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22 Ergebnisse für Recreation
Tipp: Wort aus Ergebnis ausschließen: Wort1 -Wort2

 Deutsch  Englisch

Erholung {f}; Freizeit und Erholung [anhören] recreation [anhören]

aktive Erholung active recreation

Tageserholung {f} daily recreation

Ruhe und Erholung {f}; Erholung {f}; Regeneration {f} [anhören] rest and recuperation; recuperation; rest and recreation; recreation; rest and relaxation; R & R [Am.] [anhören]

zur Erholung to get a little R & R

Wiederherstellung {f}; Wiederbildung {f} recreation [anhören]

Erholungsgebiet {n} recreation area; holiday area

Erholungsgebiete {pl} recreation areas; holiday areas

allgemeines Erholungsgebiet area intended for general recreational use

Intensiverholungsgebiet {n} area for concentrated leisure activities

Erholungsheim {n} recreation home; holiday home

Erholungsheime {pl} recreation homes; holiday homes

Erholungszentrum {n} recreation park; leisure centre

Erholungszentren {pl} recreation parks; leisure centres

Freizeitraum {m}; Tagesraum {m} (Heim, Krankenhaus) recreation room; common room [Am.]

Freizeiträume {pl}; Tagesräume {pl} recreation rooms; common rooms

Erholungsort {m} recreation place; recreation locality; recreation village

Erholungsorte {pl} recreation places; recreation localities; recreation villages

Erholungsraum {m} recreation area

Erholungsräume {pl} recreation areas

Freizeitbranche {f}; Freizeitsektor {m}; Freizeitwirtschaft {f} [econ.] recreation sector; recreation industry; leisure industry; leisure trade

Maßnahmen {pl} für die Erholungsvorsorge [envir.] recreation policies

Rückkopplung {f}; Rückkoppelung {f} [übtr.] recreation of links

Freizeitanlage {f}; Freizeitzentrum {n} leisure facility; leisure centre [Br.]; amenities centre [Br.]; leisure complex; recreation center [Am.]

Freizeitanlagen {pl}; Freizeitzentren {pl} leisure facilities; leisure centres; amenities centres; leisure complexes; recreation centers

Freizeitraum {m}; Freizeitzimmer {n} games room [Br.]; recreation room [Am.]; rec room [Am.]; rumpus room; ruckus room

Freizeiträume {pl}; Freizeitzimmer {pl} games rooms; recreation rooms; rec rooms; rumpus rooms; ruckus rooms

Naherholungsgebiet {n} local recreation area

Naherholungsgebiete {pl} local recreation areas

Erholungsvorsorge {f} (Raumplanung) [adm.] [geogr.] provisions for recreation; recreational provisions (spatial planning)

Feriendomizil {n}; Urlaubsdomizil {n} holiday home; recreation home

Wandern {n} [sport] walking (for recreation) [Br.]; rambling [Br.]; hiking [Am.]; bushwalking [Austr.]; tramping [NZ] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Erholungsuchende {pl} those seeking recreation

Urlaub {m}; Beurlaubung {f}; Arbeitsfreistellung {f} (Arbeitsrecht) [anhören] leave of absence; leave; vacation [Am.] [coll.] (labour law) [anhören] [anhören]

Arbeitsurlaub {m} workation

Erholungsurlaub {m} recreation leave; recreational leave

Langzeiturlaub {m} long-term holidays; long-term vacation; sabbatical leave

in Urlaub; im Urlaub away on leave

um eine halbjährige Beurlaubung ansuchen to apply for a half-year leave (of absence)

naturnah {adj} [envir.] near-natural; semi-natural; nature-orientated; close to nature (postpostive); close to natural conditions (postpostive)

naturnahe Aktivitäten nature-oriented activities

naturnahe Erholung recreation in the natural environment

naturnahe Lebensräume semi-national habitats

naturnaher Urlaub nature-oriented holidays

naturnaher Wasserbau near-natural hydraulic engineering

naturnahe Umgebung near-natural environment; environment close to nature

naturnahe Bewirtschaftung von Wäldern semi-natural management of forests

Die Erzeugung sollte so naturnah wie möglich sein. The production should be as compatible with nature as possible.

wandern {vi} [sport] [anhören] to walk (for recreation) [Br.]; to ramble [Br.]; to hike [Am.] [anhören] [anhören]

wandernd walking; rambling; hiking [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

gewandert walked; rambled; hiked

er/sie wandert he/she walks; he/she rambles; he/she hikes

ich/er/sie wanderte I/he/she walked/rambled/hiked

er/sie ist/war gewandert he/she has/had walked/rambled/hiked

ausgiebig wandern to walk extensively
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