Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

prairie coneflowers (botanical genus) Präriezapfenblumen {pl} (Ratibida) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

prairie chicken Präriehuhn {n} [ornith.]

prairie warbler Rostscheitel-Waldsänger {m} [ornith.]

coyote; prairie wolf; brush wolf; American jackal Kojote {m}; Präriewolf {m}; Steppenwolf {m} (Canis latrans) [zool.]

coyotes; prairie wolves; brush wolves; American jackals Kojoten {pl}; Präriewölfe {pl}; Steppenwölfe {pl}

pasque flowers; Easter flowers; wind flowers; meadow anemones; prairie crocusses (botanical genus) Kuhschellen {pl}; Küchenschellen {pl} (Pulsatilla) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

prairie [listen] Prärie {f}; Grassteppe {f} [geogr.]

lesser prairie chicken Kleines Präriehuhn {n} [ornith.]

fire [listen] Brand {m} [listen]

fires Brände {pl}

bush fire; bushfire; brush fire; brushfire Buschbrand {m}; Buschfeuer {n}

vehicle fire; car fire Fahrzeugbrand {m}

grease fire; boilover Fettbrand {m}

wildland fire; wildfire Flurbrand {m}

oil fire Ölbrand {m}

prairie fire Steppenbrand {m}

forest fire; forest wildfire Waldbrand {m} [listen]

flash fire schnell aufflammender Brand

structure fire Brand tragender Teile

to catch fire in Brand geraten; Feuer fangen

to be on fire in Flammen stehen

to set sth. on fire; to set sth. alight etw. in Brand setzen; etw. in Brand stecken

meadow voles (zoological genus) Feldmäuse {pl} (Microtus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.]

meadow mouse; field mouse Wiesenmühlmaus {f} (Microtus pennsylvanicus)

prairie vole Präriewühlmaus {f} (Microtus ochrogaster)

grassland; meadowland; meadowlands; meadow (in compounds) [listen] Grünlandfläche {f}; Grünland {n}; Rasen {m} (in Zusammensetzungen); Wiese {f} (in Zusammensetzungen) [agr.] [envir.] [listen]

alpine grassland alpiner Rasen; alpine Matte {f}; Alpenmatte {f}

permanent grassland Dauergrünlandfläche {f}; Dauergrünland {n}

amenity grassland [Br.] Gründlandfläche(n) für Freizeitaktivitäten und Erholung

semi-dry grassland Halbtrockenrasen {m}; Halbstrauch-Gebüschtrockenrasen {m}

chalk grassland; limestone grassland; limestone prairie [Am.] Kalktrockenrasen {m}; Kalkmagerrasen {m}; basiphiler Magerrasen {m}

avalanche grassland Lawinenrasen {m}; Lavinarrasen {m}; Lavinarwiese {f}

nutrient-poor grassland Magerrasen {m}; Magerwiese {f}

natural grassland natürliches Grünland

acidic grassland Sandtrockenrasen {m}; Sandmagerrasen {m}; Silikatmagerrasen {m}

xeric grassland Trockenrasen {m}

arid grassland; arid sward; dry sward; dry meadow Volltrockenrasen {m}; Trockenrasen {m}

temporary ley [Br.]; ley [Br.]; temporary grassland [Am.] Wechselgrünland {n}; zeitweiliges Grünland; Feldgraswiese {f}

xerothermous meadow Xerothermrasen {m}

hares and jackrabbits (zoological genus) Echten Hasen {pl} (Lepus) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.]

Alaskan hare; tundra hare Alaskahase {m} (Lepus othus)

antelope jackrabbit Antilopenhase {m} (Lepus alleni)

American desert hare; black-tailed jackrabbit Kalifornischer Eselhase {m}; Eselhase {m} (Lepus californicus)

black jackrabbit Espiritu-Santo-Hase {m} (Lepus insularis)

European hare; brown hare Feldhase {m}; Hase {m} (Lepus europaeus) [listen]

broom hare Ginsterhase {m}; Castroviejo-Hase {m} (Lepus castroviejoi)

Cape hare; desert hare Kaphase {m} (Lepus capensis)

Arctic hare Polarhase {m} (Lepus arcticus)

prairie hare; white-tailed jackrabbit; white jack Präriehase {m} (Lepus townsendii)

African savanna hare Savannenhase {m}; Mosambik-Hase {m} (Lepus microtis / Lepus victoriae)

mountain hare; white hare; snow hare; Alpine hare; Irish hare; tundra hare; variable hare Schneehase {m} (Lepus timidus)

snowshoe hare; varying hare, snowshoe rabbit [Am.] Schneeschuhhase {m} (Lepus americanus)

woolly hare Tibetanische Wollhase {m} (Lepus oiostolus)

Mexican hare; white-sided jackrabbit Weißflankenhase {m} (Lepus callotis)

climate [listen] Klima {n} [geogr.] [listen]

moderate climate; temperate climate; equable climate gemäßigtes Klima

bland climate mildes Klima

tough climate raues Klima

equatorial climate äquatoriales Klima

arctic climate arktisches Klima

nival climate nivales Klima

marine climate; oceanic climate ozeanisches Klima

polar climate polares Klima

regional climate; macroclimate regionales Klima

maritime climate Seeklima {n}

steppe-prairie climate Steppenklima {n}

tropical climate tropisches Klima

desert climate Wüstenklima {n}

carriage; waggon [Br.]; wagon [Am.]; vehicle [listen] [listen] [listen] [listen] Wagen {m}; Gefährt {n} [geh.] [transp.]

carriages; vehicles [listen] Wagen {pl}; Wägen {pl} [Süddt.] [Ös.] [Schw.]; Gefährte {pl}

wagon; waggon [Br.]; wain [archaic] [listen] [listen] mit Zugtieren bespannter Wagen; Fuhrwerk {n}

farm wagon; farm waggon [Br.] Bauernfuhrwerk {n}

(wooden) rack wagon Leiterwagen {m}

covered wagon; prairie schooner [Am.] [humor.] Planwagen {m}

pontoon carriage; pontoon waggon; pontoon wagon Schiffswagen {m}; Pontonwagen {m} [hist.]

falcons (zoological genus) Falken {pl} (Falco) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.]

Eurasian hobby Baumfalke {m} (Falco subbuteo)

Eleonora's falcon Eleonorenfalke {m} (Falco eleonorae)

gyrfalcon Gerfalke {m} (Falco rusticolus)

Australian kestrel; nankeen kestrel Graubartfalke {m} (Falco cenchroides)

lanner falcon Lannerfalke {m}; Lanner {m} (Falco biarmicus)

merlin Merlin {m}; Zwergfalke {m} (Falco columbarius)

prairie falcon Präriefalke {m} (Falco mexicanus)

lesser kestrel Rötelfalke {m} (Falco naumanni)

red-footed falcon Rotfußfalke {m} (Falco vespertinus)

kestrel; common kestrel Turmfalke {m} (Falco tinnunculus)

peregrine falcon; pilgrim falcon Wanderfalke {m} (Falco peregrinus)

saker falcon Würgfalke {m} (Falco cherrug)