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316 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Toth
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Ähnliche Wörter:
Tote, Toto, tot, Arc-Tanh-Transformation, Boh, Bot, Bot-Netz, Bote, Boto, Doch, ED-Foto, Einhundert-Dollar-Note, Flageolett-Ton, Foto, Foto-Volumeneffekt, Foto..., Gote, Gott, High-Tech..., Hoch, Hoch...
Ähnliche Wörter:
Goth, both, both-way, loth, moth, moth-eaten, tooth, tooth-brush, tooth-shaped, tosh, tot, tote, tots, troth

Ackerwinden-Trauereule {f}; Feldflur-Windeneule {f} (Tyta luctuosa) [zool.] field bindweed moth; four-spotted moth

Ankerzahn {m} [electr.] armature tooth

Brückenpfeiler {m}; Pfeilerkrone {f}; Pfeiler {m}; Ankerzahn {m} [med.] tooth abutment

Dattelmotte {f} (Ephestia cautella) [zool.] fig moth; dried currant moth; almond moth; tropical warehouse moth

Dentin {n}; Zahnbein {n} [anat.] dentine [Br.]; dentin [Am.]; tooth enamel

Dörrobstmotte {f}; Vorratsmotte {f}; Hausmotte {f} (Plodia interpunctella) [zool.] Indian meal moth; pantry moth; North American high-flyer

Dreschstift {m} [agr.] tooth of a thresher

Eheversprechen {n}; Verlobung {f} [soc.] affiancing [poet.]; affiance [poet.]; betrothal [dated]; betrothment [dated]; espousal [archaic]; handfast [archaic]; trothplight [archaic]; plighting of your troth [archaic]

Goldafter {m} (Euproctis chrysorrhoea) [zool.] brown-tail moth

Hedylidae-Tagfalter {pl} (Hedylidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] American moth-butterflies; butterfly moths (zoological family)

einen Herzstillstand haben; klinisch tot sein {v} [med.] to flatline [coll.]

tote Hose [ugs.] dead calm; slack [anhören]

Hosenmatz {m}; kleiner Matz tiny tot; toddler [anhören]

Hundszahngräser {pl} (Cynodon) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] Bermuda grasses; dog's tooth grasses (botanical genus)

Igelstachelbart {m}; Affenkopfpilz {m}; Löwenmähne {f}; Yamabusitake {f}; Pom-Pom-Blanc {m} (Hericium erinaceus) [bot.] bearded hedgehog mushroom; lion's mane mushroom; bearded tooth mushroom/fungus; Satyr's beard; pom pom mushroom

in die Jahre kommen {vi} to be getting on in years; to reach middle age; to be getting long in the tooth [fig.]

Kakaomotte {f} (Ephestia elutella) [zool.] cacao moth; tobacco moth; warehouse moth

Kratzerzahn {m} [techn.] scraper chain tooth

Kristallkoralle {f} (Galaxea fascicularis) [zool.] tooth coral

Mehlmotte {f} (Ephestia kuehniella) [zool.] Mediterranean flour moth; Indian flour moth; mill moth

Mehlzünsler {m} (Pyralis farinalis) [zool.] meal moth

Mottenfraßerscheinung {f}; Mottenfraßphänomen {n} (bei Knochen) [med.] moth-eaten appearance; moth-eaten phenomenon (in bones)

Nutenoberwellen {pl}; Nutungsoberwellen {pl} (Spannungsschwankungen aufgrund der Ankernuten) [electr.] slot ripple; tooth ripple

Nutenteilung {f}; Nutteilung {f} [electr.] tooth pitch

Nutenwelligkeit {f}; Nutenoberwellen {pl} (Spannungsschwankungen durch Ankernuten) [electr.] tooth ripple; slot ripple

Pars pro toto (Teil, der für das Ganze steht) [ling.] pars pro toto (part standing for the whole)

Pelzmotte {f} (Tinea pellionella) case-bearing clothes moth

Pfeilerzahnwertigkeit {f} [med.] tooth abutment significance/importance

Polarkreiseisenbahn {f}; Stalinbahn {f}; Stalineisenbahn {f}; tote Trasse {f} Salekhard-Igarka Railway; Stalin Railway; Dead Road

Röstinuggets {pl}; Röstinchen {pl} [cook.] tater tots [Am.] ®

Sägezahnprofil {n} saw tooth tread design

Schmetterlingsmücken {pl} (Psychodidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] moth flies; drain flies (zoological family)

Schränken {n} [techn.] tooth setting

Schränklehre {f} (Säge) tooth set regulator

Schwammspinner {m} (Lymantria dispar) [zool.] gypsy moth

Spanungsdicke {f} rise per tooth

Tote Hand {f}; Manus mortua (unveräußerbarer Immobilienbesitz) [jur.] dead hand; mortmain (inalienable ownership of real property)

Toto {m,n}; Pferdetoto {m,n} tote [anhören]

Trauerspinner {m}; Trauerbär {m}; Kaiserbär {m} (Phalaena luctifera / Phragmatobia luctifera / Epatolmis caesarea) [zool.] epatolmis luctifera tiger moth

Zahnabnutzung {f}; Odontotripsis {f} (Abrasio dentis) [med.] tooth wear; odontotripsis

Zahnalter {n} tooth age

Zahnausschliff {m} [med.] tooth abrasion

Zahnbelag {m}; Plaque {m} [med.] dental film; (dental) plaque; tooth/dental deposit [anhören] [anhören]

Zahnhalslinie {f}; Schmelz-Zement-Grenze {f} beim Zahn [anat.] cervical line of the tooth

Zahnbrust {f} [techn.] face/breast of a cutting tooth

Zahndamm {n} [anat.] alveolus; socket of a tooth

Zahnextraktion {f} [med.] tooth extraction; tooth avulsion

Zähnezahlverhältnis {n} [techn.] tooth ratio

Zahnfarbbestimmung {f}; Farbnahme {f} beim Zahn [med.] tooth shade matching; tooth shade determination; shade selection

Zahnfach {n}; Zahnalveole {f} [anat.] tooth socket; dental alveolus

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