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906 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Yong
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Ähnliche Wörter:
Bong, GONG-Zug, Gong, Ping-Pong, Ping-Pong-Schläger, Ping-Pong-Verfahren, Song, Ytong
Ähnliche Wörter:
bong, decades-long, dong, eight-day-long, eight-year-long, eleven-day-long, eleven-year-long, fifteen-day-long, fifteen-year-long, five-day-long, five-year-long, four-day-long, four-year-long, fourteen-day-long, gong, long, long-accustomed, long-acting, long-awaited, long-dated, long-desired

Adultismus {m}; Diskriminierung {f} von Jugendlichen [soc.] adultism; discrimination against young people

Antennenwelse {pl} (Pimelodidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] long-whiskered catfishes (zoological family)

der lange Arm des Gesetzes [übtr.] the long/strong arm of the law [fig.]

sexuelle Attraktivität {f} (einer jungen Frau) nubility (of a young woman)

Barkarole {f}; Barcarole {f} (Venezianisches Gondellied) [mus.] barcarolle; barcarole (song of Venetian gondoliers)

Bengel {m}; Lauser {m}; Murkel {m}; Steppke {m} [Berlin]; Bams {m} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Gof {m} [Schw.] [ugs.] (kleines Kind) ankle-biter [Am.] [Austr.] [humor.] (young child)

Bockkäfer {pl} (Cerambycidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] longhorn beetles; long-horned beetles; longicorns (zoological family)

Brutpflege {f}; Brutfürsorge {f} [zool.] care of young; parental care (given to the young)

Ceram-Nasenbeutler {m} (Rhynchomeles prattorum) [zool.] Seram Island long-nosed bandicoot; Seram bandicoot

Christlicher Verein junger Menschen /CVJM/ Young Men's Christian Association /YMCA/

Christlicher Verein junger Frauen und Mädchen Young Women's Christian Association /YWCA/

auf die Dauer in the long run

Dienstzulage {f} [fin.] seniority allowance; seniority pay; long service award

Dorfjugend {f} village youth; country youth; young people of the village; young hicks [pej.]

Elastizitätsmodul {n,m}; E-Modul {n,m} [math.] modulus of elasticity; elastic modulus; Young's modulus [Am.]

Fahrendschalter {m}; Katzfahrendschalter {m} [techn.] cross travel limit switch; long travel limit switch

Fahrgeschwindigkeit {f} (beim Kran) long travel speed (crane)

Faserrichtung {f}; Maschinenrichtung {f} (Papierherstellung) long direction; machine direction (papermaking)

Fern... long-distance; remote [anhören]

Fernempfang {m} longrange reception; long-distance reception

Ferntransport {m} long distance transport

Fräulein {n} young lady

Galerie {f} [arch.] [hist.] long gallery

Gasbeton {m}; Luftporenbeton {m}; Porenbeton {m}; Leichtbeton {m}; Ytong ® [constr.] gas concrete; cellular concrete, porous concrete, lightweight concrete; aerated concrete; autoclaved concrete; autoclaved aerated concrete /AAC/, autoclaved cellular concrete /ACC/; autoclaved lightweight concrete /ALC/; aircrete ®; ytong ®

langfristiger Gewinn stock long pull

Gongspiel {n} (chromatisch) [mus.] tuned gong-carillon

Gospelsong {m}; Gospel {m} [mus.] gospel song; gospel [anhören]

Grüne Hohlzunge {f} (Coeloglossum viride) [bot.] frog orchid; long-bracted green orchid

Hängepartie {f} [übtr.] long-drawn-out affair

Hakenkäfer {pl}; Klauenkäfer {pl} (Dryopidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] long-toed water beetles (zoological family)

das Hohelied der Liebe (Bibel, 1. Korinther 13) [relig.] the Song of Love

das Hohelied Salomos; das Lied der Lieder (Bibel, altes Testament) [relig.] the Song of Solomon; the Song of Songs; the Canticle of Canticles [rare]

Hünenbett {n} [hist.] long barrow

Infantizid {m} (Tötung von Jungtieren der eigenen Art) [zool.] infanticide (killing of young of the same species)

in die Jahre kommen {vi} to be getting on in years; to reach middle age; to be getting long in the tooth [fig.]

Jugendalter {n} young age

Jugendamt {n}; Jugendhilfeamt {n} [Dt.]; Jugendhilfebehörde {f} [Dt.]; Jugendwohlfahrtsamt {n} [Ös.]; Jugendwohlfahrtsbehörde {f} [Ös.] [adm.] youth welfare service office; youth welfare office; children and young people's service office [Br.]; CYP office [Br.]

Jugendfürsorge {f}; Jugendpflege {f}; Jugendhilfe {f} [Dt.]; Jugendwohlfahrt {f} [Ös.] [adm.] [soc.] youth welfare service; youth welfare; children and young people's service [Br.]

die Jugendlichen the young

Jugendschutz {m} legal protection for children and young persons

Jugendstadium {n} young stage; immature stage; youth(ful) stage

Jungdamen- und -herrenkomitee {n} (Balleröffnung) [Ös.] Young Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dance Committee (ball opening)

die Jungen the young; the young ones

Junge {n}; Junges [zool.] [anhören] young one; pup [anhören]

die Junggebliebenen {pl} the young-at-heart

Jungtiere aufziehen; Junge aufziehen {vt} [zool.] to rear young

Jungvieh {n} [agr.] young stock

Juso {m}; Jungsozialist {m}; Jungsozialistin {f} young socialist

Kampflied {n} battle song

Kelaart-Langkrallenspitzmaus {f} (Feroculus feroculus) [zool.] Kelaart's long-clawed shrew

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