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133 Ergebnisse für Painting
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Gemälde {n}; Bild {n} [art] [anhören] [anhören] painting; picture [anhören] [anhören]

Gemälde {pl}; Bilder {pl} [anhören] [anhören] paintings; pictures [anhören]

Altargemälde {n}; Altarbild {n} altar painting

Deckengemälde {n}; Deckenmalerei {f}; Deckenbild {n} ceiling painting

Gouachegemälde {f}; Gouachebild {n} gouache painting; gouache picture; gouache

ein Gemälde von 1890 a painting dated 1890

ein Gemälde anfertigen to do a painting

Das Gemälde hängt schief. The picture is not straight.

Malerei {f} [art] painting; art of painting [anhören]

abstrakte Malerei abstract painting

Fassmalerei {f}; Staffiermalerei {f} polychromy

Freskomalerei {f}; Frischmalerei {f} fresco painting

Geschichtsmalerei {f} history painting

Porträtmalerei {f} portrait painting; portraiture

Trockenpinselmalerei {f} drybrush painting; drybrushing

Tuschmalerei {f}; Tuschemalerei {f} ink wash painting

Akt {m}; Aktbild {n} [art] nude; nude portrait; nude painting [anhören]

Akte {pl}; Aktbilder {pl} nudes; nude portraits; nude paintings

Maltechnik {f} [art] painting technique

Fassmaltechnik {f} polychroming technique

Fett-auf-Mager-Maltechnik fat-over-lean painting technique

Bilderzimmer {n} painting gallery; painting display room

Bilderzimmer {pl} painting galleries; painting display rooms

Lackieranlage {f} painting plant

Lackieranlagen {pl} painting plants

Malkurs {m} painting class; painting course

Malkurse {pl} painting classes; painting courses

Malmesser {n}; Malspachtel {f}; Spachtel {f}; Palettenmesser {n}; Streichmesser {n} (Malerei) [art] painting knife; palette knife

Malmesser {pl}; Malspachtel {pl}; Spachteln {pl}; Palettenmesser {pl}; Streichmesser {pl} painting knives; palette knives

Malweise {f} painting style

Malweise {f} manner of painting

Anstreichen {n} painting [anhören]

Bildbegriff {m} [art] painting concept

Bildlicht {n} (W. Schöne) [art] painting light (W. Schöne)

Fassmalen {n}; Staffiermalen {n} [art] painting sculpture

Lackierarbeit {f} painting work

Malutensilien {pl} painting equipment

Porzellanmalerei {f} painting on porcelain; china paint

Malen nach Zahlen painting by numbers

Ölgemälde {n}; Ölbild {n} [art] oil painting; oil on canvas painting; oil on canvas; canvas [anhören]

Ölgemälde {pl}; Ölbilder {pl} oil paintings; oil on canvas paintings; oil on canvases; canvases

Turners späte Ölgemälde Turner's late canvases/canvasses

ein Ölbild malen to do an oil painting

Vasenmalerei {f} [art] vase painting

rotfigurige Vasenmalerei red-figure vase painting

Weißgrundmalerei {f} white-ground painting

Aquarellbild {n}; Aquarellmalerei {f}; Aquarellzeichnung {f}; Aquarell {n} [art] watercolour [Br.]; watercolour painting [Br.]; watercolour drawing [Br.]; watercolor [Am.]; watercolor painting [Am.]; watercolor drawing [Am.]

Aquarellbilder {pl}; Aquarellmalereien {pl}; Aquarellzeichnungen {pl}; Aquarelle {pl} watercolours; watercolour paintings; watercolour drawings; watercolors; watercolor paintings; watercolor drawings

Aquarellmalerei {f} (Technik) [art] watercolour painting [Br.]; watercolour [Br.]; watercolor painting [Am.]; watercolor [Am.] (technique)

bei der Aquarellmalerei in watercolour (painting)

Aquarellmalerei {f}; Aquarellzeichnung {f} [art] watercolour painting [Br.]; watercolor painting [Am.]

Aquarellmalereien {pl}; Aquarellzeichnungen {pl} watercolour paintings; watercolor paintings

Emailmalerei {f} [art] enamel painting

Emailmalereien {pl} enamel paintings

Engobenmalerei {f}; Schlickermalerei {f} (Keramik) [art] slip painting (ceramics)

Malhorntechnik {f} slip trailing

Fassadenmalerei {f}; Fassadengemälde {n}; Fassadenbild {n} [art] facade painting

Fassadenmalereien {pl}; Fassadengemälde {pl}; Fassadenbilder {pl} facade paintings

Felsbild {n}; Felsenbild {n}; Felsmalerei {f}; Felsenmalerei {f} rock painting

Felsbilder {pl}; Felsenbilder {pl}; Felsmalereien {pl}; Felsenmalereien {pl} rock paintings

Hinterglasbild {n} reverse glass painting; reverse painting on glass

Hinterglasbilder {pl} reverse glass paintings; reverse painting on glasses

Landschaftsbild {n} [art] landscape; landscape painting [anhören]

Landschaftsbilder {pl} landscapes; landscape paintings

Malstil {m} [art] style of painting; painting style

Malstile {pl} styles of painting; painting styles

Sandbild {n}; Sandgemälde {n} sand picture; sand painting

Sandbilder {pl}; Sandgemälde {pl} sand pictures; sand paintings

Spritzlackieren {n}; Spritzlackierung {f}; Farbspritzen {n} spray painting; paint spraying; spray coating

Elektrospritzlackieren {n} electrostatic spray painting; electrostatic powder coating

Temperamalerei {f} [art] tempera painting; tempera

in der Temperamalerei verwendet werden to be used in tempera (painting)

Wandmalerei {f}; Wandgemälde {n}; Wandbild {n}; Mauerbild {n} [art] mural painting; mural; wall painting; wallpainting [anhören]

Wandmalereien {pl}; Wandgemälde {pl}; Wandbilder {pl}; Mauerbilder {pl} mural paintings; murals; wall paintings; wallpaintings

Aktionsmalerei {f} action painting

Aktmalerei {f} [art] nude painting

Aufglasurmalerei {f} (Keramik) on-glaze painting; overglaze painting (ceramics)

Baustellenanstrich {m} site painting; field painting

Deckanstrich {m} top coat; finishing coat; finish (painting) [anhören]

Einschlagen {n} von Farben (bei einem Gemälde) [art] sinking-in of colours (in a painting)

Farbmuster {n} (Anstreichen) paint swatch (painting)

Farbwalze {f}; Malerwalze {f} (Anstreichen) (paint) roller cover (painting)

Felsmalerei {f}; Felsenmalerei {f} (Maltechnik) [art] rock painting

Fleischton {m}; Karnat {n}; Inkarnat {n} (Malerei) [art] flesh tone; flesh tint (painting)

Glasmalerei {f} glass painting; painting on glass

eingebrannte Glasmalerei {f} baked glass painting

Gouache {f} (Maltechnik) [art] body colour [Br.]; body color [Am.]; gouache (painting technique)

Halbton {m} (Malerei) [art] [photo.] [print] halftone; continuous tone (painting)

Höhlenmalerei {f} [hist.] cave-painting

Impasto (Maltechnik) [art] impasto (painting technique)

Körperbemalung {f} body painting

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