Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

eyelid; lid; palpebra; blepharon [listen] Augenlid {n}; Lid {n}; Palpebra {f}; Augendeckel {m} [ugs.] [anat.]

eyelids; lids Augenlider {pl}; Lider {pl}; Augendeckel {pl}

to flicker an eyelid mit dem Augenlid zucken

eyelid holder; eyelid retractor; blepharostat Augenlidhalter {m}; Lidhalter {m}; Lidsperrer {m}; Lidretraktor {m} [med.]

eyelid holders; eyelid retractors; blepharostats Augenlidhalter {pl}; Lidhalter {pl}; Lidsperrer {pl}; Lidretraktoren {pl}

Desmarres' eyelid retractor Desmarres'scher Augenlidhalter

eyelid abscess Augenlidabszess {m}; Lidabszess {m} [med.]

eyelid abscesses Augenlidabszesse {pl}; Lidabszesse {pl}

eyelid anomaly Augenlidanomalie {f}; Lidanomalie {f} [med.]

eyelid geckos (zoological subfamily) Lidgeckos {pl} (Eublepharidae) (zoologische Unterfamilie) [zool.]

eyelid retraction Lidretraktion {f} [med.]

capistration Lidretraktion hinter den Augapfel

eyelid closure Lidschluss {m} [med.]

Bell's sign; Bell's phenomenon fehlender Lidschluss bei Fazialislähmung

eyelid oedema; blepharoedema; blepharoncus Lidschwellung {f} [med.]

vein of the eyelid; palpebral vein Lidvene {f} [anat.]

veins of the eyelid; palpebral veins Lidvenen {pl}

superior palpebral vein obere Lidvene

quivering of the eyelid; cillosis Augenlidzittern {n}; Lidflackern {n} [med.]

ingrowing of the eyelid; blepharelosis; entropion Augenliedeinstülpung {f}; Lideinwärtskehrung {f}; Entropium {n} [med.]

blepharitis; eyelid inflammation Blepharitis {f}; Augenlidentzündung {f} [med.]

clonic eyelid twitchings; clonic eyelid movements; eyelid myoclonia Lidflattern {n}; Lidzucken {n}; myoklonische Lidzuckungen {pl}; Lidmyoklonie {f} [med.]

excision of the tarsus of the eyelid; tarsectomy operative Lidknorpelentfernung {f}; Tarsektomie {f} [med.]

inflammation of the tarsus of the eyelid; tarsitis Lidknorpelentzündung {f}; Tarsitis {f} [med.]

suturing of the tarsus of the eyelid; tarsorrhaphy Lidknorpelnaht {f}; Tarsorrhaphie {f} [med.]

incision into the tarsus of the eyelid; tarsotomy Lidknorpelschnitt {m}; Lidknorpelinzision {f}; Tarsotomie {f} [med.]

softening of the tarsus of the eyelid; tarsomalacia Lidknorpelerweichung {f}; Tarsomalazie {f} [med.]

eye liner; eyelid liner Lidstrich {m}

nictitating membrane; haw; third eyelid [coll.] Nickhaut {f}; drittes Augenlid {n} [ugs.] [anat.] [zool.]

receding eyelid; reverted eyelid Schlupflid {n} [med.]

white-eyelid mangabeys (zoological genus) Weißlid-Mangaben {pl} (Cercocebus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.]

lidless (without eyelid) lidlos {adj} (ohne Augenlid)

palpebral; eyelid-related palpebral; das Augenlid betreffend {adj} [med.]

blepharoplasty (surgical eyelid modification) Blepharoplastik {f} (chirurg. Augenlidkorrektur) [med.]

palpebral cartilage; tarsal plate; tarsus Augenlidknorpel {m}; Lidknorpel {m}; Lidfaserplatte {f}; Tarsalplatte {f}; Tarsusknorpel {m} (Lamina tarsalis) [anat.]

tarsal plate of the upper eyelid obere Lidfaserplatte

tarsal plate of the lower eyelid untere Lidfaserplatte

blink; blinking [listen] Lidschlag {m} [med.]

infrequent blink; eyelid lag seltener Lidschlag

eversion Umstülpung {f}; Ausstülpung {f}; Eversion {f} [med.]

eversion of the eyelid Augenlidausstülpung {f}; Augenlidektropion {n}

eversion of the lip; eclabium; cheilectropion Lippenausstülpung {f}; Lippeneversion {f}; Lippenektropion

eversion of the cervix Gebärmutterhalsausstülpung {f}

eyelash; lash Wimper {f}

eyelashes Wimpern {pl}

without turning a hair; without turning an eyelid; without batting an eye ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken [übtr.]

to bat (one's eyelashes) zwinkern {vi}

batting zwinkernd

batted gezwinkert

not to bat an eyelid nicht mal mit der Wimper zucken [übtr.]