Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

locus recorder Ortskurvenschreiber {m} [techn.]

source of infection; focus of infection; locus of infection; seat of the infection; centre of contagion; infective locus; locus; nidus Ansteckungsherd {m}; Infektionsherd {m} [med.]

sources of infection; foci of infection; loci of infection; seats of the infection; centres of contagion; infective locuses; locuses; niduses Ansteckungsherde {pl}; Infektionsherde {pl}

primary focus Ursprungsherd {m}; Primärherd {m}; Elementarherd {m}

geometrical locus; locus geometrischer Ort {m}; Ortskurve {f} [math.]

geometrical loci; loci geometrische Orte {pl}; Ortskurven {pl}

control system locus Ortskurve der Regelstrecke [techn.]

load locus Belastungspunkt {m}

frequency response curve; frequency response locus; Nyquist plot (stability analysis) Frequenzgangkurve {f}; Gangkurve {f}; Ortskurve {f} des Frequenzgangs; Nyquist-Diagramm {n} (Stabilitätsanalyse) [telco.]

gene location; gene locus; genomic locus; locus Genort {m}; Genlokus {m}; Locus {m} [biochem.]

legal standing; locus standi Parteifähigkeit {f} [jur.]

to have legal standing/locus standi before a law court vor einem Gericht parteifähig sein

Planckian locus Planck'sche Kurve {f}

inspection; visual inspection [listen] Augenschein {m}

judicial inspection richterlicher Augenschein

to have a close look at sth.; to give sth. a close inspection etw. in Augenschein nehmen

at first sight [listen] dem ersten Augenschein nach

to inspect/view the locus in quo / the place / property (in question) einen Augenschein/Lokalaugenschein [Ös.] vornehmen

equation [listen] Gleichung {f} [math.]

equations Gleichungen {pl}

equation of the second degree; quadratic equation Gleichung zweiten Grades; quadratische Gleichung

equation of the third degree; cubic equation Gleichung dritten Grades; kubische Gleichung

equation of the xth degree Gleichung xten Grades; Gleichung xter Ordnung

equation of kinetics; equation of kinetic and potential energy Arbeitsgleichung {f}

equation of condition; condition equation; conditional equation; constraints equation Bedingungsgleichung {f}

conditional equation Bestimmungsgleichung {f}

equation of elasticity Elastizitätsgleichung {f}

equation of energy Energiegleichung {f}; Energiesatz {m}

field equation Feldgleichung {f}

equation of a straight line Geradengleichung {f}

equation of equilibrium Gleichgewichtsgleichung {f}

gravitational equation Gravitationsgleichung {f}

equation of the centre; equation of a circle with the origin at the centre Mittelpunktsgleichung {f}

equation of the locus Ortsgleichung {f}

equation of periods Periodengleichung {f}

chemical equation Reaktionsgleichung {f}

equation of thermal state Wärmegleichung {f}

equation of time Zeitgleichung {f}

equation of continuity Zustandsgleichung {f}

equation of state Zustandsgleichung [phys.]

identical equation allgemeingültige Gleichung; identische Gleichung

to solve an equation for x eine Gleichung nach x freistellen