Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

surveyor's compass; circumferentor (surveying) Vermessungskompass {m}; Zirkumferentor {m} (Vermessungswesen)

yardstick; staff; measuring rod; measuring staff; surveyor's rod; ranging rod; range pole [listen] Messlatte {f}; Meßlatte {f} [alt]

yardsticks; staffs; measuring rods; measuring staffs; surveyor's rods; ranging rods; range poles Messlatten {pl}; Meßlatten {pl}

folding measuring rod Reisemesslatte {f}

to raise the bar [fig.] die Messlatte höher legen [übtr.]

building control authority; local authority building control department [Br.]; building surveyors department [Br.]; county building department [Am.]; district surveyor's office [Am.]; building occupancy and construction authority /BOCA/ [Am.] Bauaufsichtsbehörde {f}; Baurechtsbehörde {f}; Baurechtsamt {n} [Dt.]; Bauordnungsamt {n} [Dt.]; Baupolizeiamt {n} [Ös.] [Schw.]

building control authorities; local authority building control departments; building surveyors departments; county building departments; district surveyor's offices; building occupancy and construction autorities Bauaufsichtsbehörden {pl}; Baurechtsbehörden {pl}; Baurechtsämter {pl}; Bauordnungsämter {pl}; Baupolizeiämter {pl}

Estate and Rating Surveyor's Department (railway) Liegenschaftsdienst {m}; Grundverwaltungsdienst {m}; Grundbuchsekretariat {n} [Schw.] (Bahn)

miner's level; underground surveyor's level Markscheiderwaage {f} [min.]

plane-table; surveyor's table Messtisch {m}; Meßtisch {m} [alt]

plane-tables; surveyor's tables Messtische {pl}; Meßtische {pl}