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43 similar results for ugrani
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Similar words:
Alkali-Granit, Grand-Cayman-Amsel, Granit, Pirani-Manometer, Rapakiwi-Granit, Uran, Uran-Radium-Reihe, Uran-Trennarbeit, Uran-chlorid, Uran-...
Similar words:
gran, grand, grand-aunt, grand-aunts, grand-nephew, grand-nephews, grand-niece, grand-nieces, grand-sounding, grant, grant-aided, grant-in-aid, uran-mica

Abfalluran {n} (Kerntechnik) waste uranium; tails uranium (nuclear engineering)

Faserpapier {n} granite paper

Granitmarmor {m} marble-imitating granite

Granitpflaster {n} granite paving

Kalkuranglimmer {m}; Kalkuranit {m}; Autunit {m} [min.] lime uranite; calco-uranite; autunite

Kupferuranglimmer {m}; Kupferuranit {m}; Torbernit {m}; Chalkolith {m} [min.] copper uranite; torbernite; chalcolite

Pechblende {f} [min.] pitchblende; black blende; nasturan; uraninite

Triuranoktoxid {n} (U3O8); Triuranoctoxid {n}; Uran(IV,VI)-oxid {n} [chem.] uranous-uranic oxide

Urananreicherung {f} (Kerntechnik) uranium enrichment (nuclear engineering)

Urankernspaltung {f}; Uranspaltung {f} (Kerntechnik) uranium fission (nuclear engineering)

Uran-Radium-Reihe {f}; Uranreihe {f} [chem.] uranides

Uransäure {f} [chem.] uranic acid

abgereichert {adj} (Uran) depleted (uranium) [listen]

samenfressend {adj} [zool.] granivorous

uranhaltig; uranhältig [Ös.] {adj} [min.] uranium-bearing; uraniferous

Alkali-Granit {m} [min.] alkali granite

Autunit {m} [min.] autunite; lime uranite

Granitgneis {m} [min.] granite-gneiss

granitisch {adj} [min.] granitic; granitlike

Granitisierung {f} [min.] granitization; granitification

Granittektonik {f} [geol.] granite tectonics

ophitisch {adj} [min.] ophitic; granitotrychytic

Rapakiwi-Granit {m} [min.] rapakivi

Schriftgranit {m}; Runit {m} [min.] graphic granite; Hebraic granite; runite

Uraninit {m} [min.] uraninite; pitchblende

Zweiglimmergranit {m} [min.] two-mica granite

Abbau {m}; Gewinnung {f}; Förderung {f} (von etw.) [min.] [listen] [listen] mining; winning extraction; winning; extracting; extraction; recovery (of sth.) [listen] [listen] [listen]

Braunkohleabbau {m} lignite mining

Etagenabbau {m}; Etagenbau {m}; Scheibenabbau {m}; Scheibenbau {m} sublevel stoping

Firstenabbau {m}; Firstenbau {m} overhand stoping; overhead stoping; stopting in the back

Großraumförderung {f} large-volume extraction

Kohleabbau {m} coal mining

maschineller Abbau mechanized mining

Rohstoffgewinnung {f} extraction of raw materials

Strossenabbau {m}; Strossenbau {m} benching; benching work(ing); working in descending steps; underhand stoping

Abbau seltener Erden rare earths mining

die Förderung von Kohle the extraction of coal

die Gewinnung von Mineralien the recovery of minerals

Abbau des Flözes in voller Mächtigkeit full-seam extraction

Abbau im Ausbiss einer Lagerstätte level free workings

Abbau in regelmäßigen Abständen open stope with pillar

Abbau von Uran; Uranabbau {m} uranium mining

Abbau mit Bergversatz; Abbau mit Versatz mining with backfilling

Abbau mit Druckwasser hydraulic mining

Abbau mit Schappe auger mining

Abbau unter Tage underground stoping

stufenweiser Abbau benching work(ing)

völliger Abbau exhaustion [listen]

vollständiger Abbau complete extraction

vom Ausstrich ansetzender Abbau patching

Auslaugen {n}; Auslaugung {f}; Auswaschen {n} (von etw.) leaching; leach (of sth.)

