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481 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Stong
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Song, Ytong, Astung, Bong, DNS-Strang, Datong, Flageolett-Ton, GONG-Zug, Gong, Ist-Stand-Analyse, Ist-Stand-Analysen, Ist-Stand-Erhebung, Km-Stand, O-Ton, Off-Ton, On-Ton, Ping-Pong, Ping-Pong-Schläger, Ping-Pong-Verfahren, Pommes-frites-Stand, Rohr-Steg-Rohr-Ausführung
Ähnliche Wörter:
axe-stone, clay-stone, holy-!-stone, sing-song, song, speech-song, sting, stone, stone--cold, stone-dead, stone-faced, stone-ground, stony, stony-faced, strong, strong-arm, strong-armed, strong-arming, strong-minded, strong-smelling, strong-tasting

Abziehstein {m} sharpening stone

der lange Arm des Gesetzes [übtr.] the long/strong arm of the law [fig.]

Augenwurzen {pl} (Athamanta) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] mountain parsleys; stone parsleys (botanical genus)

Barkarole {f}; Barcarole {f} (Venezianisches Gondellied) [mus.] barcarolle; barcarole (song of Venetian gondoliers)

Bergemittel {n}; Zwischenmittel {n} (Bodenschicht mit taubem Gestein und organischem Material) [min.] [geol.] intermediate medium; intercalated bed; interbed; intercalation; interburden; parting; dirt bed; dirt band; stone band (in coal); fillings (in joints); intermediate rock (between two seams)

Berollung {f} (eines Ablaufgerinnes) (Wasserbau) channel lining; dumped stone lining [Am.] (water engineering)

Bienenstich {m}; Bienenstichkuchen {m} [cook.] bee sting cake

Blocksatz {m} (in eine Uferböschung eingesetzte Steinblöcke) (Wasserbau) array of stones; array of blocks; set rubble stone; rip-rap (stone blocks set into a streambank) (water engineering)

Blockschüttung {f}; Blockwurf {m} (auf einer Uferböschung angeschüttete Steinblöcke) (Wasserbau) loose rock-dump; tipped stone; loose rip-rap (stone blocks irregularly placed on a streambank) (water engineering)

Bossen {m}; Bosse {f} [constr.] boss stone; boss [anhören]

Brennen {n}; brennender Schmerz sting [anhören]

Filterstein {m}; Filterkalkstein {m}; Filtersandstein {m} [geol.] filter stone; dripstone

Forellenstein {m}; Troktolith {m} [geol.] trout stone; troctolite

wenn das Fruchtfleisch fest am Kern haftet (Steinobst) [cook.] clingstone {adj} [Am.] (of stone fruit)

wenn sich das Fruchtfleisch leicht vom Kern löst (Steinobst) [agr.] cling-free; freestone [Am.] {adj} (of stone fruit)

Führungsstärke {f}; Führungskompetenz {f} power of leadership; strong leadership; leadership skills

Gasbeton {m}; Luftporenbeton {m}; Porenbeton {m}; Leichtbeton {m}; Ytong ® [constr.] gas concrete; cellular concrete, porous concrete, lightweight concrete; aerated concrete; autoclaved concrete; autoclaved aerated concrete /AAC/, autoclaved cellular concrete /ACC/; autoclaved lightweight concrete /ALC/; aircrete ®; ytong ®

Gefüge {n}; Lagerung {f} eines Steines [constr.] [anhören] grain of a stone

Geröllrutsch {m}; Sandrutsch {m} [geol.] sand and stone avalanche; sand avalanche

Gewalt... strong-arm

Gloriette {f} (Steinpavillon mit Aussicht auf eine historische Parkanlage) [arch.] gloriette (stone pavilion overlooking a historical park)

Gospelsong {m}; Gospel {m} [mus.] gospel song; gospel [anhören]

Grobbrecher {m} [constr.] coarse crushing rolls; coarse crusher; boulder crusher; coarse breaker; stone breaker

Grundsteinlegung {f} laying of the foundation stone

das Hohelied der Liebe (Bibel, 1. Korinther 13) [relig.] the Song of Love

das Hohelied Salomos; das Lied der Lieder (Bibel, altes Testament) [relig.] the Song of Solomon; the Song of Songs; the Canticle of Canticles [rare]

Honleiste {f} honing stone retainer

Honigstein {m}; Mellit {m} [min.] honey stone; mellite

Kämpfer {m} (oberster Stein des Widerlagers eines Gewölbebogens) [constr.] springer; springing stone; cushion; rein [anhören] [anhören]

Kampflied {n} battle song

Karborundstein {m} carborundum stone

Kernöl {n} kernel oil (from stone fruits); seed oil (from vegetables)

Kraftausdrücke {pl} a strong language

Kunststeinarbeit {f} artificial stone work

Lernflöte {f} [mus.] song flute; tonette [Am.]

Lockvogelaktion {f} (der Polizei) sting operation

Menhir {m}; Hinkelstein {m} [hist.] menhir; standing stone

Mesolithikum {n}; Mittelsteinzeit {f} [hist.] mesolithic; middle stone age

Mittagsblumengewächse {pl}; Mittagsblumen {pl}; Lebende Steine {pl} (Aizoaceae/Ficoidaceae) (botanische Familie) [bot.] stone plants; pebble plants; living stones; carpet weeds; mesembs (botanical family)

Morgengesang {m} (von Singvögeln) [zool.] early morning bird song; dawn chant (of singing birds)

Nazar {m}; Nazar-Amulett {n}; Nazar-Perle {f} Nazar; Nazar amulet; evil eye bead; evil eye stone

Neolithikum {n}; Jungsteinzeit {f} [hist.] neolithic; young stone age

Nephritjade {f}; Nephrit {m}; Steinaxtjade {f}; Jade {f} [min.] nephrite jade; nephrite; nephrit; spinach jade; New Zealand jade; jade; axe-stone; New Zealand greenstone; youstone [obs.]

Nephrolith {m}; Nierenstein {m} [med.] nephrolith; kidney stone; renal calculus

Nibelungenlied {n} (mittelhochdeutsches Heldenepos) [lit.] The Song of the Nibelungs (heroic epic in Middle High German)

Paläolithikum {n}; Altsteinzeit {f} [hist.] Paleolithic; Palaeolithic; old stone age

Pinienholz {n}; Pinie {f} stone pine wood; stone pine

Plaudergesang {m} (leiser Vogelgesang) [ornith.] whisper song; subsong

Prunus-Steinobstpfanzen {pl}; Prunus-Steinobstgewächse {pl} (Prunus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] prunus stone fruit plants (botanical genus)

Puddingstein {m}; Flintkonglomerat {n} [geol.] pudding stone

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