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299 similar results for [Nm]
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 German  English

Similar words:
-geher, -gänger, -hasser, -kunde, A-Ader, A-Adressregister, A-Aufsteller, A-Bande, A-Batterie, A-Betrieb, A-Bombe, A-D-Wandler, A-Dur, A-Fraktion, A-Holm, A-Horizont, A-Kran, A-Mannschaft, A-Radschaufel, A-Reuter, A-Saite
Similar words:
'Aeneid', 'Amok', 'Betrayal', 'Bluebeard', 'Breakers', 'Carmen', 'Cinderella', 'Coriolanus', 'Couples', 'Cymbeline', 'Eliljah', 'Everyman', 'Ghosts', 'Ivanhoe', 'Jamila', 'Leonora-Overture', 'Macbeth', 'Muscovite', 'Nightwood', 'Nocturnes', 'Orpheus'

Aspirin {n} ® [pharm.] aspirin

Atem-Alkoholmessgerät {n}; Alkomat {m} breathalyser; breathalyzer ®; drunkometer [Am.] [humor.]

Bakelit {n} ® (Kunststoff) [techn.] [hist.] bakelite ® (plastic)

Becher {m} (für den Verkauf von Milchprodukten) [listen] pottle [NZ]

Boschhammer {m} ® [constr.] electric hammer

Botulinumtoxin {n}; Botox {n} ® (kosmetisches Medikament gegen Falten) [med.] Botulinum toxin; Botox ®

Brennpaste {f} burning paste; sterno [Am.] ®

Bri-Nylon {n} ® [textil.] bri-nylon

Contergan {n} ®; Thalidomid {n} [pharm.] thalidomide

Drahtlosnetzwerk {n}; Funknetzwerk {n}; Funk-LAN {n}; drahtloses lokales Netzwerk {n} /WLAN/ (mit beliebiger Funknetznorm) [comp.] wireless network; wi-fi ®; Wi-Fi ®; WiFi ® (strictly speaking, only IEEE 802.11 communication standard); wireless local area network /WLAN/ [rare] (often wrongly: wireless fidelity)

Eisbearbeitungsmaschine {f}; Eishobel {m} (für Kunsteisflächen) [sport] ice resurfacer; zamboni ® (for artificial ice rinks)

Elektro-Stehroller {m} electric foot scooter; Segway personal transporter; Segway ®

Ergometer-Radeln {n} [sport] indoor cycling; spinning ® [listen]

Eternit {n} ® [constr.] eternit; fiber-cement board

Ethylenglycolmonobutylether {m} /EGBE/; 2-Ethoxyethanol {n}; 2-Butoxyethanol {n}; 1-Butoxy-2-Hydroxyethan {n} [chem.] ethylene glycol monobutyl ether /EGBE/; butyl monoether glycol; 2-ethoxyethanol; 2-butoxyethanol; butyl cellosolve ®

Fahrschemel {m} ® [techn.] [auto] Subframe [Am.] ®

Footbag {m} (Ball) [sport] footbag; hacky-sack ® (ball)

Freizeitbauernhof {m} hobby farm; lifestyle block [NZ]

Frischhaltefolie {f}; Adäsionsfolie {f} [geh.] plastic film; pliofilm; cling film [Br.]; plastic food wrap [Am.]; plastic wrap [Am.]; Saran wrap ® [Am.]

Frühstücksfleisch {n}; Schweinefleisch und Schinken (in der Dose) [cook.] luncheon meat; spam ® (tinned pork and ham) [listen]

Fußballweltmeisterschaft {f}; Fußball-WM {f} [sport] Football World Cup; Soccer World Cup [Am.]; World Football Championship; soccer world championship [Am.]; FIFA World Cup ®

Game Boy {m} ® (tragbare Spielkonsole) [comp.] Game Boy ® (handheld game console)

Ganzkörperbadeanzug {m}; Burkini {m} burkini; burqini ®

Gasbeton {m}; Luftporenbeton {m}; Porenbeton {m}; Leichtbeton {m}; Ytong ® [constr.] gas concrete; cellular concrete, porous concrete, lightweight concrete; aerated concrete; autoclaved concrete; autoclaved aerated concrete /AAC/, autoclaved cellular concrete /ACC/; autoclaved lightweight concrete /ALC/; aircrete ®; ytong ®

Glaskeramikschaber {m}; Keramikschaber {m}; Ceranfeld-Schaber {m} ®; Kochfeldschaber {m} [cook.] ceramic hob [Br.]/cooktop [Am.] scraper; ceramic scraper; ceran surface scraper ®

Götterspeise {f}; Wackelpudding {m}; Wackelpeter {m} [ugs.] [cook.] Jell-O ®; jello; jelly [listen]

Grießbrei {m}; Griessflammeri {n} [cook.] semolina pudding; cream of wheat ® [Am.]

