Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

smells and bells (as a feature of Catholic/Orthodox Churches) [pej.] Weihrauch und Glockengeläut (als Merkmal katholischer/orthodoxer Kirchen) [pej.] [relig.]

cooking smells; cooking odours [Br.]; cooking odors [Am.] Kochgerüche {pl} [pej.] [cook.]

He smells a rat. Er riecht den Braten.

alcohol halitosis; malodorous breath from alcohol Alkoholfahne {f}; Fahne {f} [ugs.] [listen]

His breath smells of booze/reeks of alcohol/smells like a brewery. Er hat eine Fahne.

fishy smell Fischgeruch {m}

fishy smells Fischgerüche {pl}

smell; odour [Br.]; odor [Am.] [listen] [listen] Geruch {m}; Odor {m} [geh.] [listen]

smells Gerüche {pl}

smell of almonds; (bitter) almond smell Mandelgeruch {m}

the smell of fresh rain Geruch von frischem Regen

to smell {smelled / smelt [Br.]; smelled / smelt [Br.]} (of) [listen] duften; riechen {vi} (nach) [listen]

smelling duftend

smelt geduftet

he/she/it smells er/sie/es duftet

I/he/she/it smelled / smelt [Br.] ich/er/sie/es duftete

he/she has/had smelled / smelt [Br.] er/sie hat/hatte geduftet

strangely merkwürdig; seltsam {adv} [listen] [listen]

It smells strangely. Es riecht merkwürdig.

to smell {smelled / smelt [Br.]; smelled / smelt [Br.]} (emit a particular odour or scent) [listen] riechen {vi} (einen bestimmten Geruch verströmen) [listen]

smelling riechend

smelled; smelt gerochen

he/she/it smells er/sie/es riecht

I/he/she/it smelled / smelt [Br.] ich/er/sie/es roch

he/she/it has/had smelled / smelt [Br.] er/sie/es hat/hatte gerochen

I/he/she would smell ich/er/sie röche

to smell good / nice gut riechen

to smell bad / awful schlecht / furchtbar riechen

That tea smells good. Der Tee riecht gut.

The water smells funny. Das Wasser riecht komisch.

I can smell burning. Es riecht brenzlig.

to smell {smelled / smelt [Br.]; smelled / smelt [Br.]} (of sth. [Br.], when the substance is present / like sth.) [listen] nach etw. riechen; schmecken [Bw] [Schw.] {v} [listen]

to smell faintly of cinnamon [Br.] / like cinnamon [Am.] leicht nach Zimt riechen

The shampoo smells like peaches. Das Shampoo riecht nach Pfirsich.

He smelled strongly of alcohol. [Br.]; He smelled strongly like alcohol. [Am.] Er roch stark nach Alkohol.

What does it smell like to you? Wonach riecht das deiner Meinung nach?

The place smells of [Br.] / like [Am.] deep-frying fat from the kitchen. Hier riecht's nach Frittierfett aus der Küche.

The air smelled of [Br.] / like [Am.] something burnt.; The air smelled burnt. Es roch (dort) nach Verbranntem.; Er roch verbrannt.

to smell {smelled / smelt [Br.]; smelled / smelt [Br.]}; to stink {stank/stunk, stunk} (of sth.) [listen] [listen] stinken {vi} (nach etw.)

smelling; stinking stinkend

smelled; smelt [Br.]; stunk gestinkt

he/she/it smells; he/she/it stinks er/sie/es stinkt

I/he/she/it smelled / smelt [Br.]; I/he/she/it stank ich/er/sie/es stank

he/she/it has/had smelled / smelt [Br.]; he/she/it has/had stunk er/sie/es hat/hatte gestunken

I/he/she/it would stink ich/er/sie/es stänke

His clothes smelled / stank of fish. Seine Kleider stanken nach Fisch.

If I don't get a shower soon I'll start to smell / stink. Wenn ich nicht bald zum Duschen komme, fange ich an zu stinken.

It smells in here. Da stinkt's.

Something stinks in here. Da stinkt etwas.

Whew, what smells? Uh, was stinkt denn da so?

The room smelled / smelt [Br.] to high heaven. In dem Raum war ein Gestank sondergleichen.

This whole situation stinks to high heaven. [fig.] Die ganze Sache stinkt zum Himmel. [übtr.]