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125 Ergebnisse für Biology
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 Deutsch  Englisch

Biologie {f}; Lebenskunde {f} [veraltet] [biol.] biology [anhören]

medizinische Biologie medical biologyw

technische Biologie; industrielle Biologie industrial biology

Bestäubungsbiologie {f} pollination biology

Evolutionsbiologie {f} evolutionary biology

Immunbiologie {f} immunobiology

Infektionsbiologie {f} infection biology

Invasionsbiologie {f} invasion biology

Kriminalbiologie {f} biology of criminality

Mikrobiologie {f} microbiology

Molekularbiologie {f} molecular biology

Paläobiologie {f} paleobiology

Protobiologie {f} protobiology

Regenerationsbiologie {f} regeneration biology

Soziobiologie {f} sociobiology

Biologielaborant {m}; Biologielaborantin {f} biology laboratory technician

Biologielaboranten {pl}; Biologielaborantinnen {pl} biology laboratory technicians

die Biologie von jdm./etw.; die biologischen Kennzeichen und Lebensumstände von jdm./etw. [biol.] the biology of sb./sth.; the biological features and living circumstances of sb./sth.

die Biologie der Insekten the biology of insects

die Biologie des Regenwaldes the biology of the rain forest

vergleichende Verhaltensforschung {f}; Verhaltensbiologie {f}; Ethologie {f} [biol.] [sci.] comparative study of behaviour [Br.]/behavior [Am.]; behavioural biology [Br.]; behavioral biology [Am.]; ethology

Humanethologie {f}; Verhaltensforschung {f} beim Menschen human ethology

Tierverhaltensforschung {f}; Verhaltensforschung {f} bei Tieren animal ethology

Biolabor {n}; Genlabor {n}; Biologielaboratorium {n} bio lab; biology laboratory

Biolabors {pl}; Biolabore {pl}; Genlabors {pl}; Genlabore {pl}; Biologielaboratorien {pl} bio labs; biology laboratories

Abstammungsverhältnis {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] genealogy (evolutionary biology)

Adaptationismus {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] adaptationism (evolutionary biology)

Allelfixierung {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] allele fixation (evolutionary biology)

Anhaltereffekt {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] hitchhiking effect; genetic hitchhiking (evolutionary biology)

evolutionäre Anpassungsfähigkeit {f}; evolutionäre Fitness {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] evolutionary fitness (evolutionary biology)

kambrische Artenexplosion {f}; kambrische Explosion {f}; kambrische Radiation {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] Cambrian explosion of animal life; Cambrian explosion; Cambrian radiation (evolutionary biology)

Artumwandlung {f}; phylogenetische Evolution {f}; Anagenese {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] phyletic change; anagenetic evolution; anagenesis (evolutionary biology)

fluktuierende Asymmetrie {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] fluctuation asymmetry (evolutionary biology)

Ausbildung {f} menschlichen Lebens; Hominisation {f}; Anthropogenese {f}; Anthropogenie {f} [selten] (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] development of human life; hominization; hominisation [Br.]; anthropogenesis; anthropogeny [rare] (evolutionary biology)

Bioastronomie {f}; Weltraumbiologie {f}; Astrobiologie {f}; Kosmobiologie {f} [astron.] [biol.] bioastronomy; space biology; astrobiology

synthetische Biologie {f} [biochem.] [techn.] synthetic biology

Blitzkrieg-Hypothese {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] overkill hypothesis; blitzkrieg hypothesis (evolutionary biology)

Chronospezies {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] chronospecies (evolutionary biology)

Cope'sche Regel {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] Cope's rule (evolutionary biology)

egoistische DNS {f}; egoistische DNA {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) selfish DNA (evolutionary biology)

Dollo'sches Unumkehrbarkeitsgesetz {n}; Dollo'sches Gesetz {n}; Dollo-Regel {f} ('Die Evolution ist nicht umkehrbar') (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] Dollo's law of irreversibility; Dollo's law; Dollo's principle; Dollo's rule ('Evolution is not reversible') (evolutionary biology)

Endosymbiontentheorie {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] endosymbionti theory (evolutionary biology)

evolutionäre Entwicklungsbiologie {f} [biol.] evolutionary developmental biology; evolution of development; evo-devo [coll.]

Entwicklungsrückschlag {m}; Atavismus {m} (neuerliches Auftreten von Merkmalen früherer Entwicklungsstufen) (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] atavism (recurrence of traits from earlier evolutionary stages) (evolutionary biology)

Evolutionsgeschwindigkeit {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] evolution speed; evolution rate (evolutionary biology)

Exaptation {f}; Präadaptation {f} [frühere Bezeichnung] (Funktionsverlagerung bei Merkmalen, die für andere Zwecke ausgebildet wurden) (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] exaptation; preadaptation [former name]; co-option (shift in function of traits which evolved for other purposes) (evolutionary biology)

genetischer Flaschenhalseffekt {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] genetic bottleneck effect (evolutionary biology)

Fluktuationstest {m}; Luria-Delbrück-Test {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] fluctuation test; Luria-Delbrück test (evolutionary biology)

Fortpflanzungserfolg {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] reproductive success (evolutionary biology)

Fortpflanzungsisolation {f}; Reproduktionsisolation {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] reproductive isolation (evolutionary biology)

lebendes Fossil {n} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] living fossil (evolutionary biology)

selektive elterliche Fürsorge {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] discriminative parental solicitude (evolutionary biology)

Gendrift {f}; genetische Drift {f}; Alleldrift {f}; Sewall-Wright-Effekt {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] gene drift; genetic drift; allele drift; Sewall-Wright effect (evolutionary biology)

Genfluss {m}; genetischer Fluss {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] gene flow; genetic flow; allele flow; gene migraton (evolutionary biology)

Genmaximierung {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] gene maximization; gene maximisation [Br.] (evolutionary biology)

Genozentrismus {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] genocentrism (evolutionary biology)

Gesamtfitness {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) inclusive fitness (evolutionary biology)

Gradualismus {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] gradualism (evolutionary biology)

Gründereffekt {m} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] founder effect (evolutionary biology)

Haldane-Dilemma {n} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] Haldane's dilemma (evolutionary biology)

Haldane-Regel {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] Haldane's rule (evolutionary biology)

Hamilton'sche Regel {f} (Theorie der Verwandtenselektion in der Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] Hamilton's rule (theory of kin selection in evolutionary biology)

Handicap-Prinzip {n} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] handicap principle (evolutionary biology)

Hardy-Weinberg'sches Gesetz {n} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] Hardy-Weinberg law (evolutionary biology)

Hardy-Weinberg'sches Gleichgewicht {n} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (evolutionary biology)

(evolutionäres) Herumprobieren {n} / Herumbasteln {n} an Genen (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] (evolutionary) gene-tinkering (evolutionary biology)

Heterochronie {f} (zeitliche Verschiebung der Merkmalsausbildung in der Individualentwicklung) (Evolutionsbiologie) [zool.] heterochrony (change in the timing of the development of features in the ontogeny) (evolutionary biology)

introgressive Hybridisierung {f}; Introgression {f} (Übertragung von Genen einer Art in den Genpool einer anderen) (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] introgressive hybridization; introgression (transfer of genes of one species into the gene pool of another) (evolutionary biology)

Impakttheorie {f}; Alvarez-Hypothese {f} (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] impact hypothesis; Alvarez hypothesis (evolutionary biology)

Insellebensraum {m}; Inselhabitat {n}; Inselstandort {m} (einer Art) (Evolutionsbiologie) [biol.] island habitat (of a species) (evolutionary biology)

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