Grundpauschale {f} (pro Telefonat) [telco.] [fin.] flagfall fee; connection flagfall [Austr.] [NZ]

Grundpreis {m}; Grundgebühr {f} (für eine Taxifahrt) [transp.] [fin.] flagfall (for a taxi journey) [Austr.] [NZ]

bequemer Halbschuh; Mokassin {m} Loafer ®

Holzwolle {f} wood wool; wood shavings; excelsior [Am.] ®

Inlineskates {pl} [sport] inline skates; Rollerblades ®

Inselaffe {m} [slang] [pej.] [soc.] (Engländer) Limey [Am.] [Austr.] [NZ] [coll.]; Lime-juicer [Austr.] [coll.] [dated]; Pommy [Austr.] [NZ] [coll.]; Pommie [Austr.] [NZ] [coll.]; Sassenach [Sc.] [Ir.] [coll.] (Englishman)

Jojo {n} (Spielzeug, das an einer Schnur durch sein Gewicht ab- und aufgewickelt werden kann) yo-yo ® (toy, which can be spun downward and upward on a string by its weight)

Kappen {n} der Krone; Kronenkappung {f} (bei Bäumen) [agr.] topping; heading; heading-off [NZ]; crowning-off [Austr.]; de-horning (of trees) [listen]

(halbsynthetischer) Kaseinkunststoff {m}; Milchstein {m}; Kunsthorn {n}; Galalith {m} ® [chem.] [hist.] casein plastic; galalith ®; erinoid [Br.] ®

Kernobst {n} (Mehrzahlwort) [cook.] pomaceous fruit; pome fruit; pipfruit [NZ] (plural-only noun)

Klettverschluss {m}; Klettband {n} Velcro ®; velcro ® fastener; hook and loop fastener

Kommunikationssystem {n} für Hotelgäste [hist.] Teleseme ®

Korrekturlack {m}; Korrekturflüssigkeit {f} correction fluid; Tipp-Ex [Br.] ®; whiteout [Am.]; Wite-Out [Am.] ®; Twink [Austr.] ®

Kunstrasen {m} artificial turf; AstroTurf ®

hohler Kunststoffbaseball {m} [sport] wiffle ball ® [Am.]

Kunststoffwellpappe {f}; Plastikwellpappe {f}; Wellpappenplastik {n} [techn.] corrugated plastic; fluted plastic; corriboard; coroplast ®; cartonplast ®; twinplast ®; fluteplast ®; corriflute ®; corflute ®; coreflute ®; polyflute ®; correx ®

Labello {n} ®; Lippenpflegestift {m} chapstick ®

Langsamkocher {m} [cook.] slow cooker; Crock-Pot ®

Leuchtpatrone {f} [mil.] Very light ®

Lösungsbenzin {n}; Reinigungsbenzin {n}; Waschbezin {n}; Fleckbenzin {n}; Testbenzin {m}; Lackbenzin {n}; Siedegrenzbenzin {n}; Terpentinölersatz {m}; Terpentinersatz {m} [chem.] light naphta; solvent naphtha; white spirit [Br.]; mineral spirit [Am.] [Can.]; mineral turpentine [Austr.] [NZ]; turpentine substitute, petroleum spirit, light gasoline [Am.]; Stoddard solvent; paint thinner [coll.]

Luftpolsterfolie {f}; Noppenfolie {f} air cushion foil; bubble pack; bubble wrap ®

Lycra {n} ® (dehnbare Kunstfaser) lycra ®

Lyocell {n}; Tencel {n} ® (Zellulosefaser) [textil.] lyocell (cellulose fibre)

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