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887 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Coty
Tipp: Suche nach mehreren Wörtern (UND verknüpft):Wort1 +Wort2

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
City, Acetyl-CoA-Carboxylase, BIC-Code, Body, Body-Mass-Index, Bot, Bot-Netz, Bote, Boto, Boy, CO-Gehalt, CO-Vergiftung, COM-Plotter, CRT-Display, CT-Angiographie, Citys, Co-Abhängigkeit, Co-Autor, Co-Autoren, Co-Autorin, Co-Autorinnen
Ähnliche Wörter:
Basle-City, city, cony, copy, copy-protected, copy-reader, copy-readers, cosy, cot, cots, coy, cozy, inner-city, mono-city

eine Abschrift beglaubigen {vt} [adm.] to certify; to attest; to exemplify [Am.] a copy [anhören] [anhören]

Altbaugebiet {f} (Raumplanung) [adm.] [geogr.] old part of the city/town/village (spatial planning)

Anzeigenschluss {m} publisher's deadline; copy deadline; deadline [anhören]

Aschkelon (Stadt in Israel) [geogr.] Ashkelon; Ashqelon (city in Israel)

Bildschirmausgabe {f} (von etw.) [comp.] soft copy (of sth.)

Blindkopie {f} (E-Mail-Adressierung) blind carbon copy /BCC/ (e-mail addressing)

Börsennachrichten {pl}; Börsenachrichten {pl} [Ös.] [fin.] financial news; city news; stock exchange intelligence [Br.]

Bürgerschaftswahl {f} [Dt.] [pol.] elections to the city parliament

Charpai {n} (pritschenartiges Bett in Indien) charpaya; charpoy; cot [India] [coll.] [anhören]

Corydoras-Panzerwelse {pl} (Corydoras) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] corydoras; cory catfishes; cories (zoological genus)

Druckfertig-Korrektur {f} [print] press proof; impress copy

(kohlefreies) Durchschreibepapier {n}; NCR-Papier {n} carbonless copy paper; no-carbon copy paper; no-carbon paper; NCR paper

Filmstadt {f} film city

Fingerschutz {m}; Fingerling {m} [med.] fingerstall; finger-stool; finger cot [Am.]

Frischwasser {n} [naut.] fresh water; city water

Gartenstadtbewegung {f} (Stadtplanung) [hist.] garden city movement (urban planning)

Gilde {f} der Stadt London; traditioneller Londoner Berufsverband {m} London livery company [Br.]; livery company of the City of London

Guantánamo (Stadt und Provinz in Kuba) [geogr.] Guantánamo (city and province in Cuba)

Halbonabbildungen {pl} (im Gegensatz zu Volltonabbildungen) [print] halftone copy

Heliopolis {n} (ehemaligie altägyptische Stadt) [hist.] Heliopolis (former city of ancient Egypt)

Illustrationen {pl}; Bebilderung {f} (nichttextliche Elemente) [print] illustrations; artwork; art copy (non-textual elements) [anhören]

Ischtar-Tor {n} (Stadttor von Babylon) [hist.] Ishtar Gate (gate to the city of Babylon)

Kaninchen {n} (Wappentier) [anhören] coney [Br.]; cony [Br.] (heraldic animal)

plötzlicher Kindstod {m}; plötzlicher Säuglingstod {m}; Krippentod {m} [ugs.] (Mors subita infantium) [med.] sudden infant death syndrome /SIDS/; cot death [Br.] [coll.]; crib death [Am.] [coll.]

Konnossementsausfertigung {f} [transp.] [adm.] bill-of-lading copy

Kopierschutz {m} copy protection

Kotangensfunktion {f}; Kotangens {m}; Cotangens {m} /cot/ /ctg/ (Winkelfunktion) [math.] cotangent function; cotangent /cot/ /ctg/ /ctn/ (circular function)

Kuschelsocken {pl} [textil.] cosy socks [Br.]; cozy socks [Am.]

Leuchtgas {n} lighting gas; illuminating gas; city gas; coal gas

die Londoner City-Maut the London congestion charge

Lokalderby {n}; Derby {n} [sport] local derby [Br.]; derby [Br.] (sports match between two teams from the same city or area)

in der Londoner City within the sound of Bowbell [coll.]

Manhattan-Metrik {f}; Mannheimer Metrik {f}; Taximetrik {f}; Manhattan-Distanz {f}; Manheim-Distanz {f} [math.] taxicab geometry; Manhattan length; Manhattan distance; city block distance

Matrize {f} (Vervielfältigungsvorlage für Blaudrucker) [print] [hist.] spirit master copy; spirit master (for spirit duplicators)

Mauscheleien {pl} [ugs.] cosy links

Milet {n} (antike Stadt) [geogr.] [hist.] Miletus (ancient city)

Modellstadt {f} model city; modell town

Nutzen {m} [print] multiple; copy [anhören] [anhören]

Pause {f}; Durchlichtkopie {f} tracing; trace copy [anhören]

Pflichtexemplar {n} deposit copy

Pflichtexemplar {n} obligatory copy

Pflichtexemplar {n} statutory copy

Rohentwurf {m}; Grobkonzept {n} rough copy; rough

Schnellbahn {f}; S-Bahn {f} [transp.] suburban railway; suburban train; city train

Stadtbefestigung {f} city fortifications

Stadtberner; von Bern-Stadt {adj} [Schw.] [geogr.] [pol.] pertaining to the city of Bern

Stadtleben {n} city life

Stadtmitte {f}; Stadtkern {m} town centre; city centre; downtown area [Am.]

Stadtplanung {f} [geogr.] [pol.] urban planning; town planning; city planning [Am.]

die Stadtväter {pl} [pol.] the city fathers

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