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199 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Lonati
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Amazonas-Manati, Fluss-Manati, Karibik-Manati, Konti, Lokativ, Lomami, Monat, Monate, Nagel-Manati, Nati, Sonate, "Sturm-Sonate"
Ähnliche Wörter:
Lomami, donate, lanai, loath, lobate, locate, lunatic, sonata

Absteckung {f} alignment; laying-out; setting out; staking out; location survey (surveying) [anhören]

Adessiv {m} (spezifischer Ortskasus in einigen finno-ugrischen Sprachen) [ling.] adessive case; adessive (specific locative case in some Finno-Ugric languages)

Adresspegelzähler {m} location counter

Alleinlage {f}; Solitärlage {f} (einer Immobilie) standalone location

Amtssitz {m} official seat; location of office

Aufnahmeort {m} (von Ton oder Film) recording location

Auslagerung {f} (von Wertsachen) transfer to another location (valuables)

Außenaufnahme {f} (Film) location shot (film)

Befreiungszimmer {n} (Ort eines Befreiungsspiels) escape room (escape game location)

Bitadresse {f}; Bitposition {f} [comp.] bit location

Blutspenden {n} [med.] donation of blood

Datenfeld {n} (Speicherort) [comp.] data array; data field; information field (memory location)

Echtzeit-Lokalisierung {f} (Funknavigation) [techn.] real-time locating (radionavigation)

Einbuchen {n} des Mobiltelefonstandorts [telco.] mobile location registration

Einbuchen {n} in die Mobilfunk-Standortdatei (GSM) [telco.] location registration (GSM)

Einkaufslage {f}; Lauflage {f}; Passantenlage {f} [Schw.] [econ.] shopping location

Einzellage {f} detached location

Essiv {m} (allgemeiner Ortskasus in einigen finno-ugrischen Sprachen) [ling.] similaris case; essive case (general locative case in some Finno-Ugric languages)

Fehlerortungsverfahren {n}; Ortungsverfahren {n} [telco.] fault-locating mode

Funkortung {f}; Ortungsfunk {m} radio locating

Funkortung {f} [techn.] [aviat.] radio tracking; radio location; radio orientation

Genort {m}; Genlokus {m}; Locus {m} [biochem.] gene location; gene locus; genomic locus; locus

Heimatdatei {f} home location register

Kabelfehlerortung {f} [electr.] cable fault location

Keimzellenspende {f}; Gametenspende {f} [med.] germ cell donation; gamete donation

Kontofindung {f} account locating

Lagemaß {n}; Lokationsmaß {n} [math.] measure of location

räumliche Lokalität {f} [comp.] spatial location; spacial location

Lokativ {m} locative

Mondumlauf {m} (um die Erde); Lunation {f} [geh.] [astron.] lunation

Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung {f} [med.] mouth-to-mouth breathing; mouth-to-mouth ventilation; mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; mouth-to-mouth insufflation; breath donation; transanimation; kiss of life

Ortskennzeichen {n} /OKZ/ [electr.] location identification code /LIC/

Ortsrand {m}; Stadtrandlage {f} periphery (of a town/village); peripheral location [anhören]

Ortstoleranzen {pl} [techn.] tolerances of location

Planfeststellungsbeschluss {m} [Dt.] (Raumplanung) [adm.] Secretary of State approval of a plan [Br.]; design and location approval [Am.] (spatial planning)

Planfeststellungsverfahren {n} [Dt.] (Raumplanung) [adm.] determination process of a plan [Br.]; design and location approval process [Am.] (spatial planning)

Raumwellenfehler {m} (bei der Ortung) [phys.] ionosperic path error (when locating)

Schenkungsannahme {f} acceptance of a gift/donation

Sonnenstandsdiagramm {n} [astron.] sun path diagram; solar location diagram

Speicherstelle {f} location [anhören]

Spendenaffäre {f} donations scandal

Standortdaten {pl}; Positionsdaten {pl}; Ortungsdaten {pl} location data; position data; positional data

Standortermittlung {f}; Standorterkennung {f} [comp.] location sensing; geolocation

Standortpeilung {f} location finding

Standortpolitik {f} [pol.] location policy; industrial location policy

Standortwettbewerb {m} [econ.] [pol.] competition between different locations; competition for inward investment

Vegetationshöhenstufung {f}; Höhenstufung {f}; Höhenstufenfolge {f} [geogr.] altitudinal vegetation zonation; altitudinal zonation; vegetation zonation

geographische Verortung {f}; Georeferenzierung {f} (Zuordnung von kartesischen Standortdaten zu ortsfesten Objekten) geographic coding; geocoding; geographic referencing; georeferencing (assignment of coordinate position data to stationary locations)

Warenort {m} location of goods

Werkstattstandort {m} workshop location

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