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402 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Orest
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Rest, Rest..., A-posteriori-Test, Abelson-Tukey-Score-Test, Ad-hoc-Test, Alkomat-Test, Aluminium-Press-Produkte, Ames-Test, Aorist, Arrest, Aspin-Welch-Test, Bartlett-Test, Behrens-Fisher-Test, Benchmark-Test, Beran-Test, Biest, Bootstrap-Test, Breslow-Day-Test, Brett, Brunk-Test, Brust
Ähnliche Wörter:
at-rest, crest, forest, forest-clad, rest, rest-cure

(großer) Wald {m} [bot.] [geogr.]; Waldfläche {f} [geogr.] [anhören] forest [anhören]

Wälder {pl}; Waldflächen {pl} forests

alter Eichenwald ancient oak forest

Begräbniswald {m} burial forest

Buchenurwald {m} primeval beech forest

Hochwald {m} high forest

Klimaxwald {m} climax forest

Naturwald {m} natural forest

Nutzwald {m}; Wirtschaftswald {m}; forstwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche / Betriebsfläche commercial forest; timber forest; timberland [Am.]; timberlands [Am.]; production forest (area)

Stadtwald {m} city forest; municipal forest

altbestehender Wald old-growth forest

tropischer Nebelwald tropical cloud forest

im tiefen Wald in deep forests

von Buchen- und Kastanienwäldern bedecke Hügellandschaft hilly landscape, covered with chestnut and beech forests

Schutzwald {m}; Bannwald {m} [envir.] protective forest; protection forest

Schutzwälder {pl}; Bannwälder {pl} protective forests; protection forests

Aerosolschutzwald {m} aerosol protection forest

Biotopschutzwald {m} protected habitat forest; protected forest habitat

Bodenschutzwald {m} protective forest for soil conservation purposes

Immissionsschutzwald {m}; Schutzwald {m} gegen Luftverunreinigung; Schutzwald gegen gasförmige Immissionen protective forest against air pollution; protective forest absorbing air pollution

Klimaschutzwald {m} climatic amelioration forest

Lawinenschutzwald {m} avalanche protection forest

Staubschutzwald {m} dust protection forest

Wasserschutzwald {m} protective forest for water resources

Waldfalken {pl} (Micrastur) (zoologische Gattung) [ornith.] forest falcons (zoological genus)

Grauer Waldfalke {m}; Bleiwaldfalke {m}; Einbindenwaldfalke {m} (Micrastur plumbeus) plumbeous forest falcon; Sclater's forest falcon

Graurückenwaldfalke {m} (Micrastur mirandollei) slaty-backed forest falcon; Mirandolle's forest falcon

Kappenwaldfalke {m} (Micrastur semitorquatus) collared forest falcon

Mintonwaldfalke {m} (Micrastur mintoni) cryptic forest falcon

Sperberwaldfalke {m}; Rotkehlwaldfalke {m} (Micrastur ruficollis) barred forest falcon

Traylorwaldfalke {m} (Micrastur buckleyi) lesser collared falcon; Buckley's forest falcon; Traylor's forest falcon

Zweibindenwaldfalke {m} (Micrastur gilvicollis) lined forest falcon

Laubwald {m}; Laubholzwald {m} [bot.] [geogr.] broadleaved forest; broadleaf forest; deciduous forest; hardwood forest; agiosperm forest

Laubwälder {pl}; Laubholzwälder {pl} broadleaved forests; broadleaf forests; deciduous forests; hardwood forests; agiosperm forests

immergrüner Laubwald broadleaved evergreen forest; evergreen broadleaf forest

immergrüner Laubwald der gemäßigten Zone temperate broadleaved evergreen forest

sommergrüner Laubwald broadleaved deciduous summer forest; summergreen forest

sommergrüner Laubwald der gemäßigten Zone temperate broadleaved deciduous forest

Nadelwald {m}; Nadelholzwald {m} [bot.] coniferous forest; conifer forest; needle-leaved forest; needleleaf forest; softwood forest

