Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

presence of a focus; presence of foci / focal lesions Beherdung {f} [med.]

the subject has foci/focal lesions bei dem Probanden bestehen Beherdungen

Marked wall thickening with floating echogenic / hyperechoic foci / material. (ultrasonography report) Ausgeprägte Wandverdickung {f} mit hyperechogenen Schwebeechos. (Ultraschallbefund) [med.]

source of infection; focus of infection; locus of infection; seat of the infection; centre of contagion; infective locus; locus; nidus Ansteckungsherd {m}; Infektionsherd {m} [med.]

sources of infection; foci of infection; loci of infection; seats of the infection; centres of contagion; infective locuses; locuses; niduses Ansteckungsherde {pl}; Infektionsherde {pl}

primary focus Ursprungsherd {m}; Primärherd {m}; Elementarherd {m}

focal point; focus [listen] Brennpunkt {m}

focal points; foci Brennpunkte {pl}

foci of the ellipse Brennpunkte {pl} der Ellipse

conjugate foci konjugierte Brennpunkte

to bring an issue into focus ein Thema in den Brennpunkt rücken [übtr.]

epidemic focus; epidemic centre [Br.]; epidemic center [Am.]; seat of the epidemic Epidemieherd {m} [med.]

epidemic foci; epidemic centres; epidemic centers; seats of the epidemic Epidemieherde {pl}

focus [listen] Fokus {m}

foci Fokusse {pl}

focus of a disease; focus [listen] Krankheitsherd {m}; Herd {m} [med.]

foci Krankheitsherde {pl}; Herde {pl}

generalizing focus streuender Herd; Streuherd {m}

carcinomatous focus Krebsherd {m} [med.]

carcinomatous foci Krebsherde {pl}