Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Ligamentum Conicum {n}; Ligamentum Cricothyroideum {n} [anat.] cricothyroid ligament; cricothyroid membrane

Band {n}; Ligament {n}; Ligamentum {n} [anat.] [listen] ligament [listen]

Bänder {pl}; Ligamente {pl} ligaments

Schulter-Schlüsselbein-Band {n} (Ligamentum acromioclaviculare) [anat.] acromioclavicular ligament; AC ligament

intraligamentär; zwischen der Bauchfellduplikatur des Ligamentum latum (liegend/gelegen) {adj} [anat.] intraligamentary; intraligamentous

Augenlidband {n}; Lidband {n} (Ligamentum palpebrale) [anat.] palpebral ligament

Augenlidbänder {pl}; Lidbänder {pl} palpebral ligaments

mittleres Lidband; mediales Lidband medial palpebral ligament; canthal palpebral ligament

seitliches Lidband; laterales Lidband laterial palpebral ligament

Mutterband {n} [anat.] ligament of the uterus; ligament of the womb

breites Mutterband (Ligamentum latum uteri) broad ligament of the uterus; mesodesma

rundes Mutterband (Ligamentum teres uteri) round ligament of the uterus