Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

anthoxantins (white-yellow plant pigments) Anthoxanthine {pl} (weißgelbe Pflanzenfarbstoffe) [biochem.]

anthocyanins; anthocyans [rare] (purplish plant pigments) Anthozyane {pl}; Anthocyane {pl}; Anthocyanine {pl} [selten] (blaurote Pflanzenfarbstoffe) [biochem.]

colour pigment [Br.]; color pigment [Am.]; pigment (insoluble colourant) Farbkörper {m}; Farbpigment {n}; Pigment {n}; Farbstoffteilchen {n} (unlösliches Farbmittel) [chem.]

colour pigments; color pigments; pigments Farbkörper {pl}; Farbpigmente {pl}; Pigmente {pl}

barium chromate pigment Bariumchromatpigment {n}

white barium sulfate pigment; blanc fixe weißes Bariumsulfatpigment; Blanc fixe

blue glaze pigment Blauglasurpigment {n}

cadmium pigment Cadmiumpigment {n}

coating pigment Streichpigment {n}

inert pigment passives Pigment

to grind pigments Pigmente anreiben

visual pigment Sehpigment {n} [anat.]

visual pigments Sehpigmente {pl}

metabolic pigment Stoffwechselpigment {n}

metabolic pigments Stoffwechselpigmente {pl}

cellular pigment; cytopigment; cytochrome Zellfarbstoff {m}; Zytochrom {n}; Cytochrom {n} [biol.] [chem.]

cellular pigments; cytopigments; cytochromes Zellfarbstoffe {pl}; Zytochromen {pl}; Cytochromen {pl}

to effloresce (salt, pigments, fillers etc.) auskristallisieren; ausblühen {vi} (Salz, Farbkörper, Füllstoffe usw.)

efflorescing auskristallisierend; ausblühend

effloresced auskristallisiert; ausgeblüht

plant pigment Pflanzenpigment {n} [biochem.]

plant pigments Pflanzenpigmente {pl}