Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

amniorrhexis; rupture of the (fetal) membranes Blasensprung {m} [med.]

premature rupture frühzeitiger Blasensprung

rupture at time rechtzeitiger Blasensprung

delayed rupture verzögerter Blasensprung

mucus (secretion of the mucous membranes) Schleim {m}; Mukus {m} (Absonderung der Schleimhäute) [med.]

glass membrane Glasmembran {f}

glass membranes Glasmembranen {pl}

basal membrane; basal lamina Grenzmembran {f}; Basalmembran {f} [anat.]

basal membranes; basal laminas Grenzmembranen {pl}; Basalmembranen {pl}

membrane; thin skin Häutchen {n}

membranes; thin skins Häutchen {pl}

ion exchange membrane Ionenaustauschmembran {f} [chem.]

ion-exchange membranes Ionenaustauschmembranen {pl}

membrane; diaphragm [listen] Membran {f}; Membrane {f}

membranes; diaphragms Membranen {pl}

acoustic membrane (audio) Schwingungsmembran {f}; Oszillationsmembran {f} (Audio)

acoustic membranes Schwingungsmembranen {pl}; Oszillationsmembranen {pl}

dropsy; hydrops Wassersucht {f}; Hydrops {m} [med.]

dropsy of the chest; hydrothorax; hydropleura Hydrothorax {m}

dropsy of the testicular membranes Hydrozele {f}

cell wall; cell membrane; cellular membrane; cytoplasmic membrane; plasma membrane Zellwand {f}; Zellgrenzschicht {f}; Zellmembran(e) {f}; Zytoplasmamembran(e) {f}; Zytomembran(e) {f}; Plasmamembran(e) {f}; Plasmalemma {n} [biol.]

cell walls; cell membranes; cellular membranes; cytoplasmic membranes; plasma membranes Zellwände {pl}; Zellgrenzschichten {pl}; Zellmembranen {pl}; Zytoplasmamembranen {pl}; Zytomembranen {pl}; Plasmamembranen {pl}; Plasmalemmata {pl}

fungal cell wall Pilzzellwand {f}