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198 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Otar
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Ähnliche Wörter:
Notar, Notar-Anderkonto, San-Cristobal-Star, Star, Star...
Ähnliche Wörter:
Star-of-Persia, oar, osar, star, star-!-like, star--shaped, star-anise, star-crossed, star-dust, star-studded, tar, tar-!-pit, tar-!-pits

Notar {m}; Notarin {f} civil law notary; notary [anhören]

Notare {pl}; Notarinnen {pl} civil law notaries; notary [anhören]

beurkundender Notar recording notary

beglaubigender Notar attesting notary

zum Notar bestellt werden to be appointed as a civil-law notary

etw. vor einem Notar unterzeichnen to sign sth. before a notary

einen Notar von der Liste streichen to strike a notary off the roll [Br.]

Notariatsakt {m} (Beurkundung durch einen Notar) [jur.] notarial act

Notariatsakte {pl} notarial acts

Mit Notariatsakt vom 5. November wurde das Aktienkapital erhöht. By notarial act of 5 November, the share capital was increased.

Immobilienanlage {f}; Betongold {n} [ugs.] [fin.] real property investment [Br.]; property investment [Br.]; real estate investment [Am.]; bricks and motar [coll.]

Immobilienanlagen {pl} real property investments; property investments; real estate investments

Abendstern {m} [astron.] evening star

Absetzteer {m} (bei der Holzpyrolyse) [agr.] settling tar

Allens Demoiselle {f}; Andamanen-Demoiselle {f} (Pomacentrus alleni) [zool.] blue star damsel; neon blue damsel

Allens Demoiselle {f}; Andamanen Demoiselle {f} (Pomacentrus alleni) [zool.] neon blue damsel; blue star damsel

Antares {m} (Stern im Sternbild Skorpion) [astron.] Antares; Alpha Scorpii (star in the constellation Scorpius)

Bellatrix; Gamma Orionis; Gamma Ori; Orionis; Ori (Stern) [astron.] Bellatrix; Gamma Orionis; Gamma Ori; Orionis; Ori (star)

Braunkohlenteeröl {n} brown coal tar oil

Bruststern {m} (Orden) Breast Star (order)

Davidstern {m}; Judenstern {m} Star of David

Dekanstern {m} [astron.] [hist.] chief star of zodiac constellation (classical Greece)

Falsches Einhorn {n} (Chamaelirium luteum) [bot.] false unicorn; fairy wand; blazing star; devil's bit; helonias

Fichtenholzteer {m} spruce tar

Fröbelstern {m}; gefalteter Adventsstern Advent Star; Moravian star

Glücksstern {m} lucky star

Hampelmann {m} (Turnübung) [sport] star jump [Br.]; jumping jack [Am.] (gymnastics exercise)

Holzteer {m} [agr.] wood tar

Kadeöl {n} cade oil; (oil of) juniper tar

Kohlenstoffstern {m}; C-Stern {m} [astron.] carbon star; C star

Kreuzbruch {m} star break; X-break

die Krippe; die Praesepe (Sternhaufen) [astron.] the Beehive; the Praesepe (star cluster)

Mercedes-Stern {m} (Logo der Mercedes-Marke) [ugs.] [auto] Mercedes star (logo of the Mercedes brand) [coll.]

Meteoritenstaub {m}; Sternennebel {m} [ugs.] [astron.] stardust; star-dust

Morgenstern {m} (Waffe) [hist.] [mil.] morning star; morgenstern; spiked mace

Mutterstern {m}; Monaster {m} (Zellteilung) [biochem.] mother star; monaster (cell division)

Nadelholzteer {m}; Kienteer {m} pine tar

Notarassessor {m}; Notariatsassessor {m}; Notar(iats)substitut {m} [Ös.] deputy civil-law notary

Notar {m} mit eingeschränkten Befugnissen (nur Beglaubigung von Unterschriften) notary public

Notar-Anderkonto {n} notary trust account [Br.]

Pechkohle {f} [min.] tar coal

Petroleumteer {m} petroleum tar

Petroleumteerdestillation {f} petroleum tar distillation

Raketenschild {m}; Nationale Raketenabwehr {f}; Strategische Verteidigungsinitiative {f} [hist.]; Sternenkrieg {m} [ugs.] [mil.] anti-missile shield; National Missile Defense /NMD/ [Am.]; Strategic Defense Initiative /SDI/ [Am.] [hist.]; Star Wars [Am.] [coll.]

Rotorstern {m} star of rotor blades

Seeigelkakteen {pl} (Astrophytum) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] star cacti; sand doller cacti; sea urchin cacti (botanical genus)

Sirius {m}; Hundsstern {m}; Aschere {m}; Canicula [astron.] Sirius; Dog Star

der Star des Abends/der Veranstaltung [soc.] the headliner [Am.]

grauer Star {m}; Katarakt {m} [med.] cataract

Stargast {m} star guest

Steinkohlenteer {m}; Kohlenteer {m} coal tar; bituminous coal tar; high temperature coal tar; retort gas tar

Sternanis {m} (Gewürz) [cook.] star anise; star aniseed (spice)

Sternapfelbaum {m} (Chrysophyllum cainito) [bot.] star apple tree; milk fruit tree; golden leaf tree

Sternhaufen {m} star cluster

Sternnetz {n} star communication network

Sternnasenmaulwurf {m}; Sternmull {m} (Condylura cristata) [zool.] star-nosed mole

Sterntaufe {f} [astron.] naming of a star; baptism of the stars

Sternwender {m} (Spanplattenherstellung) [techn.] star cooler (particle board production)

Teerabscheider {m}; Teerscheider {m}; Teerwäscher {m} tar extractor

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