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266 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Yung
Tipp: Mustersuche: Wort*

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Dung, Jung'sch, jung, Berg-und-Tal-Bahn, Bernhardiner-Hund, Bong, Brevet-Rang, Bug, Buna, Bund, Bunge, Bunt-Vergissmeinnicht, Burg, CB-Funk, D-Zug, Ding, Dunn-Test, Fang, Fang-Lasso, Fang-Stichprobenverfahren, Feng-Shui
Ähnliche Wörter:
bung, bung-hole, bung-holes, dung, dung--hill, gung-ho, hung, hung-over, lung, lung-irritant, re-hung, rung, sung, sung-through, through-sung, well-hung, young

Adultismus {m}; Diskriminierung {f} von Jugendlichen [soc.] adultism; discrimination against young people

sexuelle Attraktivität {f} (einer jungen Frau) nubility (of a young woman)

Bengel {m}; Lauser {m}; Murkel {m}; Steppke {m} [Berlin]; Bams {m} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Gof {m} [Schw.] [ugs.] (kleines Kind) ankle-biter [Am.] [Austr.] [humor.] (young child)

Bestechungsgeld {n}; Schmiergeld {n} [ugs.] pay-off; payoff; bribe; bung [Br.] [coll.]

Brutpflege {f}; Brutfürsorge {f} [zool.] care of young; parental care (given to the young)

Christlicher Verein junger Menschen /CVJM/ Young Men's Christian Association /YMCA/

Christlicher Verein junger Frauen und Mädchen Young Women's Christian Association /YWCA/

Dorfjugend {f} village youth; country youth; young people of the village; young hicks [pej.]

auf Dung lebend; koprophil {adj} [biol.] coprophilic; coprophilous

Elastizitätsmodul {n,m}; E-Modul {n,m} [math.] modulus of elasticity; elastic modulus; Young's modulus [Am.]

Fräulein {n} young lady

Gummistopfen {m} rubber bung

Herz-Lungen-Maschine {f} /HLM/ [med.] heart-lung machine; cardiopulmonary bypass /CPB/

Holzölbaum {m}; Tungölbaum {m}; Tungbaum {m}; Kalonussbaum {m} (Vernicia fordii) [bot.] tung-oil tree; tung tree; tung nut; Chinese wood-oil-tree

Infantizid {m} (Tötung von Jungtieren der eigenen Art) [zool.] infanticide (killing of young of the same species)

Jugendalter {n} young age

Jugendamt {n}; Jugendhilfeamt {n} [Dt.]; Jugendhilfebehörde {f} [Dt.]; Jugendwohlfahrtsamt {n} [Ös.]; Jugendwohlfahrtsbehörde {f} [Ös.] [adm.] youth welfare service office; youth welfare office; children and young people's service office [Br.]; CYP office [Br.]

Jugendfürsorge {f}; Jugendpflege {f}; Jugendhilfe {f} [Dt.]; Jugendwohlfahrt {f} [Ös.] [adm.] [soc.] youth welfare service; youth welfare; children and young people's service [Br.]

die Jugendlichen the young

Jugendschutz {m} legal protection for children and young persons

Jugendstadium {n} young stage; immature stage; youth(ful) stage

Jungdamen- und -herrenkomitee {n} (Balleröffnung) [Ös.] Young Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dance Committee (ball opening)

die Jungen the young; the young ones

Junge {n}; Junges [zool.] [anhören] young one; pup [anhören]

die Junggebliebenen {pl} the young-at-heart

Jung'sch; jungsch {adj} [psych.] Jungian

Jungtiere aufziehen; Junge aufziehen {vt} [zool.] to rear young

Jungvieh {n} [agr.] young stock

Juso {m}; Jungsozialist {m}; Jungsozialistin {f} young socialist

Kinder- und Jugendlichenpflege {f} [soc.] care of children and young people

Kohlenstaublungenerkrankung {f}; Kohlenstaublunge {f}; Anthrakose {f} [med.] coal-miner's lung; minder's lung; black lung disease; black lung; black phthisis; anthracosilicosis; anthracosis

Kotfressen {m} [zool.] coprophagy; feeding on dung or faecal material

Kuhmist {m} cow dung

Läufer {m} (junges Schwein) [anhören] young pig

eiserne Lunge {f} (Beatmungsgerät) [med.] [hist.] negative pressure ventilator; iron lung

Lungenfell {n} [anat.] lining of the lung

Lungenkrebs {m}; Bronchialkrebs {m} [med.] lung cancer; bronchial cancer

Lungenpest {f}; Pestpneumonie {f} [med.] lung plague; plague pneumonia

Lungenquetschung {f}; Lungenkontusion {f} [med.] lung contusion; pulmonary contusion

Lungenspitze {f} [anat.] apex of lung

Lungenvolumen {n} [med.] lung volume

Mastvieh {n} [agr.] fatstock [Br.]; fatlings (young fatstock)

Matjeshering {m} [cook.] young salted herring; matje

Mistgas {n} [envir.] biogas from dung

Misthaus {n} Dung House

Nachwuchs {m} [anhören] the young generation

Nachwuchs {m} [sport] [anhören] young talent

Nachwuchsarbeit {f} [sport] work developing young talent

Nachwuchssorgen haben {v} to have difficulty in finding young talent

Neolithikum {n}; Jungsteinzeit {f} [hist.] neolithic; young stone age

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