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109 Ergebnisse für District
Tipp: Rechtschreibprüfung: Wort?

 Deutsch  Englisch

Bezirk {m} /Bez./; Kreis {m}; Stadtviertel {n}; Landstrich {m} [anhören] district /dist./

Bezirke {pl}; Kreise {pl}; Stadtviertel {pl}; Landstriche {pl} districts

Arbeiterbezirk {m} workers' district; working-class district

Militärbezirk {m} [mil.] military district

Verwaltungsbezirk {m}; Bezirk {m} [Ös.] [Schw.]; Landkreis {m} [Dt.]; Kreis {m} [Dt.] [pol.] [anhören] [anhören] administrative district; county [anhören]

Verwaltungsbezirke {pl}; Bezirke {pl}; Landkreise {pl}; Kreise {pl} administrative districts; counties

Verwaltungsgemeinschaft {f}; Amt {n}; Samtgemeinde {f}; Verbandsgemeinde {f} [pol.] [anhören] special administrative district; amt

Verwaltungsgemeinschaften {pl}; Ämter {pl}; Samtgemeinden {pl}; Verbandsgemeinden {pl} special administrative districts; amts

Gebiet {n}; Gegend {f}; Distrikt {m} [anhören] [anhören] district [anhören]

Gebiete {pl}; Gegenden {pl} districts

Staatsanwaltschaft {f} Public Prosecution Service / Office; Crown Prosecution Service [Br.] [Austr.]; District Attorney's Office [Am.] [Can.]; the public prosecutors; the prosecuting authority

Innenstadt {f}; Stadtzentrum {n}; Zentrum {n}; City {f} [anhören] inner city; city centre [Br.]; city center [Am.]; town centre [Br.]; town center [Am.]; downtown [Am.]; central business district /CBD/ [Austr.] [anhören]

Innenstädte {pl}; Stadtzentren {pl}; Zentren {pl}; Citys {pl} inner cities; city centres; city centers; town centres; town centers; downtowns; central business districts

das Stadtzentrum the city

Sie haben eine Wohnung in der Innenstadt. They have a flat in the city centre.; They have an apartment downtown. [Am.]

Ortsteil {m}; Stadtteil {m} [anhören] district; municipal district [anhören]

Ortsteile {pl}; Stadtteile {pl} districts; municipal districts

Landgericht {n}; Landesgericht {n} [Ös.]; Kantonsgericht {n} [Schw.]; Obergericht {n} [Schw.]; Appellationsgericht {n} [Schw.] [jur.] regional court; district court [Am.]

Landgerichte {pl}; Landesgerichte {pl}; Kantonsgerichte {pl}; Obergerichte {pl}; Appellationsgerichte {pl} regional courts; district courts

Staatsanwalt {m}; Staatsanwältin {f} [jur.] Public Prosecutor; Crown Prosecutor [Br.] [Austr.]; District Attorney [Am.] /DA/; State / State's Attorney; County Attorney; County Prosecutor; Prosecuting Attorney; Solicitor [Am.]

Staatsanwälte {pl}; Staatsanwältinnen {pl} Public Prosecutors; Crown Prosecutors; District Attorneys; State / State's Attorneys; County Attorneys; County Prosecutors; Prosecuting Attorneys; Solicitors

Oberstaatsanwalt {m} senior prosecutor

stellvertretender Staatsanwalt Assistant State's Attorney [Am.]

Der Staatsanwalt hat Anklage wegen Mordes gegen ihn erhoben. The public prosecutor brought a charge of murder against him.

Stadtbezirk {m}; Bezirk {m} (mit eigener Verwaltung) [adm.] [pol.] [anhören] municipal district; urban district; municipal borough; borough [anhören]

Stadtbezirke {pl}; Bezirke {pl} municipal districts; urban districts; municipal boroughs; boroughs

Bezirksregierung {f} district government

Bezirksregierungen {pl} district governments

Fernheizkraftwerk {n} district heating power station

Fernheizkraftwerke {pl} district heating power stations

Fernwärmeanlage {f} district heating plant

Fernwärmeanlagen {pl} district heating plants

Forstamtsleiter {m} district forester

Forstamtsleiter {pl} district foresters

Gau {m} [geogr.] [adm.] district; region [anhören] [anhören]

Reichsgau {m} [hist.] German Reich province

Gemeindeschwester {f} [med.] district nurse; community nurse

Gemeindeschwestern {pl} district nurses; community nurses

Bezirksversammlung {f} district assembly

Bezirksversammlungen {pl} district assemblies

Amtsanwaltschaft {f} [jur.] district attorney

Bahnbetriebsingenieur {m}; Bahningenieur {m} [Schw.] district permanent way superintendent (railway) [Br.]

