)

Hand-Fuß-Mund-Krankheit {f}; Hand-Fuß-Mund-Exanthem {n} [med.] hand, foot, and mouth disease /HFMD/

Heaviside-Delfin {m}; Südafrikanischer Delfin {m} (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii) [zool.] Heaviside's dolphin; South African dolphin; Benguela dolphin

Heckenschutz {m}; Erhaltung {f} von Feldhecken [envir.] hedgerow conservation

Hintersteckschutz {m} [techn.] protective cover

Hohlraumschutz {m} [auto] body cavity protection

Immissionsschutz {m} [envir.] pollution control

Infektionsschutz {m}; Seuchenschutz {m} [frühere Bezeichnung] [med.] prevention and control of infectious diseases

Jagdschutz {m} [mil.] fighter cover

Jugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung {f} youth and trainee representative council

Jugendamt {n}; Jugendhilfeamt {n} [Dt.]; Jugendhilfebehörde {f} [Dt.]; Jugendwohlfahrtsamt {n} [Ös.]; Jugendwohlfahrtsbehörde {f} [Ös.] [adm.] youth welfare service office; youth welfare office; children and young people's service office [Br.]; CYP office [Br.]

Jugendfürsorge {f}; Jugendpflege {f}; Jugendhilfe {f} [Dt.]; Jugendwohlfahrt {f} [Ös.] [adm.] [soc.] youth welfare service; youth welfare; children and young people's service [Br.]

Jugendschutz {m} legal protection for children and young persons

Kabelknickschutz {m} cable sleeve support

Kälteschutz {m} protection against (the) cold; cold protection

Katastrophenschutz {m} (Organisation) disaster control organization

Kettenschutz {m}; Kettenschutzring {m} chainguard

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