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253 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Houma
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
A-Holm, Dogma, Doula, Gouda, Hausa, Holla, Holm, Holme, Home-Office, Homo, Homo-Ehe, House, House-Musik, Huia, Hula-Hoop-Reifen, Hump-Felge, Hump-Ledge-Kontur, Koma, Komma, Noumea, Oma
Ähnliche Wörter:
Gouda, Hausa, Hum-Vee, Norma, Noumea, ampere-hour, ampere-hours, bouba, coffee--house, coma, comma, court-house, dogma, doula, down-home, eco--house, eight-hour, flaying-house, flower-of-an-hour, flower-of-the-hour, herma

Anthropogenese {f}; Menschwerdung {f}; Evolution {f} des Menschen anthropogenesis; anthropogeny; human evolution

Anthropophobie {f}; Menschenangst {f} anthropophobia; fear of human beings

Anthropophyten {pl} (vom Menschen verbreitete Pflanzen) [bot.] anthropophytes (plants distributed by humans)

Anthropozoen {pl} (vom Menschen verbreitete Tiere) [zool.] animals distributed by humans

Arbeitswissenschaft {f}; Arbeitswissenschaften {pl}; Anthropotechnik {f} [sci.] human factors and ergonomics; human factors; human engineering; biotechnology; biological engineering

Ausbildung {f} menschlichen Lebens; Hominisation {f}; Anthropogenese {f}; Anthropogenie {f} [selten] (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] development of human life; hominization; hominisation [Br.]; anthropogenesis; anthropogeny [rare] (evolutionary biology)

CAPTCHA (Abfragetest, mit dem automatisierte Robot-Eingaben im Internet verhindert und nur menschliche Eingaben zugelassen werden) [comp.] CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart)

Cumarsäure {f} [chem.] coumaric acid

Daseinsverabsolutierung {f} [phil.] exaltation of human existence

Europäische Menschenrechtskommission European Commission on Human Rights

Geisteswissenschafter {m} [Ös.] [Schw.] academic; liberal arts scholar; humanities scholar [anhören]

Geschichtlichkeit {f} (der menschlichen Existenz) [phil.] historicality (of human existence)

Gesundheitsminister {m}; Gesundheitsministerin {f}; Bundesminister {m} für Gesundheit [Dt.] [Ös.] [adm.] [pol.] minister for public health; minister of health; Secretary of State for Health [Br.]; Health Secretary [Br.]; Secretary of Health and Human Services [Am.]

Gesundheitsministerium {n} [pol.] Department of Health [Br.]; Department of Health and Human Services [Am.]; Ministry of Health

die Heilsgeschichte (Abfolge göttlicher Eingriffe in die Menschheitsgeschichte) {f} [relig.] salvation history (succession of divine interventions in human history)

kombinierte Heumaschine {f} [agr.] combined side delivery rake and swath turner

Heureuter {m}; Heureiter {m}; Heubock {m}; Heumanderl {n} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Heinze {f} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Triste {f} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [Schw.]; Stanker {m} [Tirol]; Stiefler {m} [Südtirol] [agr.] [hist.] rickstand

Hohmann-Bahn {f} (Raumfahrt) direct orbit (astronautics)

Holmauskreuzung {f} [aviat.] antidrag wires

Humanisierung {f} humanization; humanisation [Br.]

Humanismus {m} humanism

Humangenom {n}; menschliche Genstruktur {f} [biol.] human genome

Humangenomprojekt {n}; Forschungsprojekt zur Entschlüsselung der menschlichen Genstruktur [biochem.] human genome project

Humanität {f}; Menschlichkeit {f}; Mitmenschlichkeit {f} humanity [anhören]

Humanität {f} humaneness

Humanklimatisierung {f} comfort air-conditioning

Humanmedizin {f} (human) medicine [anhören]

Humanwissenschaften {pl} [sci.] [stud.] human sciences

Immission {f}; schädliche Einwirkung {f} von Emissionen auf Mensch und Umwelt [envir.] pollution input; pollution impact; detrimental impact of emissions on humans or the environment; immission [rare]

Index der menschlichen Entwicklung Human Development Index /HDI/

Insektenesser {m}; Entomophag {m} (Mensch) [cook.] (human) insect-eater; entomophagist

Kichererbsen-Paste {f} [cook.] hummus; humus; hommos; hoummos; humous

Klarschriftzeichen {n} human readable character

künstliche Körpertemperaturerhöhung {f}; künstliches Fieber {n}; Hyperthermie {f} [med.] artificial elevation of human body temperature; hyperthermia

Kontaktarmut {f} [soc.] lack of human contact; social withdrawal

humanes Choriongonadotropin {n} [biochem.] human chorionic gonadotropin /hCG/

humanes Menopausengonadotropin {f} /HMG/ [biochem.] urogonadotropin

vom Menschen verursacht; durch den Menschen beeinflusst; menschengemacht; anthropogen {adj} [envir.] caused by human action; man-made; man-developed; human-induced; anthropogenic

Menschenfleisch {n} human flesh

Menschenfreundlichkeit {f}; humanitäre Gesinnung {f} humanitarianism

Menschenhandel {m} (Straftatbestand) [jur.] human trafficking; trafficking in persons; trafficking in human beings (criminal offence)

Menschenläuse {pl} (Pediculidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] human lice (zoological family)

Menschenmaterial {n} [pej.] human material

Menschenkenntnis {f} knowledge of human nature; insight into human nature

Menschenliebe {f} human kindness; human love

Menschenopfer {n} human sacrifice

Menschenrechtsbewegung {f} human rights movement

krankhafte Menschenscheu {f}; Sozialphobie {f}; Anthropophobie {f} [psych.] fear of humans; fear of people; anthropophobia

Menschenwürde {f} dignity of man; human dignity

Menschheitsgeschichte {f} history of humanity

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