Nadelwälder {pl}; Nadelholzwälder {pl} coniferous forests; conifer forests; needle-leaved forests; needleleaf forests; softwood forests; aciculilignosa

borealer Nadelwald; borealer Wald; Taiga (in Nordeurasien) boreal/Northern coniferous forest; taiga (in Northern Eurasia)

immergrüner Nadelwald needle-leaved evergreen forest

immergrüner Nadelwald der gemäßigten Zone temperate evergreen forest

Regenwald {m} rain forest; rainforest

Regenwälder {pl} rain forests; rainforests

tropischer Regenwald; Tropenwald {m} tropical rainforest

Gebirgsregenwald {m}; Bergregenwald {m} montane rain forest

Gebirgsregenwälder {pl}; Bergregenwälder {pl} montane rain forests

Forst {m}; forstwirtschaftliche Fläche {f} (bewirtschafteter Wald) [agr.] managed forest; forest [anhören]

Forste {pl}; forstwirtschaftliche Flächen {pl} managed forests; forests

Waldplantage {f}; Baumplantage {f} industrial forest; tree farm

Waldbestand {m}; Forstbestand {m} [agr.] forest stand

Nutzwaldbestand {m} timber stand [Am.]; standing forest crop [Am.]

verjüngter Waldbestand recruitment of the forest

Waldgeist {m} (Mythologie) wood spirit; woodland spirit; forest spirit

Waldgeister {pl} wood spirits; woodland spirits; forest spirits

böse Waldgeister evil forest/woodland spirits

Waldlichtung {f} forest clearing

Waldlichtungen {pl} forest clearings

auf einer Waldlichtung in a forest clearing

Waldgebiet {n}; Waldung {f} forest area; forest tract; woodland

Waldgebiete {pl}; Waldungen {pl} forest areas; forest tracts

Deutschlands größtes zusammenhängendes Waldgebiet Germany's largest contiguous forest area

Auwald {m}; Auenwald {m} [envir.] floodplain forest; alluvial forest

Auwälder {pl}; Auenwälder {pl} floodplain forests; alluvial forests

Bambuswald {m} bamboo forest

Bambuswalder {pl} bamboo forests

Baumbestand {m}; stehender Bestand {m}; stehendes Holz {n}; Bestandsmasse {f}; Waldbestockung {f} (Forstwesen) [agr.] tree population; stock of trees; growing timber; growing stock; forest stocking (forestry)

Uferbestockung {f}; Ufergehölz {n} streamside trees

Eichenwald {m} oak forest

Eichenwälder {pl} oak forests

Erholungswald {m} recreational forest

Erholungswälder {pl} recreational forests

Förster {m}; Forstwart {m}; Waldhüter {m}; Förster im Revierdienst [adm.]; Revierförster {m}; Forstrevierleiter {m} [adm.] [anhören] forest warden; forest ranger [Am.] [anhören] [anhören]

Förster {pl}; Forstwarte {pl}; Waldhüter {pl}; Förster im Revierdienst; Revierförster {pl}; Forstrevierleiter {pl} [anhören] forest wardens; forest rangers

Försterei {f} forest warden's lodge; forest ranger's lodge [Am.]

Förstereien {pl} forest warden's lodges; forest ranger's lodges

Forstamt {n} [adm.] forest office

Forstämter {pl} forest offices

Forstarbeiter {m} forestry worker; forest worker; forest labourer [Br.]; forest laborer [Am.]

Forstarbeiter {pl} forestry workers; forest workers; forest labourers; forest laborers

Forstbeamte {m} forest officer

Forstbeamten {pl} forest officers

Forstpflanze {f} [agr.] forest tree seedling; forest tree liner

Forstpflanzen {pl} forest tree seedlings; forest tree liners

Forstrevier {n} forest district

Forstreviere {pl} forest districts

Hartlaubwald {m} [bot.] sclerophyllous forest; sclerophyll forest

Hartlaubwälder {pl} sclerophyllous forests; sclerophyll forests

Laubdach {n}; Laubetage {f}; Kronenraum {m}; Kronendach {n} des Waldes; Waldkronenschicht {f} [bot.] leaf canopy; tree canopy; forest canopy; forest crown

geschlossenes Kronendach closed canopy; complete canopy; continuous canopy

Mangrovenwald {m} mangrove forest

Mangrovenwälder {pl} mangrove forests

Mischwald {m} mixed forest; mixed deciduous and coniferous forest; mixed woodland