Säureauslaugung {f} (Kerntechnik) acid leach (nuclear engineering)

Uranium-Auslaugung {f} (Kerntechnik) uranium leaching (nuclear engineering)

Granit {m} [min.] granite

auf Granit beißen [übtr.] to bang your head against a brick wall [fig.]

Da beisst du auf Granit. [übtr.] It is like pouring water on a duck's back. [fig.]

in Granit umwandeln {vt} [geol.] to granitize

in Granit umwandelnd granitizing

in Granit umgewandelt granitized

Granitsäule {f} granite column; granite pillar

Granitsäulen {pl} granite columns; granite pillars

Munition {f} [mil.] ammunition; ammo [coll.] [listen]

Atommunition {f} nuclear ammunition

Blindmunition {f}; Übungsmunition {f} blank ammunition

Brisanzmunition {f} H.E. ammunition

Gewehrmunition {f} rifle ammunition

Großkalibermunition {f}; Zentralfeuermunition {f} large-bore ammunition; centre-fire ammunition [Br.]; center fire ammunition [Am.]

Handelsmunition {f} commercial ammunition

intelligente Munition intelligent ammunition; smart munition

Jagdmunition {f} hunting ammunition

Kartuschenmunition {f} separate ammunition

Kernmunition {f}; panzerbrechende Munition armour-piercing ammunition

Kleinkalibermunition {f} rimfire ammunition

Leuchtspurmunition {f}; Leuchtspurgeschosse {pl} tracer ammunition

Munition mit Zielführung über Satellitennavigation; JDAM-Munition joint direct attack munition; JDAM ammunition

Panzerabwehrmunition {f} anti-tank ammunition

Panzermunition {f} tank ammunition

Schwermetall-Munition {f} heavy-metal ammunition

Streumunition {f} cluster munition

uranhaltige Munition depleted-uranium ammunition; DU ammunition; uranium ammo [coll.]

Vollmantelmunition {f} full metal jacket ammunition

Vollmunition {f} ball ammunition

mit scharfer Munition live-fire [Am.]

jdm. Munition (für Kritik, Vorwürfe usw.) liefern to provide sb. with ammunition (for criticism, allegations etc.) [fig.]

Pflasterstein {m} [constr.] paving stone; paving block, paving unit; paving slab [Br.]; paviour [Br.]; paver [Am.]

Pflastersteine {pl} paving stones; paving block, paving units; paving slabs; paviours; pavers

Großpflasterstein {m} (aus Granit oder Beton) large-sized paving stone; Belgian block paver [Am.] (of granite or concrete)

Betongroßpflasterstein {m}; Betonstein {m} large-sized concrete paving stone; large-sized concrete paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; large-sized concrete pavestone [Am.]; large-sized concrete paver [Am.]

Betonpflasterstein {m}; Betonstein {m}; Gehwegplatte {f} aus Beton concrete paving stone with exposed crushed basalt; concrete sett with exposed crushed basalt [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; concrete paver with exposed crushed basalt [Am.]

Betonpflasterstein {m} ohne Verbundwirkung standard (non-interlocking) concrete paving block; standard (non-interlocking) concrete paver [Am.]

Betonpflasterstein {m} mit Basaltsplittvorsatz; Betonstein {m} mit Basaltsplittvorsatz concrete paving stone with exposed crushed basalt; concrete sett with exposed crushed basalt [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; concrete paver with exposed crushed basalt [Am.]

Betonpflasterstein {m} mit Verschleißvorsatz; Betonschwerlastpflasterstein {m} concrete paving stone with hard-wearing surface layer [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; concrete paver with protective coating [Am.]

Betonpflasterstein ohne Natursteinvorsatz; Betonstein ohne Natursteinvorsatz standard concrete paving block without exposed aggregate

Betonpflasterstein mit Natursteinvorsatz; Betonstein mit Natursteinvorsatz exposed aggregate paving block; exposed aggregate paving unit; paver with exposed aggregate [Am.]

eingefärbter Betonpflasterstein; eingefärbter Betonstein; eingefärbte Betonplatte coloured paving stone [Br.]; coloured paving block [Br.]; tinted concrete paver [Am.]

