Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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cellular [listen] einzeln; aus einzelnen Räumen bestehend {adj} [arch.] [listen]

cellular rooms Einzelzimmer {pl}

cellular offices Einzelbüros {pl}

cellular acconmodation Unterbringung in Einzelzimmern

cellular; foamed (plastics processing) [listen] porig-zellig; aufgeschäumt; Schaum... {adj} (Kunststoffverarbeitung)

cellular plastic; foamed plastic; foam plastic [rare] Schaumkunststoff {m}

cellular rubber; rubber with closed cells geschlossenzelliger Gummi; Zellgummi {m}

cellular therapy; cell therapy Zelltherapie {f} [med.]

CAR T cell therapy CAR-T-Zelltherapie

dendritic cell therapy; immunotherapy with dendritic cells dendritische Zelltherapie; Immuntherapie mit dendritischen Zellen

stem-cell therapy Stammzelltherapie {f}; Stammzellentherapie {f}

cellular protein transport; protein translocation zellulärer Proteintransport {m}; Proteintranslokation {f} [biochem.]

cotranslational protein transport; cotranslational protein translocation cotranslationaler Proteintransport; cotranslationale Translokation

posttranslational protein transport; posttranslational protein translocation posttranslationaler Proteintransport; posttranslationale Proteintranlokation

cellular (consisting of living cells) [listen] aus Zellen bestehend; aus Zellen gebildet; zellig {adj} [biol.]

unicellular einzellig {adj}

multicellular; polycellular mehrzellig; vielzellig {adj}

cellular rubber strip Schaumgummistreifen {m}

cellular rubber strips Schaumgummistreifen {pl}

cellular slime moulds [Br.]; cellular slime molds [Am.]; dictyostelids (biological taxon) zelluläre Schleimpilze {pl} (Dictyosteliida) (biologisches Taxon) [biol.]

cellular defence [Br.]; cellular defense [Am.] Zellabwehr {f} [biol.]

cellular adhesion molecule /CAM/ Zelladhäsionsmolekül {n} [biochem.]

cellular adhesion molecules Zelladhäsionsmoleküle {pl}

cellular respiration; internal respiration; aerobic respiration Zellatmung {f}; innere Atmung {f}; aerobe Atmung {f} [biol.]

cellular atypia Zellatypie {f} [biol.]

cellular (relating to a cell) [listen] auf die Zelle bezogen; zellular; zellulär; Zell... {adj} [biol.]

cellular organisation Zellaufbau {m}

cellular inclusion Zelleinschluss {m}

cellular double bottom (of a ship) Zellendoppelboden {m} (eines Schiffs) [naut.]

cellular pigment; cytopigment; cytochrome Zellfarbstoff {m}; Zytochrom {n}; Cytochrom {n} [biol.] [chem.]

cellular pigments; cytopigments; cytochromes Zellfarbstoffe {pl}; Zytochromen {pl}; Cytochromen {pl}

cellular layer Zellschicht {f} [biol.]

cellular layers Zellschichten {pl}

cellular injury; cell damage Zellschädigung {f}; Zellschaden {m} [biol.] [med.]

cellular injuries; cell damages Zellschädigungen {pl}; Zellschäden {pl}

cellular mating; cellular fusion; cell fusion; syncytium formation Zellverschmelzung {f}; Synzytose {f} [biol.]

cellular matings; cellular fusions; cell fusions; syncytium formations Zellverschmelzungen {pl}; Synzytosen {pl}

cellular transport; transmission by cell; transcytosis; cytopempsis transendothelialer Flüssigkeitstransport {m}; Zelltransport {m}; Zytopempsis {f} [biol.]

mobile phone [Br.]; mobile; cellular phone [Am.]; cell phone [Am.]; cellphone [Am.]; handphone [SE Asia] [listen] [listen] Mobiltelefon {n}; Funktelefon {n}; Mobilfunktelefon {n}; Handy {n} [telco.] [listen] [listen]

mobile phones; mobiles; cellular phones; cell phones; cellphones; handphones Mobiltelefone {pl}; Funktelefone {pl}; Mobilfunktelefone {pl}; Handys {pl}

work mobile [Br.]; work cellphone [Am.] Diensthandy {n}

camera phone; camera mobile phone [Br.]; photo mobile [Br.]; camera cell phone [Am.]; photo cellphone [Am.]; cellphone camera [Am.] Fotohandy {n}

throwaway phone; burn phone [coll.]; burner phone [coll.]; burner [coll.] Wegwerfhandy {n}

to cell phone [listen] mit dem Handy anrufen; mobil telefonieren

motorists who use mobile phones while driving Handytelefonierer {pl} am Steuer

multimedia handheld telephone multimediales Handy

mobile network; mobile phone system [Br.]; cell phone network [Am.]; cell phone system [Am.]; cellular network [Am.] [coll.] Mobilfunknetz {n} [telco.]

