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207 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Kerms
Tipp: Umlaute: Es ist gleich, ob ä oder ae eingegeben wird.

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Am-Wind-Kurs, Berme, Ems, Erste-Hilfe-Kurs, Fermi, Fermi-Alter, Fermi-Alter-Gleichung, Fermi-Diagramm, Fermi-Dirac-Sommerfeld-Geschwindigkeitsverteilungsgesetz, Fermi-Dirac-Statistik, Fermi-Dirac-Verteilung, Fermi-Energie, Fermi-Fläche, Fermi-Funktion, Fermi-Gas, Fermi-Grenze, Fermi-Kante, Fermi-Konstante, Fermi-Niveau, Fermi-Resonanz, Fermi-Statistik
Ähnliche Wörter:
germs, kerbs, kerfs, kermis, perms, terms

Abonnementsbedingungen {pl} terms of subscription

Angebotsbedingungen {pl} (öffentliche Ausschreibung) bid terms (call for tenders)

Arbeitsbedingungen {pl} terms of service

Aufnahmebedingungen {pl} terms of admission

Ausgabebedingungen {pl}; Begebungsbedingungen {pl}; Emissionsbedingungen {pl} (Börse) [fin.] offering terms (stock exchange)

Benutzungsbedingungen {pl} terms of usage

Darlehensbedingungen {pl} terms of a loan

Erregerpersistenz {f} [biol.] [med.] persistence of pathogenic germs; persistence of pathogens

Finanzierungsmodalitäten {pl} [fin.] financing terms

Frankatur {f} terms of delivery; delivery terms

Friedensbedingungen {pl} [pol.] conditions of peace; peace terms

Garantiebedingungen {pl}; Gewährleistungsbedingungen {pl} terms of warranty; warranty conditions; warranty terms

Gewinnschwellenabsatzmenge {f}; Gewinnschwellenmenge {f}; Nutzschwellenmenge {f} [econ.] break-even sales volume; break-even volume; break-even units; break-even point in terms of units sold

Jägersprache {f}; Jagdjargon {m} [ling.] hunting parlance; hunting jargon; hunting terms

Kaufbedingungen {pl} terms of purchase

Kirchweihfest {n}; Kirchweih {f} [Süddt.] [Westös.]; Kirmes {f} [Mitteldt.]; Kirmse {f} [Ostdt.]; Messe {f} [BW] [Schw.]; Dult {f} [Bayr.] [Salzburg]; Kirchtag {m} [Bayr.] [Westös.]; Kirta {m} [Bayr.] [Südostös.]; Kirtag {m} [Ös.]; Kilbi {f} [BW] [Vorarlberg] [Schw.]; Kirbe [BW]; Chilbi {f} [Schw.] [soc.] [anhören] church festival; church fair; church jamboree [Br.]; kermis [Am.]

Konditionenbindung {f} [fin.] commitment to fixed terms

Konditionsanpassung {f}; Konditionenanpassung {f} adjustment of terms; condition adjustment

Konditionsgestaltung {f}; Konditionengestaltung {f} arrangement of terms

Konnossementsbedingungen {pl} [transp.] [adm.] terms of the bill of lading

Kostendenken {n} thinking in terms of cost

Kreditbriefbedingungen {pl}; Akkreditivbedingungen {pl} [fin.] terms and conditions of a/the letter of credit, terms of a/the letter of credit; credit terms

Lieferbedingungen {pl} (der ICC); internationale Handelsbedingungen der ICC Incoterms; international commercial terms

Mietbedingungen {pl} terms of hire

Nettoaustauschverhältnis {n} (Außenwirtschaft) [econ.] net barter terms of trade (foreign trade and payments)

in der Praxis; praktisch gesehen, praktisch {adv} in practice; in practical terms

etw. auf Raten kaufen; etw. auf Teilzahlung kaufen [geh.] {vt} to buy sth. on hire purchase [Br.] / on H.P. [Br.]; to buy sth. on the installment plan/system [Am.] / on a deferred payment plan [Am.] / on a deferred payment basis [Am.] / on a time payment plan [Am.] / on deferred terms [Am.]; to buy sth. on the never-never [Br.] [coll.]

Schwarz-Weiß-Malerei {f} [übtr.] black and white thinking; seeing things in black and white; speaking in black and white terms

im Sinne von etw. (einem Situationszusammenhang) in terms of sth (a matrix)

Stichwortbildung {f} extraction of terms

Teilzahlungsbedingungen {pl}; Abzahlungsbedingungen {pl} [fin.] hire-purchase terms [Br.]; installment terms [Am.]

Tilgungsbedingungen {pl} [fin.] terms of redemption; terms of amortization

Transportbedingungen {pl} terms of transport; terms of conveyance

Überstrich {m} (oberhalb von zusammenhörigen Ausdrücken) [math.] [print] vinculum (line drawn over a group of terms)

unter gar keinen Umständen not on any terms

Vergangenheitsbewältigung {f} [pol.] [psych.] (process of) facing up to and coming to terms with the past

Verkaufsbedingungen {pl} sales terms; sales conditions

Versicherungsbedingungen {pl} insurance conditions; terms of the policy

Vertragsinhalt {m} subject matter of contract; subject terms of contract

Weizenkeime {pl} [cook.] wheat germs

Zahlungserleichterung {f} deferred terms available

akkreditivgemäß {adv} [fin.] in accordance with the terms of the credit

arbeitsmarktpolitisch {adj} [pol.] in terms of labour market policy

bildungspolitisch {adj} [pol.] education policy; educational policy (prepositive); of educational policy; in terms of education policy; related to educational policy (postpositive)

demokratiepolitisch {adv} [pol.] from a democratic perspective; in terms of democratic policy

energiepolitisch {adj} [pol.] energy policy (prepositive); of energy policy; in terms of energy policy; related to energy policy (postpositive)

entwicklungspolitisch {adj} [pol.] development policy (prepositive); in terms of development policy; related to development policy (postpositive)

flüchtig bekannt on bowing terms

grob gesprochen; grosso modo {adv} in very broad terms

hochschulpolitisch {adj} [pol.] higher education policy (prepositive); of higher education policy; in terms of higher education policy; related to higher education policy (postpositive)

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