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39 Ergebnisse für insect
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Insektenfresser {m}; Entomophag {m} [zool.] insect-eater; insectivorous animal; insectivore

Insektenfresser {pl}; Entomophagen {pl} insect-eaters; insectivorous animals; insectivores

Insekt {n}; Kerbtier {n} [zool.] [anhören] insect [anhören]

Insekten {pl}; Kerbtiere {pl} insects

Nutzinsekt {n} beneficial insect

Raubinsekt {n} predator insect; predatory insect

Schadinsekt {n} pest insect

Insektenfalle {f} insect trap

Insektenfallen {pl} insect traps

Insektenfänger {m} insect trapper

Insektenfänger {pl} insect trappers

Insekten-Nisthilfe {f}; Insektenhaus {n}; Insektenkasten {m}; Insektenhotel {n}; Insektenquartier {n}; Nützlingshotel {n} [zool.] insect nesting box; insect house; insect hotel; insect condo [coll.]; bug home [coll.]

Insekten-Nisthilfen {pl}; Insektenhäuser {pl}; Insektenkästen {pl}; Insektenhotels {pl}; Insektenquartiere {pl}; Nützlingshotels {pl} insect nesting boxes; insect houses; insect hotels; insect condos; bug homes

Insektenschutzmittel {n} insect repellent

Insektenschutzmittel {pl} insect repellents

Insektenstich {m} insect sting; insect bite

Insektenstiche {pl} insect stings; insect bites

Insektenblütigkeit {f}; Entomophilie {f}; Entomogamie {f} [bot.] insect pollination; entomophily

Insektenbefall {m} insect attack

Insektensterben {n} [envir.] insect die-off; insect mortality

Schadinsekten {pl} [agr.] insect pests

insektenblütig; entomophil; entomogam {adj} [bot.] insect pollinated; entomophilous; entogamous

Ackerschädling {m} [agr.] field pest; injurious insect

Ackerschädlinge {pl} injurious insects

Insektenvolk {n} [zool.] colony of insects; insect colony

Insektenvölker {pl} colonies of insects; insect colonies

Phasmid {m} [zool.] phasmid; phasmid insect

Phasmiden {pl} phasmids; phasmid insects

Speiseinsekt {n} [agr.] edible insect

Speiseinsekten {pl} edible insects; insects as food

Stabheuschrecke {f}; Stabschrecke {f} [zool.] stick insect; stick bug; bug stick [Am.] [Can.]; walking stick

Stabheuschrecken {pl}; Stabschrecken {pl} stick insects; stick bugs; bug sticks; walking sticks

Baumhummer {m} (Dryococelus australis) [zool.] tree lobster; land lobster; Lord Howe Island stick insect; Lord Howe Island phasmid

Entomophagie {f}; Verzehr {m} von Insekten [cook.] insect-eating; entomophagy

Hemimetabolie {f}; Verwandlung {f} von Insekten ohne Puppenstadium [zool.] hemimetabolism (insect methamorphosis without pupal instar)

Hinterflügel {pl} (eines Insekts) [zool.] hindwings (of an insect)

Holometabolie {f} (Verwandlung von Insekten mit Puppenstadium) [zool.] holometabolism (insect methamorphosis with pupal instar)

stylopisiertes Insekt stylopized insect

Insektenesser {m}; Entomophag {m} (Mensch) [cook.] (human) insect-eater; entomophagist

Insektenfresser {pl} (Eulipotyphla) (früher: Insectivora / Lipotyphla) (zoologische Ordnung) [zool.] insect-eating mammals; insectivoran mammals; insectivorans (often wrongly: insectivores) (zoological order)

Vorderflügel {pl} (eines Insekts) [zool.] forewings (of an insect)

insektenverzehrend; entomophagisch {adj} [cook.] insect-eating; entomophagous

Entferner {m} [in Zusammensetzungen] remover [in compounds]

Insektenentferner {m} insect remover

Nagellackentferner {m} nail lacquer remover; nail polish remover

Schmutzentferner {m} dirt remover

Teerentferner {m} tar remover

Giftkunde {f}; Toxikologie {f} [pharm.] toxicology

Insektentoxikologie {f} insect toxicology

Pflanzentoxikologie {f} plant toxicology

etw. im Haus haben; etwas dahaben [ugs.] {vt} to have (got) sth. in the house; to have (got) sth. in [coll.]

Hast du Bier im Haus/da? Have you got any beer in (the house)?

Insektenfallen sind aus(verkauft). Nächste Woche werden wir wieder welche (im Haus) haben. Insect traps are sold out. We'll have some in next week.

Ökologe {m}; Ökologin {f} [envir.] ecologist

Ökologen {pl}; Ökologinnen {pl} ecologists

Insektenökologe {m} insect ecologist

Physiologe {m}; Physiologin {f} physiologist

Physiologen {pl}; Physiologinnen {pl} physiologists

Insektenphysiologe {m} insect physiologist

Plage {f} (massives, schädliches Auftreten einer Tierart) plague (of animals) [anhören]

Heuschreckenplage {f} plague of locusts

Insektenplage {f} insect plague; plague of insects

Rattenplage {f} plague of rats

Schlangenplage {f} plague of snakes

Eine Eichhörnchenplage bedroht unsere Wälder. A plague of squirrels is threatening our forests.

Saugrüssel {m}; Rüssel {m} (Insekt) [anat.] [zool.] proboscis (insect)

Saugrüssel {pl}; Rüssel {pl} probosces

Stachel {m} (eines Insekts) [zool.] sting; stinger (of an insect) [anhören]

Stacheln {pl} stings; stingers

Stich {m} (von einem Insekt/Tierstachel) [zool.] [anhören] sting (from an insect or an animal's spine) [anhören]

Stiche {pl} stings

Seeigelstich {m} sea urchin sting

stechen {vt} (Insekt) [anhören] to sting {stung; stung} (of an insect) [anhören]

stechend stinging

gestochen stung

es sticht it stings

es stach it stung

es hat/hatte gestochen it has/had stung

zirpen {vi} (Insekt) [zool.] to chirr; to churr; to chirp (insect)

zirpend chirring; churring; chirping

gezirpt chirred; churred; chirped

zirpt chirrs; churrs; chirps

zirpten chirred; churred; chirped

zustechen {vi} (Insekt) to insert its sting (of an insect)

zustechend inserting its sting

zugestochen inserted its sting
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