Granitgroßpflasterstein {m}; Kopfstein {m}; Katzenkopf {m} [ugs.] large-sized natural paving stone; large-sized granite sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; large-sized natural pavestone [Am.]; large-sized cobblestone [Am.]; jumbo cobblestone [Am.]

Kleinpflasterstein {m} small paving stone; small paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; cube [Br.] [coll.]; small stone paver [Am.] [listen]

Mosaikpflasterstein {m} mosaic paving stone; mosaic paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; mosaic paver [Am.]

Naturpflasterstein {m}; Pflasterstein aus Naturstein natural stone sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; random sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; cobblestone [Am.]; cobble [Am.]

Quaderpflasterstein {m}; rechteckiger Pflasterstein {m} (aus Sandstein oder Granit) paving set; paving sett [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ] (of sandstone or granite)

Verbundpflasterstein {m} (aus Beton); Verbundbetonstein {m} interlocking (concrete) paving block; interlocking (concrete) paving unit; interlocking (concrete) paver [Am.]

Pflastersteine in Mörtel verlegen; in Mörtel pflastern; in Mörtel pflästern [Schw.] to lay setts on mortar [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; to lay pavers on mortar [Am.]

Pflastersteine in Sand verlegen; in Sand pflastern; in Sand pflästern [Schw.] to lay setts on sand [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; to lay pavers on sand [Am.]

Pflastersteine ins Gefälle verlegen to lay setts to falls [Br.] [Austr.] [NZ]; to lay pavers to slope [Am.]

Porphyr {m} [geol.] porphyry

Granitporphyr {m} granite porphyry

Quarzporphyr {m} quartz porphyry

Reaktor {m} [techn.] reactor

Reaktoren {pl} reactors

Druckwasserreaktor {m} /DWR/ pressurized water reactor /PWR/

Kernfusionsreaktor {m} thermonuclear reactor; nuclear fusion reactor

Natururanreaktor {m} natural-uranium-fuelled reactor

Siedereaktor {m} boiling reactor

schneller Reaktor fast neutron reactor; fast reactor

Thermoreaktor {m} thermal reactor; thermoreactor

einen Reaktor hochfahren to start up a reactor

einen Reaktor herunterfahren to shut down a reactor

angereicherter Reaktor enriched reactor

berylliummoderierter Reaktor beryllium-moderated reactor

chemischer Reaktor chemical reactor

gasgekühlter Reaktor gas-cooled reactor

katalytischer Reaktor catalytic reactor

kernchemischer Reaktor; Chemiereaktor {m} chemonuclear reactor

stickstoffgekühlter Reaktor nitrogen-cooled reactor

Bestrahlungsversuch {m} im Reaktor in-pile test

Reaktor mit geteiltem Kühlmittelfluss split flow reactor

Uran-(IV)... [chem.] uranous; uranium(IV)...

Uran(IV)-chlorid {n}; Uranchlorid {n} uranous chloride; uranium (IV) chloride

Urananreicherungsanlage {f} /UAA/ (Kerntechnik) uranium enrichment facility /UEF/; uranium enrichment plant (nuclear engineering)

Urananreicherungsanlagen {pl} uranium enrichment facilities; uranium enrichment plants

Uranaufbereitungsanlage {f} (Kerntechnik) uranium processing plant/facility (nuclear engineering)

Uranaufbereitungsanlagen {pl} uranium processing plants/facilities

Uranbrüter {m} (Kernreaktor) uranium breeder (nuclear reactor)

Uranbrüter {pl} uranium breeders

Uranreaktor {m} (Kerntechnik) uranium reactor (nuclear engineering)

Uranreaktoren {pl} uranium reactors

Uranstab {m} (Kerntechnik) uranium rod; uranium bar (nuclear engineering)

Uranstäbe {pl} uranium rods; uranium bars

waffenfähig; waffentauglich {adj} [mil.] weapons-grade

waffenfähiges Plutonium / Uran weapons-grade plutonium / uranium

Uran {n} /U/ [chem.] uranium

angereichertes Uran enriched uranium

natürliches Uran; Natururan {n} natural uranium

waffenfähiges Uran weapons-grade uranium
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