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79 similar results for Entre
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Ente, Entrée, AHV-Rente, Anschweiß-Ende, Contre-Pente, Ehre, Eintore, Ende, Enge, Enten, Entrées, Ernte, Este, Eure, Ex-ante-Beurteilung, Extra, Extra-Kommunique, Extra-Mehrwert, Extra-Pfunde, Extra..., Extrem

Centre-Val de Loire {n}; Centre n(Region in Frankreich) [geogr.] Centre-Val de Loire (region in France)

Centre national d’art et de culture Georges-Pompidou; Centre Pompidou (staatl. Kunst- und Kulturzentrum in Paris) [geogr.] Centre Georges Pompidou; Centre Pompidou (multicultural complex in Paris)

Abfallwirtschaftshof {m}; Altstoffhof {m}; Altstoffsammelstelle {f}; Altstoffzentrum {n}; Recyclinghof {m}; Wertstoffhof {m} [Dt.] [envir.] recycling centre [Br.]; recycling center [Am.]; recycling yard; household waste recycling centre [Br.] / center [Am.] /HWRC/; civic amenity site; CA site

Abfallwirtschaftshöfe {pl}; Altstoffhöfe {pl}; Altstoffsammelstellen {pl}; Altstoffzentren {pl}; Recyclinghöfe {pl}; Wertstoffhöfe {pl} recycling centres; recycling centers; recycling yards; household waste recycling centres; civic amenity sites; CA sites

Abschiebezentrum {n}; Schubhaftzentrum {n} [Ös.] [adm.] immigration removal centre [Br.]

Abschiebezentren {pl}; Schubhaftzentren {pl} immigration removal centres

Altenpflegezentrum {n} geriatric care centre [Br.]; geriatric care center [Am.]

Altenpflegezentren {pl} geriatric care centres; geriatric care centers

Altstoff-Rückkaufzentrum {n} [envir.] buyback centre [Br.]; buyback center [Am.]

Altstoff-Rückkaufzentren {pl} buyback centres; buyback centers

Aufnahmezentrum {n}; Aufnahmeeinrichtung {f}; Aufnahmestelle {f} [Ös.] (für Asylbewerber) [soc.] accommodation centre [Br.]; accommodation center [Am.]; reception centre [Br.]; reception center [Am.] (for asylum seekers)

Aufnahmezentren {pl}; Aufnahmeeinrichtungen {pl}; Aufnahmestellen {pl} accommodation centres; accommodation centers; reception centres; reception centers

Ausbildungszentrum {n}; Schulungszentrum {n} [school] training centre [Br.]; training center [Am.]; education centre [Br.]; education center [Am.]

Ausbildungszentren {pl}; Schulungszentren {pl} training centres; training centers; education centres; education centers

Auslieferungslager {n}; Auslieferungszentrum {n} [transp.] distribution centre [Br.]; distribution center [Am.]

Auslieferungslager {pl}; Auslieferungszentren {pl} distribution centres; distribution centers

Ballungszentrum {n} centre of ...; center of ...

Ballungszentren {pl} centres of ...; centers of ...

industrielles Ballungszentrum centre of industry

Bearbeitungszentrum {n} machining centre [Br.]; machining center [Am.]

Bearbeitungszentren {pl} machining centres; machining centers

CNC-Bearbeitungszentrum {n} CNC machining centre [Br.]; CNC machining center [Am.]

Beatmungszentrum {n} [med.] centre [Br.] / center [Am.] of artificial respiration; resuscitation centre [Br.] / center [Am.]

Beatmungszentren {pl} centres centers of artificial respiration; resuscitation centres / centers

Begegnungszentrum {n}; Haus {n} der Begegnung; Gemeindezentrum {n} [pol.] [soc.] community centre [Br.]; community center [Am.]

Begegnungszentren {pl}; Häuser {pl} der Begegnung; Gemeindezentren {pl} community centres; community centers

Behandlungszentrum {n} [med.] treatment centre [Br.]; treatment center [Am.]; medical care centre [Br.]; medical care center [Am.]

Behandlungszentren {pl} treatment centres; treatment centers; medical care centres; medical care centers

Beratungszentrum {n} consultation centre [Br.]; consultation center [Am.]