Mischwälder {pl} mixed forests; mixed deciduous and coniferous forests; mixed woodlands

Neubewaldung {f}; Bewaldung {f}; Neuaufforstung {f}; Aufforstung {f}; Waldbestandsgründung {f}; Umwandlung {f} von Ackerland in Waldflächen [agr.] afforestation; forestation; forest development

Hochlagenbewaldung {f}; Hochlagenaufforstung {f} upland afforestation [Br.]; high-altitude afforestation [Am.]

Niederwald {m} [agr.] low forest; coppice forest; coppice wood; coppice-managed woodland

Plenterwald {m} coppice forest with standards

Pinienwald {m} pine forest; pine wood

Pinienwälder {pl} pine forests; pine woods

Primärwald {m} [bot.] primary forest

Primärwälder {pl} primary forests

Rodungsfläche {f} forest clearing area

Rodungsflächen {pl} forest clearing areas

Schonung {f}; Waldpflanzgebiet {n} [agr.] forest plantation area

Schonungen {pl}; Waldpflanzgebiete {pl} forest plantation areas

Schwarzwald {m} [geogr.] Black Forest

Hochschwarzwald {m} High Black Forest

Trockenwald {m} dry forest

Trockenwälder {pl} dry forests

Uferwald {m} (am Flussufer) [geogr.] riverside forest; riverside woodland

Uferwälder {pl} riverside forests; riverside woodlands

Urwald {m} virgin forest; primeval forest

Urwälder {pl} virgin forests; primeval forests

Urwaldriese {m} [ugs.] rainforest giant; giant of the jungle; forest giant

Urwaldriesen {pl} rainforest giants; giants of the jungle; forest giants

Waldbrandgefahr {f} forest wildfire risk; forest fire risk

Waldbrandgefahren {pl} forest wildfire risks; forest fire risks

Waldbrandgefahrenstufe {f}; Waldbrandwarnstufe {f} [envir.] forest fire danger level; forest fire risk level; forest fire threat level; forest fire warning level

Waldbrandgefahrenstufen {pl}; Waldbrandwarnstufen {pl} forest fire danger levels; forest fire risk levels; forest fire threat levels; forest fire warning levels

Waldgebiet {n}; Waldfläche {f}; bewaldete Fläche {f}; Waldung {f} [geh.] [veraltend] [geogr.] woodland area; woodland; woodlands; area of forest

Waldgebiete {pl}; Waldflächen {pl}; bewaldete Flächen {pl}; Waldungen {pl} woodland areas; woodlands; areas of forest

Waldgut {n}; Waldbesitz {m} forest estate

Waldgüter {pl} forest estates

Waldrand {m}; Waldesrand {m} [poet.] edge of the woods; edge of the forest; forest edge; woodside

am Waldrand on the forest edge; along the edge of the forest; near to the edge of the woods

Buchenwald {m} [hist.] beech wood; beech woods; beech forest (depending on its size)

Buchenwald; KZ Buchenwald; Konzentrationslager Buchenwald Buchenwald concentration camp

Abholzen {n}; Abholzung {f}; Abforstung {f}; Waldrodung {f}; Rodung {f} von Waldgebieten [envir.] deforestation; disforestation; disafforestation; forest clearance; forest clearing

Algenwald {m}; Tangwald {m}; Kelpwald {m} [selten] [bot.] kelp forest

Andrew-Schnabelwal {m} (Mesoplodon bowdoini) [zool.] Andrew's beaked whale; Bowdoin's beaked whale; deep-crest beaked whale; splay-toothed beaked whale

Beckenkamm {m} [anat.] iliac crest

Beckenkammpunktion {f} [med.] iliac crest puncture

forstliche Bestandsaufnahme {f}; forstliche Inventur {f} [agr.] forest enumeration [Br.]; forest stand inventory [Am.]

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