Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

safe custody department [Br.]; (customers') securities custody department [Am.] Depotabteilung {f} [fin.]

safe custody departments; securities custody departments Depotabteilungen {pl}

dicastery (department of the Roman Curia) Dikasterium {n} (Abteilung der römischen Kurie) [adm.] [relig.]

script department Dramaturgie {f}

bullion department Edelmetallabteilung {f}

securities department Effektenabteilung {f} [fin.]

securities departments Effektenabteilungen {pl}

Standards Department [Br.] Eichbehörde {f} [adm.]

development department Entwicklungsabteilung {f}

prototype manufacturing; skunk works (department) Entwicklungsfertigung {f} (Abteilung) [econ.]

faculty; department [Am.]; school [listen] [listen] [listen] Fachbereich {m} [listen]

faculties; departments; schools Fachbereiche {pl}

head of department Fachobmann {m}

student representatives of a faculty/department Fachschaftsrat {m} [stud.]

Rolling Stock Department (railway) Fahrzeugabteilung {f}; Abteilung Fahrzeuge (Bahn)

faculty regulations [Br.]; faculty bylaws [Br.]; department bylaws [Am.] Fakultätsrecht {n} [stud.]

finance department; accounts department Finanzabteilung {f}; Finanzdirektion {f}

finance departments; accounts departments Finanzabteilungen {pl}

research department Forschungsabteilung {f}

research departments Forschungsabteilungen {pl}

Cemeteries Department; Cemetery Department Friedhofsamt {n}

lost luggage department Gepäckreklamation {f}

drinks department Getränkeabteilung {f}

Real Property Register; Land Registry (Office) [Br.]; Registry of Deeds [Am.]; Title Registration Office [Am.]; Department of the Registers of Scotland [Sc.] Grundbuchamt {n}; Katasteramt {n} [adm.]

Real Property Registers; Land Registries; Registries of Deeds; Title Registration Offices; Departments of the Registers of Scotland Grundbuchämter {pl}; Katasterämter {pl}

manuscript department (of a library) Handschriftenabteilung {f} (einer Bibliothek)

main department Hauptabteilung {f}

main departments Hauptabteilungen {pl}

theses department Hochschulschriftenstelle {f} [stud.]

ministry of justice; Department of Justice [Am.] Justizministerium {n}

ministries of justice Justizministerien {pl}

finance department Kämmerei {f}

finance departments Kämmereien {pl}

estimating department Kalkulationsabteilung {f}

estimating departments Kalkulationsabteilungen {pl}

shopwalker [Br.]; floorwalker [Am.] (supervisor in a department store) Kaufhausaufsicht {f} (Aufsichts- und Auskunftsperson) [econ.] [hist.]

children's department Kinderabteilung {f}

copy-editing department; proof-reading department Korrektorat {n} (Verlag) [print]

copy-editing departments; proof-reading departments Korrektorate {pl}

vehicle registration office; department of motor vehicles /DMV/ [Am.] Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstelle {f}; Kfz-Zulassungsstelle {f} [auto]

vehicle registration offices; departments of motor vehicles Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstellen {pl}; Kfz-Zulassungsstellen {pl}

creative department (advertising) Kreativabteilung {f} (Werbung)

creative departments Kreativabteilungen {pl}

credit department Kreditabteilung {f}

credit departments Kreditabteilungen {pl}

letter of credit department (at a bank) Kreditbriefabteilung {f}; Akkreditivabteilung {f} (in einer Bank) [fin.]

culinary department Küchenabteilung {f} [econ.]

culinary departments Küchenabteilungen {pl}

customer services department Kundendienstabteilung {f} [econ.]

haberdashery department [Br.]; dry goods department [Am.]; notions department [Am.] Kurzwarenabteilung {f}; Mercerieabteilung {f} [Schw.] (Nähzubehör) [textil.]

environmental health department Landesgesundheitsministerium {n} [Dt.]; Sanitätsdirektion {f} [Ös.] [Schw.]; Sanitätsdepartement {n} [Schw.]

United States Department of Agriculture /USDA/ US-Landwirtschaftsministerium {n}

food department Lebensmittelabteilung {f}

food departments Lebensmittelabteilungen {pl}

editorial department; editorial staff Lektorat {n} (Verlag)

emergency department for ambulance and helicopter arrivals (at a hospital) Liegendnotaufnahmestation {f} (eines Krankenhauses) [med.]

Estate and Rating Surveyor's Department (railway) Liegenschaftsdienst {m}; Grundverwaltungsdienst {m}; Grundbuchsekretariat {n} [Schw.] (Bahn)

payroll department; payroll [coll.] (company department) [listen] Lohnbuchhaltung {f} (Firmenabteilung) [econ.]

marketing department Marketingabteilung {f}

chief marketing officer /CMO/ Leiter {m} / Leiterin {f} der Marketingabteilung; Merketingchef {m}

materials management department Materialstelle {f}; Materialverwaltung {f}; Betriebsmittelverwaltung {f}; Ökonomat {n} [Schw.] [Südtirol] [adm.] [econ.]

installation department Montageleitung {f}

Accident and Emergency; A+E unit [Br.]; casuality department [Br.]; Casuality [Br.]; emergency medical treatment room; emergency room [Am.] /e.r./ /ER/ Notaufnahmestelle {f}; Notfallaufnahme {f} [ugs.]; Notaufnahme {f} [ugs.]; Notfallstation {f}; Rettungsstelle {f} (im Krankenhaus) [med.]

Accident and Emergencies; A+E units; casuality departments; Casualities; emergency medical treatment rooms; emergency room /ER/s Notaufnahmestellen {pl}; Notfallaufnahmen {pl}; Notaufnahmen {pl}; Notfallstationen {pl}; Rettungsstellen {pl}

permanent way department (railway) Oberbaudienst {m} (Bahn)

chief civil permanent way engineer; chief civil engineer; engineer maintenance of way [Am.] (railway) Leiter des Oberbaudienstes; Chef der Bauabteilung [Schw.]; Oberingenieur [Schw.] (Bahn) {m}

coordination department; organization department Organisationsabteilung {f}

coordination departments; organization departments Organisationsabteilungen {pl}

ear, nose and throat department; ENT department Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenabteilung {f}; HNO-Abteilung {f} [med.]

pathology department Pathologie {f}; pathologische Abteilung [med.] ()

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