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404 ähnliche Ergebnisse für MRP II
Einzelsuche: MRP · II
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Materialdisponent {m}; Materialdisponentin {f} [econ.] materials requirements planner /MRP/

Materialdisponenten {pl}; Materialdisponentinnen {pl} materials requirements planners

Ahorngewächse {pl} (Aceraceae) (botanische Familie) [bot.] aceraceous plants; maple family (botanical family)

Ahornsirupkrankheit {f}; Leuzinose {f} [med.] maple syrup urine disease /MSUD/

Aufwischen {n}; Wegwischen {n} (einer Flüssigkeit) wiping up; mopping up (of a liquid)

Auswaschung {f} des Kontrastmittels (MRT) [med.] washout of the contrast agent (MRI)

Centimorgan {n} /cM/ (Rekombinationseinheit) [biochem.] centimorgan /cM/ (map unit)

Chauvi {m}; Chauvischwein {n} [ugs.] male chauvinist pig /MCP/ [coll.]

Daumengrundgelenk {n} (Articulatio metacarpophalangealis pollicis) [anat.] thumb MCP joint; thumb metacarpophalangeal joint; metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb

Diplomingenieur {m} für Architektur Master of philosophy in design /M.PHil.D./ [Br.]; Master of Architecture /MArch/ [Am.]

Einmannpackung {f} (EPa) [mil.] 24 Hour Operational Ration Pack /ORP/ [Br.]; Meal Ready to Eat /MRE/ [Am.]; Combat Ration Pack /CRP/ [Austr.]; Individual Meal Pack /IMP/ (Canada)

Erprobbarkeit {f} trialability

Fadenring {m} /FR/; magischer Ring {m} /MR/ (Häkeln) [textil.] magic ring /MR/ (crochet)

Flussmorphologie {f} (Gewässerkunde) river morphology; fluvial morphology (hydrology)

Fremdkörpererkrankung {f}; traumatische Hauben-Bauchfellentzündung {f} (Indigestio a corporibus alienis, Reticuloperitonitis traumatica) (bei Wiederkäuern) [med.] [zool.] hardware disease; traumatic reticuloperitonitis /TRP/ (in ruminants)

Geiselnahme {f} der Angehörigen von Angestellten mit Zugang zu Tresorräumen und Erpressung zum Diebstahl tiger robbery; tiger kidnapping (hostage taking of family members of staff with access to vaults and blackmailing into committing theft)

Genitalmorphologie {f} [anat.] [zool.] genital morphology

Gestaltentwicklung {f}; Gestaltbildung {f}; Gestaltwandel {m}; Morphogenese {f}; Morphogenie {f} [selten] [biol.] development of morphological characteristics; morphogenesis; morphogeny [rare]

Gewässermorphologie {f} morphology of waters

Gitterkoordinaten {pl} (auf einer Landkarte) grid references (on a map)

Grundkartenwerk {n} basic map series

Intensitätskarte {f} (zu einem Naturereignis) [envir.] intensity map (for a natural event)

Isogloss {m} [ling.] isogloss (line on linguistic maps to distinguish language or dialect borders)

Karte der mittleren Hangneignung (topografische Darstellung) {f} slope analysis map (topographic depiction)

Kartentechnik {f}; Kartografie {f}; Kartographie {f} map making; cartography

Kerngebiet {n} im Bebauungsplan (Raumplanung) [geogr.] central business district; central business core [Am.] in a proposals map (spatial planning)

Königsgelb {n}; Rauschgelb {n}; Rubinschwefel {m}; Schwefelarsen {n}; Arsenblende {f}; Operment {n}; Auripigment {n} (Färbemittel) king's yellow; arsenic yellow; yellow arsenic; yellow orpiment; orpiment; auripigment (colourant)

Kristallmorphologie {f} crystal morphology

Landformenkunde {f}; Geomorphologie {f} [geol.] study of landforms; geomorphology; geomorphic geology; morphological geology; orography; physiography

Magermilchpulver {n} /MMP/ skim milk powder; skimmed milk powder /SMP/; nonfat dry milk

Magnetresonanztomograph {m}; Kernspintomograph {m}; Kernspintomograf {m}; Kernspin-Tomograf {m} [med.] MRI scanner; magnetic resonance scanner

Magnetresonanztomographie {f} /MR; MRT/; Kernspintomographie {f}; Kernspintomografie {f}; Kernspin-Tomografie {f} [med.] magnetic resonance imaging /MRI/; magnetic resonance tomography /MRT/; nuclear magnetic resonance /NMR/

Magnetresonanzuntersuchung {f}; MRT-Untersuchung {f}; kernspintomographische Untersuchung {f} [med.] MRI examination, examination with MRI images; MRI scan

Modus ponendo ponens {m}; Modus ponens {m} /MP/; Abtrennungsregel (Art der logischen Folgerung) [math.] [phil.] modus ponendo ponens; modus ponens /MP/; rule of detachment (rule of inference)

Modus ponendo tollens {m} /MPT/ (Art der logischen Folgerung) [math.] [phil.] modus ponendo tollens /MPT/ (rule of inference)

Mopanebaum {m}; Mopane {f}; Mopani {m} (Colophospermum mopane) [bot.] butterfly tree; balsam tree; turpentine tree; mopane tree

Morphium {n} [pharm.] morphine; morphia

Morphodynamik {f} morphodynamics

Morphologie {f}; Wortbildungslehre {f} [ling.] morphology

pathologische Morphologie {f}; Pathomorphismus {m} [med.] abnormal morphology; perverted mophology; pathomorphology; pathomorphism

Morphonologie {f}; Morphophonologie {f}; Morphonemik {f}; Morphophonemik {f} [ling.] morphophonology; morphophonemics; morphonology

Rubinschwefel {m}; Opperment {n}; Realgar {m} [min.] red arsenic; red orpiment; realgar

Die Strukturen sind entfaltet. (MRT-Befund) [med.] The structures are patent. (MRI report)

Überlagerung {f} (Topologie) [math.] covering projection; covering map (topology)

Waisenrente {f} orphan's social benefit; orphan's allowance

Wertpapierpensionsgeschäft {n}; Wertschriftenpensionsgeschäft {n} [Schw.] [fin.] securities (sale and) repurchase agreement; securities repurchase transaction; securities repurchase operation; repo /RP/

Zeichenerklärung {f}; Legende {f} (zu einer Karte/Grafik) [anhören] legend; key to the symbols; signs and symbols (on a map/chart) [anhören]

Zellmorphologie {f} [biol.] cell morphology; cytomorphology

an; auf; bei; in; nach; über {prp} [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] on {prp} [anhören]

anders aufgebaut; morphologisch verschieden {adj} [biol.] anisomorphic

eine armselige Gestalt {f}; ein Häufchen {n} Elend (bedauernswerte Frau) little Orphan Annie; little Orphant Annie (of a pathetic-looking woman)

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