Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

membrane; thin skin Häutchen {n}

membranes; thin skins Häutchen {pl}

membrane; diaphragm [listen] Membran {f}; Membrane {f}

membranes; diaphragms Membranen {pl}

membrane transport (transport of substances across a biological membrane) Membrantransport {m} (Stofftransport durch eine biologische Membran) [biochem.]

active membrane transport aktiver Membrantransport

passive membrane transport passiver Membrantransport

membrane wall Flossenrohrwand {f} [mach.]

membrane cover; diaphragm cover Membranabdeckung {f}

membrane covers; diaphragm covers Membranabdeckungen {pl}

membrane ventilation Membranbelüfter {m}

membrane ventilations Membranbelüfter {pl}

membrane bleb (of a cell) Membranbläschen {n} (Zelle) [biol.]

membrane blebs Membranbläschen {pl}

membrane degasser Membranentgaser {m}

membrane degassers Membranentgaser {pl}

membrane filter Membranfilter {m}

membrane filters Membranfilter {pl}

membrane stress Membranspannung {f}

membrane state of stress Membranspannungszustand {m}

membrane theory of shells; theory of shells; membrane theory Schalentheorie {f} [constr.]

mucous membrane; mucosa Schleimhaut {f}; Mukosa {f} [anat.]

intestinal mucous membrane; intestinal mucosa Darmschleimhaut {f}

labial mucosa Lippenschleimhaut {f}

pulmonary mucous membrane; pulmonary mucosa Lungenschleimhaut {f}

cell wall; cell membrane; cellular membrane; cytoplasmic membrane; plasma membrane Zellwand {f}; Zellgrenzschicht {f}; Zellmembran(e) {f}; Zytoplasmamembran(e) {f}; Zytomembran(e) {f}; Plasmamembran(e) {f}; Plasmalemma {n} [biol.]

cell walls; cell membranes; cellular membranes; cytoplasmic membranes; plasma membranes Zellwände {pl}; Zellgrenzschichten {pl}; Zellmembranen {pl}; Zytoplasmamembranen {pl}; Zytomembranen {pl}; Plasmamembranen {pl}; Plasmalemmata {pl}

fungal cell wall Pilzzellwand {f}

arachnoid membrane Arachnoidea {f} [anat.]

respiratory mucous membrane Atemwegsschleimhaut {f}; Atemwegschleimhaut {f}; Luftwegschleimhaut {f} [anat.]

basilar membrane Basilarmembran {n} [anat.]

roof membrane; roof coating Dachhaut {f}; Dachbelag {m}

decidual membrane; deciduous membrane Dezidualmembran {f} [med.]

cement grout; grout for membrane walls Dichtwandmasse {f}; Schmalwandmasse {f} [constr.]

embryonic membrane Eihülle {f} [biol.]

emulsion membrane Emulsionshaut {f}

transparency keyboard; membrane keypad; membrane keyboard Folientastatur {f} [comp.]

synovitis; inflammation of the synovial membrane Gelenkinnenhautentzündung {f}; Synovitis {f} [med.]

synovium; synovialis; synovial joint membrane; synovial membrane Gelenkschleimhaut {f}; Gelenkhaut {f}; Synovialmembran {f} [anat.]

glass membrane Glasmembran {f}

glass membranes Glasmembranen {pl}

basal membrane; basal lamina Grenzmembran {f}; Basalmembran {f} [anat.]

basal membranes; basal laminas Grenzmembranen {pl}; Basalmembranen {pl}

ion exchange membrane Ionenaustauschmembran {f} [chem.]

ion-exchange membranes Ionenaustauschmembranen {pl}

maidenhead; hymen; virginal membrane Jungfernhäutchen {n}; Hymen {n} [anat.]

cricothyroid ligament; cricothyroid membrane Ligamentum Conicum {n}; Ligamentum Cricothyroideum {n} [anat.]

medullary membrane Markmembran {f} [anat.]

mucous membrane of the oral cavity Mundschleimhaut {f} [anat.]

nictitating membrane; haw; third eyelid [coll.] Nickhaut {f}; drittes Augenlid {n} [ugs.] [anat.] [zool.]

plastic membrane Plastikhaut {f}; Plastikmembran {f}

acoustic membrane (audio) Schwingungsmembran {f}; Oszillationsmembran {f} (Audio)

acoustic membranes Schwingungsmembranen {pl}; Oszillationsmembranen {pl}

synaptic membrane; synapse membrane; synaptolemma Synapsenmembran {f} [anat.]

tar membrane Teerisolierhaut {f}

eardrum; tympanic membrane Trommelfell {n} [anat.]

tooth root membrane; root membrane; periodontal ligament; odontoperiosteum; pericementum Zahnwurzelhaut {f}; Wurzelhaut {f}; Periodontium {n}; Perizementum {n} [med.]

nuclear-investing membrane; nuclear membrane; nuclear envelope; nucleolemma; karyotheca Zellkernmembran {f}; Kernmembran {f}; Kernmembrane {f}; Zellkernhülle {f}; Kernhülle {f} [biol.]

cell membrane function Zellmembranfunktion {f} [biol.]

two-layer membrane Zweischichtfolie {f}

extracorporeal life support /ECLS/; extracorporeal membrane oxygenation /ECMO/ extrakorporale Lungenunterstützung {f} /ECLA/; extrakorporale Membranoxygenierung {f} /ECMO/ [med.]

sealing membrane Dichtbahn {f} [constr.]

maidenhead; hymen; virginal membrane Jungfernhäutchen {n}; Hymen {n} [biol.]

MEA (membrane electrode assembly) MEA {f} (Elektrode-Membran-Einheit) [techn.]

proton exchange membrane (PEM) Protonenaustauschermembran {f}; Protonenaustauschermembrane {f} (PEM) [techn.]

polymer membrane Polymermembran {f}; Polymermembrane {f} [techn.]

anion exchange membrane Anionentauschermembran {f}; Anionentauschermembrane {f} [techn.]

aerophone (musical instrument in which sound is generated by air) Aerophon {n}; Aerofon {n} (Musikinstrument, bei dem der Ton durch Luft erzeugt wird) [mus.]

aerophones Aerophone {pl}; Aerofone {pl}

membrane aerophone; membraerophone; membranopipe; membrane reed; membranoreed Membran-Aerophon; Membran-Aerofon

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