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196 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Bella
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Bello, Cella, Jelly-Belly-Bohne, Jelly-Belly-Bohnen, bellt
Ähnliche Wörter:
bell, bell-bottoms, bell-ringer, bell-shaped, belle, bells, belly, belly-flop, belly-land, bulla, cella, dumb-!-bell, fella, yellow-belly

Abstimmungsglocke {f} (im britischen Unterhaus) division bell (in the House of Commons) [Br.]

Aktivierungsübung {f} (zu Beginn des Unterrichts) warm-up activity; bell-ringer [coll.]

Altarschellen {pl}; Schellen {pl} [relig.] altar bells

Bauch {m} (Glas) [anhören] belly; waist (glass) [anhören] [anhören]

Bauchbinde {f} belly band

Bauchnabel {m}; Nabel {m} [anat.] navel; umbilicus [med.]; belly button [coll.]; tummy button [coll.]

Bauchschmerzen {pl}; Bauchschmerz {m}; Leibschmerzen {pl}; Bauchweh {n} [ugs.] [med.] abdominal pain; belly ache; tummy ache [coll.]; abdominalgia [med.]

Bauchspeck {m}; Bauchfleisch {n} [cook.] belly of pork

Bauchtanz {m}; Bauchtanzen {n} belly dance; belly dancing

Befüllglocke {f} (Reifenmontage) [techn.] inflation bell (tyre/tire fitting)

Bell'sches Raumschiffparadoxon {n} [phys.] Bell's spaceship paradox

Bierbauch {m}; Schmerbauch {m} [humor.]; Embonpoint {m} [humor.]; Mollenfriedhof {m} [Berlin] [humor.]; Backhendlfriedhof/Hendlfriedhof {m} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [humor.]; Güggelifriedhof {m} [Schw.] [humor.] [ugs.] [anat.] beer belly; beer gut

Blasenschnecken {pl} (Bulla) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] bubble snails (zoological genus)

Chinesische Laternenlilie {f}; Chinalaterne {f}; Goldglöckchen {n}; Weihnachtsglöckchen {n} (Sandersonia aurantiaca) [bot.] Chinese lantern lily; Chinese lantern bulb; golden lily of the valley; Christmas bells

Dreibinder {m} (Kinematik) [phys.] ternary link; bell crank (cinematics)

Elefantenglocken {pl} [mus.] Indian bells

Farbkätzchenstrauch {m} (Dichrostachys cinerea) [bot.] sicklebush; Chinese lantern tree; bell mimosa

Gelbe Trompetenblume {f}; Gelber Trompetenbaum {m}; Gelber Trompetenstrauch {m} (Tecoma stans) yellow trumpetbush; yellow bells; yellow elder; ginger-thomas

Gichtglocke {f}; untere Glocke {f}; Unterglocke {f}; große Glocke {f} (Metallurgie) [techn.] bottom bell (metallurgy)

Glockenanker {m} [electr.] bell-type armature

Glockeneinbau {m} (Kupplung) [techn.] bell-house mounting (coupling)

Glockengehäuse {n} (einer Kupplung) [techn.] bell housing (of a coupling)

Glockengießen {n}; Glockenguss {m} (Vorgang) bell founding

Glockengut {n}; Glockenspeise {f}; Glockenbronze {f}; Glockenmetall {n} bell metal

Glockenhaube {f} upper vase of a bell

Glockenkörper {m}; Glockenschweifung {f} body of a/the bell

Glockenkunde {f}; Campanologie {f}; Kampanologie {f} study of bells; campanology

Glockenläuten {n}; Glockengeläute {n}; Geläut {n} peal; ringing of a bell

Glockenprofil {n} (Walzwerk) bell-shaped profile (rolling mill)

Glockenrebe {f}; Krallenwinde {f} (Cobaea scandens) [bot.] cup-and-saucer vine; cathedral bells

Glockenschale {f} [electr.] bell dome

Glockenverschluss {m}; Glockenverschluß {m} [mach.] bell closure

Glockenzapfen {m}; Glockenkrone {f}; Glockenhenkel {m} car of a/the bell; canon of a/the bell; crown of a/the bell

Glockenzählwerk {n} (am Mengenzähler) bell item counter

Glockenzentriervorrichtung {f} (Walzwerk) [techn.] bell centre punch (rolling mill)

Glöckchen (Fee in "Peter Pan") Tinker Bell; Tinkerbell (fairy in 'Peter Pan')

Goldbecherzeit {f}; Goldbecherperiode {f} [hist.] bell beaker period

Goldbecherkultur {f} [hist.] bell beaker culture

Kesselfleisch {n}; Wellfleisch {n} [cook.] boiled pork belly

Liebesfuß {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.] pear-shaped bell (wind instrument)

Messglöckchen {n}; Messklingeln {pl} [mus.] sanctus bells

Mixglocke {f} (eines Pürierstabs) blade bell (of a stick blender)

Nabelschnur {f} [anat.] umbilical cord; umbilical chord [rare]; belly stalk; abdominal stalk; funis

Naos {m}; Cella {f} (Innenraum eines griechischen Tempels) [arch.] naos; cella

Normalverteilung {f} der Noten; an der Normverteilung orientierte Benotung {f}; Benotung {f} nach der Gauß'schen Glockenkurve [school] [stud.] bell curving; marking on a curve [Br.]; grading on a curve [Am.]

Paprikakerne {pl} [bot.] bell pepper seeds

Pleite machen; pleitegehen; koppheister gehen [Norddt.]; eingehen [ugs.]; untergehen [ugs.] {vi} [econ.] [anhören] [anhören] to go bust; to go broke; to go bump; to go under; to go to the wall; to go belly up; to smash [dated] [coll.] [anhören]

Röhrenglocken {pl} [mus.] tubular bells; chimes

Sanduhrgeschwulst {f} [med.] hourglass tumour; dumb bell bumour

Schachblumen {pl} (Fritillaria) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] mission bells; fritillaries (botanical genus)

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