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18 Ergebnisse für Graph | Graph
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Funktionsgraph {m}; Graph {m} [math.] graph of a function; graph [anhören]

Funktionsgraphen {pl}; Graphen {pl} graphs of a function; graphs

Baumgraph {m} tree graph

ebener Graph; planarer Graph planar graph

gerichteter, azyklischer Graph directed acyclic graph (dag)

Restgraph {m} residual graph

säulenförmiger Graph columnar graph

Zustandsgraph {m} state graph

grafische Darstellung {f}; grafische Übersicht {f}; Grafik {f}; Schaubild {n} [anhören] graphical representation; graphic chart; illustrated graph; graphic [comp.] (diagram, table, map or picture) [anhören]

grafische Darstellungen {pl}; grafische Übersichten {pl}; Grafiken {pl}; Schaubilder {pl} graphical representations; graphic charts; illustrated graphs; graphics

Blasengrafik {f} bubble chart

Graphentheorie {f}; Grafentheorie {f} [math.] graph theory

etw. grafisch darstellen {vt} to graph; to diagram; to plot; to chart sth.; to represent sth. by a graph/diagram [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

grafisch darstellend graphing; diagramming; plotting; charting; representing by a graph/diagram

grafisch dargestellt graphed; diagrammed; plotted; charted; represented by a graph/diagram

Millimeterpapier {n} graph paper

Häufigkeitsdiagramm {n}; Histogramm {n} [statist.] chart of frequency distributions; frequency plot; distribution graph; histogram

Streuungsdiagramm {n}; Streuhistogramm {n}; Streubild {n}; Korrelationsdiagramm {n}; Korrelationsbild {n}; Punktwolkendiagramm {n}; Punktwolke {f} [ugs.] scatter diagram; scattergram; scatter chart; scatter plot (often wrongly: scatter graph)

Klimadiagramm {n} [geogr.] climate chart; climate graph

Klimadiagramme {pl} climate charts; climate graphs

Löslichkeitsdiagramm {n} [chem.] [techn.] solubility diagram; solubility graph

Löslichkeitsdiagramme {pl} solubility diagrams; solubility graphs

Bruder {m} (Grafentheorie) [math.] [anhören] brother (graph theory) [anhören]

Flugverlaufskurve {f}; Flugverlaufkurve {f} [aviat.] time-fuel graph

Strichskala {f} bar-graph

Zugkraftdiagramm {n} pull force graph; tractive effort diagram; tractive power chart

grafischer Ist-Fahrplan (Bahn) actual graph of train running (railway)

grafischer Sollfahrplan (Bahn) {m} theoretical graph (railway)

Idealkurve {f} (Graph) [techn.] ideal curve (graph)

Diagramm {n} /Diag./; Grafik {f}; Karte {f} (in Zusammensetzungen); Tafel {f} (in Zusammensetzungen) [econ.] [math.] [statist.] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] diagram /diag./; chart; plot [Am.] [anhören] [anhören]

Diagramme {pl}; Grafiken {pl}; Karten {pl}; Tafeln {pl} [anhören] diagrams; charts; plots

Ablaufdiagramm {n}; Ablaufgrafik {f}; Ablaufschaubild {n}; Ablaufplan {m}; Durchlaufplan {m} (oft fälschlich: Flussdiagramm) flow diagram; flow chart

Balkendiagramm {n} bar diagram; bar chart

Fahrzeitentafel {f} (Bahn) running chart (railway)

Großkreiskarte {f} great circle chart

Kastendiagramm {n}; Kastengrafik {f} box diagram; box plot

Kastendiagramm {n}; Kastengrafik {f} [statist.] box-and-whisker diagram; box-and-whisker plot; box plot

Liniendiagramm {n}; Kurvendiagramm {n}; Kurvenbild {n} line graph; graph [anhören]

Punktdiagramm {n}; Punktediagramm {n} dot plot; plot (set of points that may or may not be connected by a line) [anhören]

Säulendiagramm {n} column diagram; column chart; vertical bar chart

Stamm-Blatt-Diagramm {n}; Stamm-und-Blatt-Diagramm {n}; Stamm-und-Blatt-Grafik {f}; Stamm-und-Blatt-Darstellung {f}; Zweig-Blätter-Diagramm {n}; Zweig-Blätter-Grafik {f} [statist.] stem-and-leaf plot; stem plot; stem-and-leaf display

Stufendiagramm {n} graduation diagram

räumliches Diagramm three-dimensional diagram

wie das Diagramm zeigt as shown in the diagram

ein Diagramm erstellen to draw a diagram; to create a diagram

Inzidenzfunktion {f} (in der Graphentheorie) [math.] incidence function (in graph theory)

Inzidenzfunktionen {pl} incidence functions

jdn./etw. fotografieren; photographieren [alt]; ablichten [ugs.] {vt} to take a picture; to take a photo(graph) of sb./sth. [anhören]

fotografierend; ablichtend taking a photo

fotografiert; abgelichtet taken a photo

fotografiert takes a photo

fotografierte took a photo
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