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Landesflagge {f}; Landesfahne {f}; Nationalflagge {f}; Nationalfahne {f} national flag

Landesflaggen {pl}; Landesfahnen {pl}; Nationalflaggen {pl}; Nationalfahnen {pl} national flags

die Flagge Großbritanniens the Union flag; the Union Jack (national flag of Great Britain)

die Flagge Schottlands the St Andrew's Cross; the Saltire (national flag of Scotland)

die Flagge der USA; das Sternenbanner the Stars and Stripes; the Star-spangled Banner (national flag of the USA)

die Flagge Kanadas the Maple Leaf (national flag of Canada)

Rusa-Hirsche {pl} (Rusa) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] rusa deer (zoological genus)

Pferdehirsch {m}; Sambarhirsch {m}; Sambar {m} (Rusa unicolor) sambar deer; sambar

Prinz-Alfred-Hirsch {m} (Rusa alfredi) Philippine spotted deer; Visayan spotted deer

Ackerwinden-Trauereule {f}; Feldflur-Windeneule {f} (Tyta luctuosa) [zool.] field bindweed moth; four-spotted moth

Argusfisch {m} (Scatophagus argus) [zool.] spotted scat

Aufpasser {m} am Boden; Aufpasser {m} unten (der darauf achtet, dass auf einer Leiter / im oberen Stockwerk usw. nichts passiert) {m} ground spotter

Baumwollpflanzen {pl} (Gossypium) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] [agr.] cotton plants (botanical genus)

Baumwollratten {pl} (Sigmodon) (zoologische Gattung) [zool.] cotton rats (zoological genus)

braunfleckige Beißschrecke {f} (Platycleis tessellata / Platycleis intermedia intermedia) [zool.] brown-spotted bush-cricket

Blauer Fadenfisch {m} (Trichogaster trichopterus) [zool.] three-spotted gourami

Clown-Leierfisch {m}; LSD-Mandarinfisch {m} (Synchiropus picturatus) [zool.] spotted mandarin (fish)

Diaspora {f} (Versprengung einer großen religiösen/ethnischen Gruppe ins Ausland) [pol.] [relig.] diaspora (scattering of a large religious/ethnic group to foreign countries)

Diaspora {f} (große religiöse/ethnische Gruppe, die im Ausland versprengt ist) [pol.] [relig.] members of the diaspora; diaspora (large religious/ethnic group scattered in foreign countries)

Filzkräuter {pl}; Fadenkräuter {pl} (Filago) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] cudweeds; cottonroses (botanical genus)

Höhlenschildläuse {pl} (Margarodidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.] cottony cushion scales, giant coccids and ground pearls (zoological family)

M-Stottern {n}; M-Stammeln {n}; Mutazismus {m}; Mytazismus {m} [med.] mutacism; mytacism

Punktierter Kopfsteher {m} (Chilodus punctatus) [zool.] spotted headstander

Schlankkopf-Symbiosegrundel {f} (Cryptocentrus leptocephalus) [zool.] spotted watchman goby

Schotterbettabschluss {m} (Bahn) ballast retainer (railway)

Tesafilm {m} ®; Tixoband {n} ® [Ös.]; Tixo {n} ® [Ös.]; Klebstreifen {m} [Schw.] (durchsichtiges Klebeband) sellotape ® [Br.]; scotch tape ® [Am.]

Touchieren {n}; Touchierung {f} (Metalloberflächenveredelung bei Uhren, Schusswaffen, Fahrzeugen usw.) [techn.] spot polishing; spotting (metal surface finishing in watches, guns, vehicles etc.)

Tüpfelmohn {m} (Roemeria) (botanische Gattung) [bot.] spotted poppies (botanical genus)

Umklappprozess {m} (Ferromagnetismus) [phys.] flip-over process; Umklapp process; U process; Umklapp scattering (ferromagnetism)

Wassermokassinotter {f} (Agkistrodon piscivorus) [zool.] cottonmouth; water moccasin; black moccasin; black snake

Weißbüscheläffchen {n}; Weißbüschelaffe {m} (Callithrix jacchus) [zool.] common marmoset; cotton-eared marmoset

baumwollen {adj}; aus Baumwolle [textil.] cotton [anhören]

diffus {adj} (Licht) diffuse; diffused; scattered [anhören] [anhören]

schattig; von Schatten durchzogen {adj} spotted with shadows; umbrageous

sotto voce (leise; gedämpft) [mus.] sotto voce

(Chaetodontoplus cyanopunctatus) [zool.] blue spotted angel

(Istiblennius chrysospilos) [zool.] orange spotted blenny

Cottbus {n} (Stadt in Deutschland) [geogr.] Cottbus (city in Germany)

Pibroch {m} (schott. Musik für den Dudelsack); Piobaireachd [mus.] pibroch; piobaireachd

Dunkler Wasserläufer {m} (Tringa erythropus) [ornith.] spotted redshank

Häherkuckuck {m} (Clamator glandarius) [ornith.] great spotted cuckoo

Mittelspecht {m} (Dendrocopos medius) [ornith.] middle spotted woodpecker

Samtente {f} (Melanitta fusca) [ornith.] velvet scoter

Fleckensteißhuhn {n} [ornith.] spotted nothura

Tropfenflughuhn {n} [ornith.] spotted sandgrouse

Fleckbrust-Stachelschwanz {m} [ornith.] spotted barbtail

Fleckenbrust-Waldwächter {m} [ornith.] spotted antbird

Tropfenbrust-Spateltyrann {m} [ornith.] spotted tody flycatcher

Spottlerche {f} [ornith.] melodious lark

Perlaugen-Spottdrossel {f} (Margarops fuscatus) [ornith.] pearly-eyed thrasher

Weißbrust-Spottdrossel {f} [ornith.] white-breasted trembler

Tropfenbrust-Musendrossel {f} [ornith.] spotted nightingale thrush

Tropfenrötel {m} [ornith.] spotted morning thrush

Nataldrossel {f} [ornith.] spotted ground thrush

Ceylondrossel {f} [ornith.] spotted-winged thrush

Fleckenflöter {m} [ornith.] spotted quail thrush

Waldhäherling {m} [ornith.] white-spotted laughing thrush

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