Beratungszentren {pl} consultation centres; consultation centers

Berufsbildungszentrum {n} vocational training centre [Br.]; vocational training center [Am.]

Berufsbildungszentren {pl} vocational training centres; vocational training centers

Besucherzentrum {n} visitors' center; visitors' centre

Besucherzentren {pl} visitors' centers; visitors' centres

Betreuungsstelle {f}; Betreuungseinrichtung {f}; Betreuungszentrum {n} [adm.] support centre [Br.]; support center [Am.]

Betreuungsstellen {pl}; Betreuungseinrichtungen {pl}; Betreuungszentren {pl} support centres; support centers

Dialysezentrum {n} [med.] dialysis centre; dialysis center

Dialysezentren {pl} dialyses centres; dialyses centers

Dokumentationszentrum {n} documentation centre [Br.]; documentation center [Am.]

Dokumentationszentren {pl} documentation centres; documentation centers

Dorfzentrum {n}; Dorfkern {m} village centre [Br.]; village center [Am.]

Dorfzentren {pl}; Dorfkerne {pl} village centres; village centers

Drehzentrum {n}; Drehpunkt {m} [math.] centre of rotation; fixed point of a rotation

Drehzentren {pl}; Drehpunkte {pl} centres of rotation; fixed points of a rotation

3D-Druckzentrum {n} 3D printing centre [Br.]; 3D printing center [Am.]

3D-Druckzentren {pl} 3D printing centres; 3D printing centers

Einkaufszentrum {n}; Einkaufskomplex {m} shopping centre [Br.]; shopping center [Am.]; shopping mall [Am.]; mall [Am.]; plaza [Am.]; shopping complex [listen]

Einkaufszentren {pl}; Einkaufskomplexe {pl} shopping centres; shopping centers; shopping malls; malls; plazas; shopping complexes

im Einkaufszentrum at/in the shopping centre [Br.]; at/in the mall [Am.]

Einsatzzentrum {n} (für Krisenfälle) crisis centre [Br.]; crisis center [Am.]

Einsatzzentren {pl} crisis centres; crisis centers

Epizentrum {n} (oberirdisches Erdbebenzentrum senkrecht über dem Erdbebenherd) [geogr.] [phys.] epicentre [Br.]; epicenter [Am.] (overground earthquake centre directly above the focus)

Epizentren {pl} epicentres; epicenters

das Epizentrum bestimmen to determine the epicentre

Erdbebenherd {m}; Bebenherd {m}; Erdbebenzentrum {n}; Hypozentrum {n}; seismische Quelle {f} (unterirdischer Ausgangspunkt eines Erdbebens) [geogr.] [phys.] earthquake focus; seismic focus; seismic centre [Br.]; seismic center [Am.]; hypocentre [Br.]; hypocenter [Am.]

Erdbebenherde {pl}; Bebenherde {pl}; Erdbebenzentren {pl}; Hypozentren {pl}; seismische Quellen {pl} earthquake focuses; seismic focuses; seismic centres; seismic centers; hypocentres; hypocenters

Erholungszentrum {n} recreation park; leisure centre

Erholungszentren {pl} recreation parks; leisure centres

Erstaufnahmezentrum {n}; Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung {f}; Erstaufnahmestelle {f} [Ös.] (für Asylbewerber) [soc.] initial accommodation centre [Br.]/center [Am.]; inital reception centre [Br.]/center [Am.] (for asylum seekers)

Erstaufnahmezentren {pl}; Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen {pl}; Erstaufnahmestellen {pl} initial accommodation centres/centers; inital reception centres/centers

Explosionszentrum {n}; Explosionsherd {m} explosion centre [Br.]; explosion center [Am.]

Explosionszentren {pl}; Explosionsherde {pl} explosion centres; explosion centers

Finanzplatz {m}; Finanzzentrum {n} [pol.] [geogr.] financial centre [Br.]; financial center [Am.]

