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356 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Disl
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Compact-Disc-Pressung, Compact-Disc-Produktion, DSL, Dill, Dis, Diss
Ähnliche Wörter:
DSL, dial, dial-in, dial-up, dill, dis, disc, disc-oriented, disc-resident, dish, disk, disk-oriented, disk-resident, diss, floppy-disc, sub-dish, sun-dial

Abklinglagerung {f} (von radioaktiven Abfällen) decay in storage /DIS/; decay storage; storage for decay (of radioactive waste)

Agarplatte {f} (festes Nährmedium in einer Petrischale) [biochem.] agar plate (solid growth medium in a Petri dish)

Anschraublochkreisdurchmesser {m} diameter for fixing the disc [Br.]/ disk [Am.] to the brackets

Auflaufform {f} [cook.] baking dish; gratin dish; casserole dish

Aufsetzzeit {f} (Magnetplatte) [comp.] set-up time (magnetic disk)

Auslagerung {f} (vom Arbeitsspeicher auf die Festplatte) [comp.] disk swapping; swapping

Auslöseanforderung {f} (Wählverbindung) [telco.] clear request (dial-up connection)

Bandscheibendegeneration {f} [med.] intervertebral disk degeneration

Bandscheibensyndrom {n} [med.] spinal disk syndrome; discopathy

Bernoulli-Wechselplatte {f}; Bernoulli-Platte {f} [ugs.]; Bernoulli-Laufwerk {n}; Bernoulli-Kassette {f} [comp.] [hist.] Bernoulli drive; Bernoulli disk; Bernoulli cartridge; Bernoulli box

Block {m} (Platte; Disk) [comp.] physical record

Bremsbelagverschleiß {m} (Scheibenbremse) [auto] brake pad wear (disk brake)

Bremssattel {m}; Bremszange {f}; Sattel {m} (der Scheibenbremse) [auto] brake calliper [Br.]/caliper [Am.]; calliper [Br.]/caliper [Am.] (of the disk brake) [anhören]

Compact-Disc-Produktion {f}; CD-Produktion CD production

D {n}; Dis {n}; Des {n}; Disis {n}; Deses {n} [mus.] [anhören] D; D sharp; D flat; D double sharp; D double flat

Dickenabweichung {f} der Bremsscheibe [auto] disk thickness variation /DTV/

Dillkartoffeln {pl} [cook.] dill potatoes

Dillkraut {n}; Dillenkraut {n} [Ös.]; Gurkenkraut {n} [ugs.]; Dill {m}; Dille {f} [Ös.] (Anethum graveolens) [bot.] dill herb; dill weed; dill [anhören]

Dillsamen {m} [bot.] dill seed

Dillspitzen {pl}; Dill {m}; Dille {f} [Ös.] (Gewürz) [cook.] dill heads; dill (spice) [anhören]

Dissgras {n}; Diss {m} (Ampelodesmos mauritanicus) [bot.] dis grass; Mauritania grass; rope grass; stramma

Echostreuschicht {f} im Meer [envir.] deep-sea scattering layer; deep scattering layer /DSL/; sound-scattering layer

Eindrückschweißung {f} [techn.] disk depression welding

Einwahlmöglichkeiten {pl} dial-up facilities

Einwahl {f} [telco.] dial-up

Fangreflektor {m} [techn.] sub-dish

Festplattenduplizierung {f} [comp.] hard disc [Br.]/disk [Am.] duplication

Festplattengeschwindigkeit {f}; Drehzahl {f} der Festplatte [comp.] disk rotation speed; disk speed

Festplattenspeicher {m} [comp.] hard-disc/fixed-disc memory [Br.]; hard-disc/fixed-disc storage [Br.]; hard-disk/fixed-disk memory [Am.]; hard-disk/fixed-disk storage [Am.] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

Festplattenspiegelung {f} [comp.] disc [Br.]/disk [Am.] mirroring; disc [Br.]/disk [Am.] duplexing

griechische Fleischspieße {pl}; Souflaki {n}; Souvlaki {n} [cook.] Greek dish of skewed meat; souvlaki

Gaumenfreude {f}; Gaumenkitzel {m}; Hochgenuss {m} (Speise) [cook.] delight for the taste buds (of a dish)

Geschirrspülmittel {n}; Spülmittel {n}; Abwaschmittel {n}; Spüli {n} [ugs.] dish detergent; dish(washing) soap; washing-up liquid [Br.]; dishwashing liquid [Am.]; dishwashing detergent [Am.]

Glaukompapille {f} [med.] glaucomatous optic disk; margina excavation of the optic disk

Haftscheibe {f}; Appressorium {n} (bei Pilzen) [bot.] fixation disc [Br.]; fixation disk [Am.]; adhesive disc [Br.]; adhesive disk [Am.]; appressiorium (of fungi)

Halskragen {m}; Schutzkragen {m}; Halskrause {f}; Leckschutz {m} (Veterinärmedizin) [med.] [zool.] [anhören] recovery collar; cone collar; buster collar; Elizabethan collar; E-collar; pet cone; pet lamp-shade [humor.]; pet radar dish [humor.]; cone of shame [humor.] (veterinary medicine)

Heft-DVD {f}; Heft-CD {f} (Zeitschriftenbeilage) cover disk; cover DVD; cover CD (included with a magazine)

die Himmelsscheibe {f} von Nebra Nebra sky disc/disk

Hoppelpoppel {n} [Norddt.] (Resteessen) [cook.] bubble and squeak (leftover dish)

Impulswahlverfahren {n} [telco.] pulse dialing; dial pulse /DP/

Küchenbeilage {f} side dish

Kurzwahlzeichen {n} abbreviated dial code

Linsengericht {n} [cook.] lentil dish

Nadeltonverfahren {n} (für Tonfilme) [hist.] sound-on-disc system; Vitaphone

Nummernscheibe {f} dial switch

Papillenexkavation {f}; Optikusexkavation {f} (Excavatio papillae) [med.] cupping of the disk

Pilzkorallen {pl} (Fungiidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] mushroom corals; plate corals; disc corals (zoological family)

Plattenabfall {m} (Kork) rejected disk waste (cork)

Plattendiffusionstest {m}; Diffusionsplattentest {m} [biol.] disk-diffusion test

Pulswahl {f} [telco.] pulse dial

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