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170 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Neco
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Neck, Neo..., neo..., Aero-Urethroskopie, BASA-Netz, Beo, Bot-Netz, CO-Gehalt, CO-Vergiftung, Co-Abhängigkeit, Co-Autor, Co-Autoren, Co-Autorin, Co-Autorinnen, Co-Sponsor, Deck, Deko, Demo, Demo-Aufnahme, Demo-Aufnahmen, Deo
Ähnliche Wörter:
Neo-Impressionism, Neo-Malthusian, Neo-Realism, Neo-Romanesque, Neo-Romanticism, Neo-classical, V-neck, deco, eco, eco-, eco--house, eco--houses, eco-activist, eco-anciety, eco-catastrophe, eco-community, eco-efficient, eco-factories, eco-factory, eco-footprint, eco-freak

Agrippina die Jüngere; Agrippina minor (Mutter des römischen Kaisers Nero) [hist.] Agrippina the Younger; Agrippina Minor (mother of Roman emperor Nero)

Art déco {f} [art] Art Deco /A&D/

Atlaswirbel {m}; erster Halswirbel [anat.] first vertebra (of the neck)

Blasenhals {m} [anat.] neck of the bladder

Bruchsackhals {m} [med.] hernial sac neck

Brudzinski'sches Nackenzeichen {n} (Meningitis) [med.] Brudzinski's neck sign (meningitis)

Gebärmutterhals {m}; Cervix uteri [anat.] cervix; uterine cervix; womb neck

Genickstarre {f} [med.] stiff neck

Gießhals {m} goose neck

Halsabschattung {f} (Kathodenstrahlröhre) [electr.] neck shadow (CRT)

Halsbereich {m}; Halspartie {f} [anat.] neck section; cervical section

Halsfuß {m} (bei Saiteninstrumenten) [mus.] neck heel (in stringed instruments)

Halsüberdehnung {f}; Halswirbelsäulenüberdehnung {f} [med.] hyperextension of the neck/cervical spine

(rückenfreies) Kleid mit Nackenband halter dress; halter-neck; halter top [Am.]

Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen {n} [sport] neck-and-neck race

Kopf und Kragen riskieren, um etw. zu tun {vi} to risk life and limb to do sth.; to risk your neck to do sth.

Labyrinthstellreflex {m} [med.] labyrinthine righting reflex; otolith righting reflex; bowing reflex; labyrinthine tonic neck reflex

Landenge {f}; Isthmus {m} [geogr.] isthmus; neck of land

Nacken {m}; Genick {n}; Gnack {n} [Ös.] [ugs.] [anat.] [anhören] nape; nucha; back/nape of the neck

Nackenaufrichtungsreflex {m} [med.] neck-righting reflex

Nackenbeuge {f} [anat.] neck bend

Nackendusche {f} neck jet

Nackenfurche {f} [anat.] neck furrow

Nackenreflex {m} [med.] neck reflex

Nackenschmerzen {pl}; Nackenschmerz {m}; Halsmuskelschmerz {m}; Trachelodynie {f} [med.] neck pain; cervicodynia; trachelodynia

Nackenschutz {m} neck guard; neck flap

Nackenspalte {f} [anat.] (congenital) fissure of the neck; tracheloschisis

Nackensteife {f}; Nackensteifigkeit {f} [med.] nuchal rigidity; neck stiffness; stiffness of the neck

'Nec aut idem' (Vermerk auf einem Rezept) [med.] [pharm.] 'Dispense as written' /DAW/ (note on a prescription)

Neoexpressionismus {m} [art] neo-expressionism

Neofaschismus {m} [pol.] neo-fascism

Neofaschist {m}; Neofaschistin {f} [pol.] neo-fascist

Neogaullist {m}; Neogaullistin {f} [pol.] neo-Gaullist

Neo...; neo... neo

Neoimpressionismus {m} [art] Neo-Impressionism

Neoklassizismus {m} neo-Classicism

Neokolonialismus {m} [pol.] neo-colonialism

Neokreationismus {m} [phil.] neo-creationism

Neonazismus {m} [pol.] neo-Nazism

Neoplatonismus {m} [phil.] neo-Platonism

Nerven haben {v} [übtr.] to have a brass neck [fig.]

Neugotik {f}; Neogotik {f} [arch.] neo-Gothic style; Gothic Revival

Oberschenkelhalsbruch {m}; Oberschenkelhalsfraktur {f} [med.] femoral neck fracture

Oberschenkelhals {m} [anat.] femoral neck

Öko-Technologie {f} [envir.] eco-technology; eco-tech

Rinderkamm {m} [cook.] neck of beef

die Neue Sachlichkeit {f} [art] New Realism; Neo-Realism

Schandgeige {f} (Folterinstrument) [hist.] neck violin; shrew's fiddle (torture instrument)

Schliffansatz (Glas) {m} ground-in neck (glass)

Schlotgang {m}; Stielgang {m} [geol.] neck [anhören]

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