Finanzplätze {pl}; Finanzzentren {pl} financial centres; financial centers

Fitnesszentrum {n}; Fitnesscenter {n} [sport] fitness club; fitness centre [Br.]/center [Am.] [listen]

Fitnesszentren {pl}; Fitnesscenter {pl} fitness clubs; fitness centre/centers [listen]

Forschungszentrum {n} research centre [Br.]; research center [Am.]

Forschungszentren {pl} research centres; research centers

Freizeitanlage {f}; Freizeitzentrum {n} leisure facility; leisure centre [Br.]; amenities centre [Br.]; leisure complex; recreation center [Am.]

Freizeitanlagen {pl}; Freizeitzentren {pl} leisure facilities; leisure centres; amenities centres; leisure complexes; recreation centers

Geschäftszentrum {n} business centre [Br.]; business center [Am.]; trading centre

Geschäftszentren {pl} business centres; business centers

Gesundheitszentrum {n}; medizinisches Versorgungszentrum {n}; Ärztezentrum {n}; Ärztehaus {n}; Poliklinik {f} [med.] health care clinic; medical centre [Br.]; health centre [Br.]; medical center [Am.]; health center [Am.]

Gesundheitszentren {pl}; medizinische Versorgungszentren {pl}; Ärztezentren {pl}; Ärztehäuser {pl}; Polikliniken {pl} health care clinics; medical centres; health centres; medical centers; health centers

Gründerzentrum {n} [econ.] business incubator; start-up centre [Br.]; start-up center [Am.]

Gründerzentren {pl} business incubators; start-up centres; start-up centers

(polizeiliche) Hafteinrichtung {f}; Haftzentrum {n} [Dt.]; (polizeiliches) Anhaltezentrum {n} [Ös.] [adm.] (police) detention facility; detention centre [Br.]; detention center [Am.]; police lock-up

Hafteinrichtungen {pl}; Haftzentren {pl}; Anhaltezentren {pl} detention facilities; detention centres; detention centers; police lock-ups

Hirnzentrum {n}; Gehirnzentrum {n} [anat.] brain centre [Br.]; brain center [Am.]

Hirnzentren {pl}; Gehirnzentren {pl} brain centres; brain centers

Hustenzentrum {n} [med.] coughing centre [Br.]; coughing center [Am.]

Hustenzentren {pl} coughing centres; coughing centers

Impfzentrum {n} [med.] vaccination centre [Br.]; vaccination center [Am.]

Impfzentren {pl} vaccination centres; vaccination centers

Industriezentrum {n} industrial centre; industrial center [Am.]

Industriezentren {pl} industrial centres; industrial centers

Informationszentrum {n}; Informationsstelle {f} information centre [Br.]; information center [Am.]

Informationszentren {pl}; Informationsstellen {pl} information centres; information centers

Innenstadt {f}; Stadtzentrum {n}; Zentrum {n}; City {f} [listen] inner city; city centre [Br.]; city center [Am.]; town centre [Br.]; town center [Am.]; downtown [Am.]; central business core [Am.]; central business district /CBD/ [Austr.] [listen]

Innenstädte {pl}; Stadtzentren {pl}; Zentren {pl}; Citys {pl} inner cities; city centres; city centers; town centres; town centers; downtowns; central business cores; central business districts

das Stadtzentrum the city

Sie haben eine Wohnung in der Innenstadt. They have a flat in the city centre.; They have an apartment downtown. [Am.]

Jugendzentrum {n} youth centre; youth center [Am.]

Jugendzentren {pl} youth centres; youth centers

Kompetenzzentrum {n} center [Am.] /centre [Br.] of excellence; competence center [Am.] /centre [Br.]

Kompetenzzentren {pl} centers/centres of excellence; competence centers/centres [listen]

Kontrollzentrum {n} inspection centre/center [listen]

Kontrollzentren {pl} inspection centres/centers [listen]

Kulturzentrum {n} arts centre; cultural centre

Kulturzentren {pl} arts centres; cultural centres

Lagezentrum {n} (im Krisenfall) situation centre [Br.]; situation center [Am.] (in a crisis situation)

Lagezentren {pl} situation centres; situation centers

Leistungszentrum {n} [sport] intensive training centre; high performance centre [Br.] / center [Am.]

Leistungszentren {pl} intensive training centres; high performance centres / centers

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