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562 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Salon.
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Jalons, Kalong, Kalong-Flughund, Saline, Saling, Salon, Salons, Sarong, Talons, VIP-Salon, Yalong, salopp
Ähnliche Wörter:
Anglo-Saxons, Saxons, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Yalong, alone, along, along-striped, kalong, salina, saline, salon, salons, saloon, saloon-keeper, saloon-keepers, saloons, sarong, stand-alone, talons

Alleinlage {f}; Solitärlage {f} (einer Immobilie) standalone location

Alter; Bruda [Jugendsprache]; Digger [Jugendsprache] (saloppe Anrede) bro [Am.]; bruh [Am.]; bra [South Africa] (slangy form of address) [anhören]

Altsachsen {pl} [hist.] Early Saxons

Augenwischerei {f}; Augenauswischerei {f} [Ös.] window dressing; eyewash [Br.] [dated]; baloney [Am.] [anhören]

Beisichselbstsein {n} (Hegel) [phil.] being-alongside-oneself; being-in-itself (Hegel)

Blasenalgen {pl} (Valonia spp.) [bot.] valonia; bubble algae

Chef (saloppe Anrede) [anhören] gov; guv (slangy form of address) [Br.]

2-Chlorbenzylidenmalonsäuredinitril {n}; CS-Gas {n} (Tränenreizstoff) [chem.] 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile, CS gas

Einplatzrechner {m}; Einplatzsystem {n}; Einbenutzersystem {n} [comp.] stand-alone computer/system; single-station computer/system; single-position computer/system; single user computer/system; single-terminal system

Einsamkeit {f}; Alleinsein {n} [soc.] [anhören] loneliness; lonesomeness; aloneness [anhören]

Endhirn {n}; Telenzephalon {n} [anat.] endbrain; telencephalon

Entsalzungstechnik {f} desalination technology

vielstufige Entspannung {f} (Entsalzung) multi-stage flash (desalination)

Entspannungsdampf {m} (Entsalzung) flash vapour [Br.]; flash vapor [Am.] (desalination)

Epsilon {n} (griechischer Buchstabe) Epsilon

Faziesverzahnung {f} [geol.] interdigitations of facies; intergrowth along the facies

Geschiebe {n} (Feststoffe, die an der Gewässersohle bewegt werden) [envir.] bed-load; bedload; traction load; bottom load [rare] (solid material carried by a stream along its bed)

Geschwätz {n}; Gefasel {n}; (leeres) Gewäsch {n}; Gelaber {n}; Geplapper {n}; (sinnloses) Gerede {n} balderdash; baloney; boloney [dated]; blah; chatter; claptrap; drivel; guff; hogwash; jabberwocky; prattle; prating; yak; waffle [Br.] [anhören] [anhören]

Giftbeere {f} (Nicandra physalodes/physaloides) [bot.] shoo-fly plant; apple of Peru

Großraumwagen {m}; Großraumwaggon {m} (für Personenbeförderung) (Bahn) non-compartmented car; saloon car [Br.]; saloon coach [Am.] (railway)

Halon {n} [chem.] halon

Hinterhirn {n}; Metenzephalon {n} [anat.] afterbrain; metencephalon

das Hohelied Salomos; das Lied der Lieder (Bibel, altes Testament) [relig.] the Song of Solomon; the Song of Songs; the Canticle of Canticles [rare]

Holzölbaum {m}; Tungölbaum {m}; Tungbaum {m}; Kalonussbaum {m} (Vernicia fordii) [bot.] tung-oil tree; tung tree; tung nut; Chinese wood-oil-tree

Hundesalon {m}; Pudelsalon {m} dog parlour; poodle parlour

Kalkverseifung {f} saponification by lime

Kalong-Flughund {m}; Kalong {m} [zool.] large/greater flying fox; kalang; kalong

Kausalordnung {f} causal order

Kausalzusammenhang {m}; ursächlicher Zusammenhang {m}; Kausalnexus {m} [geh.] (zwischen A und B) causal connection; causal link; causality; causation (between A and B)

Kelaart-Langkrallenspitzmaus {f} (Feroculus feroculus) [zool.] Kelaart's long-clawed shrew

Kleinhirn {n}; Zerebellum {n} [anat.] little brain; cerebellum; micro-encephalon; parencephalon; opisthencephalon

Kosmetik- und Friseursalons {pl} salons

Lachsfische {pl}; Salmoniden {pl}; Forellenfische {pl} (Salmonidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] salmonids (zoological family)

Lachsrosa {n} salmon pink

Leichenwachsbildung {f} saponification

Luftwellengleiten {n}; Hanggleiten {n} [sport] air surfing; walk-along gliding; controllable slope soaring; slope soaring

Malonsäure {f} malonic acid

Massagesalon {m} massage parlor

Mittelhirn {n}; Mesenzephalon {n} [anat.] midbrain; mesencephalon

Nachhirn {n}; Myelenzephalon {n}; verlängertes Rückenmark {n}; Medulla oblongata {n} [anat.] marrow brain; myelencephalon

jdn. die ganze Zeit an der Nase herumführen; jdm. die ganze Zeit etwas vormachen {v} to string alongsb.

Niedersachsen {n} (deutsches Bundesland) [geogr.] [anhören] Lower Saxony (German state)

Nullmeridian {m}; Nullgrad {m} (Längengrad) [geogr.] zero meridian; main meridian; prime meridian; Greenwich meridian; line of zero degrees longitude

Okklusalindex {m} (in der Zahnmedizin) [med.] occlusal index (in dentistry)

Pearson-Langkrallenspitzmaus {f} (Solisorex pearsoni) [zool.] Pearson's long-clawed shrew

Postenschacher {m} [pej.] [pol.] allocation of government positions along party lines

Prachthimbeere {f}; Lachshimbeere {f}; Amerikanische Lachsbeere {f} (Rubus spectabilis) [bot.] salmon raspberry; salmonberry

Prinzip {n} der kausalen Tradition; Kausalprinzip {n} (Recht der Rechtsgeschäfte) [jur.] principle of causation (transactions law)

Räucherlachs {m}; Rauchlachs {m} [Schw.] [cook.] smoked salmon; lox

Rautenhirn {n}; Rhombenzephalon {n} (beim Embryo) [anat.] hindbrain; rhombencephalon

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