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179 similar results for substance'
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Abfallstoffe {pl} [envir.] waste substances

Antiemetikum {n}; Mittel gegen Erbrechen [med.] [pharm.] antiemetic; substance to stop vomiting

Antikoagulans {n}; Antikoagulant {m}; blutgerinnungshemmende Substanz {f}; Blutgerinnungshemmer {m} [pharm.] anticoagulant; substance inhibiting blood clot formation

Ausgangsstoffe {pl} für Sprengmittel; Vorläufersubstanzen {pl} von Explosivstoffen [chem.] explosive precursor substances

Beschränkung {f} gefährlicher Stoffe; Beschränkung der Verwendung bestimmter gefährlicher Stoffe (EU-Richtlinie) [adm.] Restriction of Hazardous Substances /RoHS/ (EU Directive)

wirtschaftliche Betrachtungsweise {f} (eines Steuertatbestands) [fin.] substance over (legal) form (doctrine for looking at a taxable event)

Betulin {n} (Wirkstoff der Birkenrinde) [biol.] [pharm.] betulin (active substance in birchbarks)

Dicksaftkörper {m} (Substanz) [cook.] thick juice body (substance)

Drogenausgangsstoffe {pl}; Vorläufersubstanzen {pl} von Drogen [chem.] drug precursor substances; drug precursors

Einleiten {n} von Substanzen dumping of substances

Einleitung {f} von Schadstoffen discharge of noxious substances

Filtermasse {f}; Filtermedium {n}; Filtermaterial {n}; Filterkörper {m}; Filtersubstrat {n} (Substanz, durch die gefiltert wird) [chem.] [techn.] filtering medium; filter medium; filter material; filter substrate; filtering septum (substance through which filtration takes place)

Gefahrstoffverordnung {f} [adm.] ordinance on hazardous substances

Grundurteil {n}; Vorabentscheidung {f} über den Grund [jur.] judgement on the substance of the claim

Hirudin {n} (Wirkstoff des Blutegels) [biol.] [pharm.] hirudin (active substance in leeches)

Hornstoff {m}; Hornsubstanz {f} [biol.] horny substance; horn; keratin [listen]

Leitsubstanz {f} key substance; lead substance

Limonin {n} (Bitterstoff) [biochem.] limonin (bitter substance)

Muttersubstanz {f} [chem.] parent substance

Mydriatikum {n}; pupillenerweiternde Substanz {f} [pharm] mydriatic; pupil-dilating substance

Reinsubstanz {f} [chem.] pure substance

Rindenknochen {m}; Knochenkompakta {f}; Kompakta {f} (Substantia compacta) [anat.] cortical bone; compact substance; compact tissue; compact [listen]

Rückgewinnung {f} (von Stoffen) [chem.] [techn.] regeneration (of substances)

Schadstoffemission {f} [envir.] emission of noxious substances

Sinkgeschwindigkeit {f} (einer Substanz) decantation rate (of a substance)

Stoffe ausspülen; Stoffe ausschwemmen {vt} to flush out substances; to wash out substances

Stoffeigenschaften {pl} substance properties; material properties; substance characteristics

gesteigerte Substanzbindung {f}; erhöhte Fixierung {f} von Stoffen; Hyperpexie {f} (im Gewebe usw.) [med.] increased fixation of a substance; hyperpexia (in a tissue etc.)

verminderte Substanzbindung {f}; verringerte Fixierung {f} von Stoffen; Hypopexie {f} (im Gewebe usw.) [med.] decreased fixation of a substance; hypopexia (in a tissue etc.)

Titersubstanz {f} [chem.] titrimetric substance

Wasserinhaltsstoffe {pl} substances in water

im Wesentlichen /i. W./ basically; mostly; in essence; in substance [listen] [listen]

Wirkstoffgehalt {m} [pharm.] active substance content

Wirkstoffkombination {f} [pharm.] combination of active agents/substances; active agent combination; active substance combination

Zehrstoffe {pl} (in Gewässern) [envir.] oxygen-consuming substances (in waters)

eine Substanz aliquotieren (in gleich große Mengen aufteilen) {vt} (Labor) to aliquot a substance (laboratory)

eine Substanz (aus den Haaren, Rohren usw.) ausspülen {vt} to rinse a substance off (your hair, the pipes etc.); to rinse a substance out (of your hair, the pipes etc.)

aus einer Substanz die Luft austreiben; eine Substanz entlüften {v} [chem.] to deaerate a substance

hormonaktive Substanz {f}; Xenohormon {n}; endokrin wirksamer Stoff; endokrin aktive Substanz /EAS/ (Stoff, der das Hormonsystem stört) [biol.] endocrine disrupting chemical /EDC/; hormone disruptor; endocrine disruptor (substance that interferes with the hormone system)

inhaltslos {adj} empty; meaningless; lacking in substance [listen]

inhaltsreich {adj} rich in substance

kälteschützende Substanz {f}; kryoprotektiver Stoff {m} [biochem.] cryoprotective substance; cryoprotective agent; cryoprotectant

schadstoffarm {adj} [envir.] low in harmful substances; clean-exhaust

stoffspezifisch {adj} substance-specific

traumerzeugend {adj} (Substanz) [pharm.] causing dreams; oneirogenic (of a substance)

einen Stoff veratmen (bei der Zellatmung) {vt} [biol.] to break down a substance (in cellular respiration)

eine Substanz wegfrieren (im Gefrierschrank deponieren) {vt} (Labor) [ugs.] to place a substance in the freezer (laboratory)

Außen fix, innen nix! All show and no substance!

Außen hui, innen pfui! [Sprw.] All show and no substance!; A fair face may hide a foul heart. [prov.]

Von explosionsfähigen Stoffen fernhalten. (Sicherheitshinweis) Keep away from explosive substances. (safety note)

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