Fernheizung {f} district heating

Fernwärme {f} district heating scheme; district heating

Fernwärmeverbund {m} district heating grid; integrated district heating system

Fernwärmeversorgung {f} district heating supply

Kreissparkasse {f} [econ.] district savings bank

Bezirksrat {m} district council

Amtsrichter {m}; Amtsrichterin {f} [jur.] district court judge

Kreisleiter {m} [hist.] district leader

Fernwärmenetz {n} [techn.] district heating network; district heating system

Bezirkshauptmannschaft {f} [Ös.] [adm.] district administration

Reviersteiger {m} [min.] district deputy; district boss [Am.]

Wahlkreis {m}; Wahlbezirk {m} [pol.] constituency; ward; voting/electoral district [Am.]; voting/electoral precinct [Am.]; electorate [Austr.] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Wahlkreise {pl}; Wahlbezirke {pl} constituencies; wards; voting/electoral districts; voting/electoral precincts; electorates

Regionalwahlkreis {m} regional constituency

Wahlkreise neu zuschneiden redraw constituency boundaries

Abbaufeld {n} [min.] field; district; set [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Abbaufelder {pl} fields; districts; sets [anhören] [anhören]

unverritztes Abbaufeld maiden field

Gebiet {n} mit besonderer Flächenwidmung (Raumplanung) [adm.] [geogr.] zoning district [Am.] (spatial planning)

allgemeine Zweckbestimmung des Baugebiets general function of the specific land-use area

Eigenart des Baugebiets special character of the specific land-use area

Landbezirk {m} rural district

Landbezirke {pl} rural districts

Gutsbezirk {m} [hist.] rural district managed by a estate owner

Stadtviertel {n}; Stadtquartier {n} [Schw.]; Quartier {n} [Schw.] urban district; urban quarter

Stadtviertel {pl}; Stadtquartiere {pl}; Quartiere {pl} urban districts; urban quarters

Bahnhofsviertel {n}; Bahnhofsgegend {f} station district; station quarter; area around the railway/train station

Abbaurevier {n} [min.] mining region; mining district

Abbaureviere {pl} mining regions; mining districts

Amtsbezirk {m} administrative district

Amtsbezirke {pl} administrative districts

Amüsierviertel {m} nightclub district

Amüsierviertel {pl} nightclub districts

Arbeiterviertel {n}; Arbeiterwohnviertel {n} working-class district

Arbeiterviertel {pl}; Arbeiterwohnviertel {pl} working-class districts

Armenviertel {n} poor district; poor quarter

Armenviertel {pl} poor districts; poor quarters

Ausgehviertel {n} nightlife area; nightlife district

Ausgehviertel {pl} nightlife areas; nightlife districts

Bauaufsichtsbehörde {f}; Baurechtsbehörde {f}; Baurechtsamt {n} [Dt.]; Bauordnungsamt {n} [Dt.]; Baupolizeiamt {n} [Ös.] [Schw.] building control authority; local authority building control department [Br.]; building surveyors department [Br.]; county building department [Am.]; district surveyor's office [Am.]; building occupancy and construction authority /BOCA/ [Am.]

Bauaufsichtsbehörden {pl}; Baurechtsbehörden {pl}; Baurechtsämter {pl}; Bauordnungsämter {pl}; Baupolizeiämter {pl} building control authorities; local authority building control departments; building surveyors departments; county building departments; district surveyor's offices; building occupancy and construction autorities

Bezirksname {m} name of district

Bezirksnamen {pl} names of district

Bundesdistrikt {m} [adm.] federal district

Bundesdistrikte {pl} federal districts

Dienstbezirk {m}; Polizeirevier {n}; Revier {n}; Rayon {m} [Ös.] [Schw.] [adm.] police district; policing district; district; precinct [Am.] [anhören] [anhören]

Dienstbezirke {pl}; Polizeireviere {pl}; Reviere {pl}; Rayone {pl} police districts; policing districts; districts; precincts

Forstrevier {n} forest district

Forstreviere {pl} forest districts

Gemeindegebiet {n}; Gemarkung {f}; Markung {f}; Gemeindebann {m} [Schw.] [adm.] communal district; bounds [dated]

Gemeindegebiete {pl}; Gemarkungen {pl}; Markungen {pl}; Gemeindebanne {pl} communal districts; bounds

Gewerbegebiet {n}; Industriegebiet {n}; gewerbliche Bauflächen {pl}; Industrieflächen {pl}; Gewerbepark {m}; Industriepark {m} commercial and light industry area; light industry zone; industrial use zone; industrial use district [Am.]; area for industrial use; industrial area; industrial estate [Br.]; business park [Br.]; industrial park [Am.]

Gewerbegebiete {pl}; Industriegebiete {pl}; gewerbliche Bauflächen {pl}; Industrieflächen {pl}; Gewerbeparke {pl}; Industrieparke {pl} commercial and light industry areas; light industry zones; industrial use zones; industrial use districts; areas for industrial use; industrial areas; industrial estates; business parks; industrial parks

Grenzbezirk {m} [adm.] border district; border county [Br.]

Grenzbezirke {pl} border districts; border counties

Jagdbezirk {m} [Dt.]; Jagdrevier {n} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [adm.] hunting district

Jagdbezirke {pl}; Jagdreviere {pl} hunting districts

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