mobile networks; mobile phone systems; cell phone networks; cell phone systems; cellular networks Mobilfunknetze {pl}

public land mobile network /PLMN/ öffentliches terrestrisches Mobilfunknetz

public satellite mobile network /PSMN/ öffentliches satellitengestützes Mobilfunknetz

third-generation mobile network; 3G mobile network Mobilfunknetz der dritten Generation

fifth-generation mobile network; 5G mobile network Mobilfunknetz der fünften Generation

corrugated board; cellular board Wellpappe {f}

double face corrugated board; double facer kaschierte, doppelseitige Wellpappe

doublebacker beidseitig gedeckte Wellpappe

V3c-board feste Wellpappe mit 0,6 mm dicker Außenlage

cell-textured; cellular [listen] zellenförmig strukturiert; zellförmig strukturiert; Maschen...; Netz... {adj}

cellular shirt Netzhemd {n} [textil.]

cellular glass Schaumglas {n}

cellular blanket Wolldecke mit breiten Maschen [textil.]

cell body; cellular body; cytosome Zellkörper {m} [biol.]

cell bodies; cellular bodies; cytosomes Zellkörper {pl}

Barr body Barr'scher Zellkörper

cell wall; cell membrane; cellular membrane; cytoplasmic membrane; plasma membrane Zellwand {f}; Zellgrenzschicht {f}; Zellmembran(e) {f}; Zytoplasmamembran(e) {f}; Zytomembran(e) {f}; Plasmamembran(e) {f}; Plasmalemma {n} [biol.]

cell walls; cell membranes; cellular membranes; cytoplasmic membranes; plasma membranes Zellwände {pl}; Zellgrenzschichten {pl}; Zellmembranen {pl}; Zytoplasmamembranen {pl}; Zytomembranen {pl}; Plasmamembranen {pl}; Plasmalemmata {pl}

fungal cell wall Pilzzellwand {f}

multi-cellular outgrowth; emergence [listen] vielzelliger Auswuchs {m}; Emergenz {f} [bot.]

gas concrete; cellular concrete, porous concrete, lightweight concrete; aerated concrete; autoclaved concrete; autoclaved aerated concrete /AAC/, autoclaved cellular concrete /ACC/; autoclaved lightweight concrete /ALC/; aircrete ®; ytong ® Gasbeton {m}; Luftporenbeton {m}; Porenbeton {m}; Leichtbeton {m}; Ytong ® [constr.]

mobile radio; cellular radio; mobile telephone (system) Mobilfunk {m}

mobile phone reception [Br.]; mobile network reception [Br.]; cell phone reception [Am.]; cellular phone reception [Am.] Mobilfunkempfang {m} [telco.]

microcellular rubber; cellular rubber; sponge rubber Moosgummi {m}

in-situ cellular plastic; in-situ PUR foam Ortschaum {m}

cell lining; cellular lining Zellauskleidung {f} [biol.]

urinary cellular excretion; cyturia Zellausscheidung {f} im Urin [med.]

cell element; cellular element; cell component; cellular component Zellbestandteil {m}; Zellelement {n}; Zellkomponente {f} [biol.]

cell elements; cellular elements; cell components; cellular components Zellbestandteile {pl}; Zellelemente {pl}; Zellkomponenten {pl}

cell tissue; cellular tissue; areolar tissue Zellgewebe {n} [biol.]

cell infiltrate; cellular infiltrate Zellinfiltrat {n} [biol.]

cell infiltration; cellular infiltration Zellinfiltration {f} [biol.]

cell kinetics; cellular kinetics Zellkinetik {f} [biol.]

cell clone; cellular clone Zellklon {m} [biol.]

cell clones; cellular clones Zellklone {pl}

cell mass; cellular mass Zellmasse {f} [biol.]

inner cell mass innere Zellmasse

preparation of cellular specimen; cytopreparation Zellpräparierung {f} [biol.] [med.]

cell reticulum; cellular reticulum; cytoreticulum Zellretikulum {n} [biol.]

cell clone; cellular clone Zellstamm {m} [biol.]

cell clones; cellular clones Zellstämme {pl}

cell metabolism; cellular metabolism Zellstoffwechsel {m} [biol.]

cell suspension; cellular suspension (laboratory) Zellsuspension {f} (Labor) [biol.] [med.]

cell synchronization; cellular synchronization (laboratory) Zellsynchronisation {f} (Labor) [biol.] [med.]

cell destruction; cellular destruction Zellzerstörung {f}

to break down a substance (in cellular respiration) einen Stoff veratmen (bei der Zellatmung) {vt} [biol.]

cell-like; cellular; cytoid [listen] zellartig; zytoid {adj} [biol.]

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