Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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vergilben {vi} to go yellow; to yellow

vergilbend going yellow; yellowing

vergilbt gone yellow; yellowed

vergilbt goes yellow; yellows

vergilbte went yellow; yellowed

feige; feig; kleinmütig; memmenhaft [geh.]; kleingläubig; hasenfüßig [veraltet] {adj} [listen] cowardly; faint-hearted; chicken-hearted; chicken-livered; chicken; pigeon-hearted; yellow; craven [formal]; pusillanimous [formal]; gutless [coll.]; lily-livered [dated]; yellow-bellied [coll.] [dated] [listen] [listen]

feige sein to be a chicken; to be yellow; to have no guts

Diese Tour ist nichts für Feiglinge / für schwache Nerven. This tour is not for the faint-hearted.

Dieser Film ist nichts für schwache Nerven / für zarte Gemüter. This film is not for the faint-hearted.

Feigling {m}; Angsthase {m}; Kleingläubiger {m}; Hasenfuß {m} [veraltend]; Trauminet {m} [Ös.]; Dadalotsch {m} [Ös.]; Knira {m} [Ös.] [ugs.] coward; faint heart; chicken [coll.]; scaredy-cat [coll.]; fraidy cat [children's speech]; craven [archaic]; yellow-belly [coll.] [dated] [listen] [listen]

Feiglinge {pl}; Angsthasen {pl}; Hasenfüße {pl}; Traumineten {pl}; Dadalotschen {pl}; Kniren {pl} cowards; faint hearts; chickens; scaredy-cats; fraidy cats; cravens; yellow-bellies

So ein Feigling! Such a coward!

Ocker {m} ochre; ocher [Am.]; yellow earth

brauner Ocker; gelber Ocker spruce ochre

roter Ocker rud; rudd

Quarantäneflagge {f}; gelbe Flagge {f} quarantine flag; yellow flag

Quarantäneflaggen {pl}; gelbe Flaggen {pl} quarantine flags; yellow flags

Wespe {f} [zool.] wasp; yellow jacket; yellowjacket

Wespen {pl} wasps; yellow jackets; yellowjackets

ocker; ockerfarben {adj} ochre; ocher [Am.]; dark yellow

ockergelb ochre yellow [Br.]; ocher yellow [Am.]

Anthoxanthine {pl} (weißgelbe Pflanzenfarbstoffe) [biochem.] anthoxantins (white-yellow plant pigments)

Barbarakräuter {pl}; Winterkressen {pl} (Barbarea) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] winter cresses; yellow rockets (botanical genus)

Bariumchromat {n}; Barytgelb {n}; gelbes Ultramarin {n} [chem.] barium chromate; barium yellow; chromate of baryta/barytes; gelbin

Bitterenziane {pl}; Bitterlinge {pl} (Blackstonia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] yellow-worts (botanical genus)

Blaugelb-Blindheit {f} [med.] blue-yellow blindness; tritanop(s)ia

die Boulevardpresse {f}; die Regenbogenpresse {f}; die Skandalpresse {f}; die Journaille {f} [geh.]; die Yellow Press {f} [ugs.] the tabloids; the tabloid press; the scandal-mongering press; the red tops [Br.]; the gutter press [Br.]; the yellow press [Am.] [hist.]

Buttergelb {n}; Methylgelb {n}; Annatto {n}; Orlean {m} [chem.] methyl yellow; annatto; anatto; arnatto; achiote

Crocin {n}; Gardenin {n} (gelber Safranfarbstoff) [chem.] crocine (saffron yellow)

Faltenwespen {pl} (Vespidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] wasps, yellow jackets and hornets (zoological family)

brasilianisches Gelbholz {n}; Gelbholz {n}; gelbes Brasilholz {n}; Fustikholz {n}; Fisetholz {n}; Visetholz {n} fustic wood; fustic; yellow dyewood

Goldsiegelwurzel {f}; Kanadische Orangenwurzel {f}; Kanadische Gelbwurz {f} (Hydrastis canadensis) [bot.] goldenseal; orangeroot; yellow puccoon

Grüne Schmerle {f} (Botia modesta) [zool.] orange-finned loach; redtail loach; yellow-tailed botia

Heidekraut-Bunteule {f}; Heidekrauteulchen {n} (Anarta myrtilli) [zool.] beautiful yellow underwing

Königsgelb {n}; Rauschgelb {n}; Rubinschwefel {m}; Schwefelarsen {n}; Arsenblende {f}; Operment {n}; Auripigment {n} (Färbemittel) king's yellow; arsenic yellow; yellow arsenic; yellow orpiment; orpiment; auripigment (colourant)

Krustenanemone {f} (Epizoanthus spp.; Parazoanthus spp.) [zool.] button polyp; polyp (red; green; blue; yellow...)

Makula {f}; gelber Fleck; Stelle des schärfsten Sehens im Auge [anat.] macula; yellow spot

Rotaugen-Moenkhausia {f} (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae) [zool.] yellow-banded moenkhausia

Schüttgelb {n}; gelber Lack {m}; Stil de grain {m} (Pigmentfarbe) [hist.] stil de grain yellow; stil de grain; sap green; Persian berries lake (pigment colour)

Schwarzwasserfieber {n} [med.] blackwater fever; canebrake yellow fever; haemoglobinuric fever; malarial haemoglobinuria; melanuria

Stadtgelbfieber {n} [übtr.] [med.] urban yellow fever

Viktoriagelb {n}; Metanilgelb {n} orange MNO; metanil(ine) yellow

dunkelgelb {adj} dark yellow

die gelbe Gefahr (unterstellte Bedrohung durch China/Südostasien) [pol.] the yellow peril (threat regarded as being posed by China/SE Asia)

gelbgefärbt {adj} yellow-coloured; xanthochromatic; xanthochromic

gelbhäutig {adj} yellow-skinned; xanthochroous

hellgelb {adj} light yellow; pale yellow; straw yellow

honiggelb {adj} (Farbe) honey yellow (colour)

knallgelb {adj} bright yellow

messinggelb {adj} brass-yellow

rötlichgelb {adj} reddish yellow

weißgelb {adj} pale yellow

zitronengelb {adj} lemon-yellow; lemon-colored

(Chromis bicolor) [zool.] purple & yellow chromis

(Ecsenius frontalis) [zool.] black & yellow blenny

Er hat Schiss! He's yellow!

Alpendohle {f} (Pyrrhocorax graculus) [ornith.] yellow-billed chough; alpine chough

Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger {m} (Phylloscopus inornatus) [ornith.] yellow-browed warbler

Gelbkehlvireo {m} (Vireo flavifrons) [ornith.] yellow-throated vireo

Mittelmeermöwe {f} (Larus michahellis) [ornith.] yellow-legged gull

Weidenammer {f} (Emberiza aureola) [ornith.] yellow-breasted bunting

Gelbfußtinamu {m} [ornith.] yellow-legged tinamou

Gelbaugenpinguin {m} [ornith.] yellow-eyed penguin

Gelbnasenalbatros {m} [ornith.] yellow-nosed albatross

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