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82 Ergebnisse für Diamond
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Diamant {m} [min.] [anhören] diamond [anhören]

Diamanten {pl} diamonds

Diamant mittlerer Qualität [techn.] regular

Diamant 1/4 Karat grainer

Diamant 1/2 Karat two-grainer

Diamant 3/4 Karat three-grainer

einkarätiger Diamant special round

farbiger Diamant fancy stone

gelber Diamant cape diamond

gerundeter Diamant rounded diamond

gespaltener Diamant cleft diamond

hochwertiger Diamant four-grainer

minderwertiger Diamant inferior stone

trüber Diamant cloudy diamond

unechter Diamant fake diamond

Kreuzungsweiche {f} (Bahn) diamond crossing with slips (railway)

Kreuzungsweichen {pl} diamond crossing with slipses

einfache Kreuzungsweiche /EKW/ diamond crossing with single slip; single slip

einfache Kreuzungsweiche mit innenliegenden Zungen diamond crossing with inside single slip; inside single slip

einfache Kreuzungsweiche mit außenliegender Zungenvorrichtung diamond crossing with outside single slip; outside single slip

doppelte Kreuzungsweiche; Doppelkreuzungsweiche {f} /DKW/ diamond crossing with double slip; double slip

doppelte Kreuzungsweiche mit innenliegenden Zungen diamond crossing with inside double slip; inside double slip; double slip on straight tracks

doppelte Kreuzungsweiche mit außenliegenden Zungen diamond crossing with outside double slip; outside double slip

Diamantarmband {n} diamond bracelet

Diamantarmbänder {pl} diamond bracelets

Diamantbohrer {m} diamond drill

Diamantbohrer {pl} diamond drills

Diamantbohrkrone {f}; Diamantkrone {f} [techn.] diamond bit

Diamantbohrkronen {pl}; Diamantkronen {pl} diamond bits

Diamantbohrmaschine {f} [min.] diamond rock drill; diamond drill

Diamantbohrmaschinen {pl} diamond rock drills; diamond drills

Diamantenhalskette {f} diamond necklace

Diamantenhalsketten {pl} diamond necklaces

Diamantrahmen {m} diamond frame

Diamantrahmen {pl} diamond frames

Diamantsäge {f} diamond saw

Diamantsägen {pl} diamond saws

Diamantschneider {m}; Diamantschleifer {m}; Diamantreiber {m}; Diamantsäger {m} (Werkzeug zur Diamantbearbeitung) [techn.] diamond cutter (diamond processing tool)

Diamantschneider {pl}; Diamantschleifer {pl}; Diamantreiber {pl}; Diamantsäger {pl} diamond cutters

Diamantscheibe {f} [techn.] diamond disc [Br.]; diamond disk [Am.]

Diamantscheibe {f} diamond wheel

Diamantbohrkrone {f} [geol.] diamond-type cutter head

Diamantbohrkronen {pl} diamond-type cutter heads

Diamantkrone {f} diamond crown

Diamantkronen {pl} diamond crowns

Diamantmeißel {m} [techn.] diamond chisel; diamond bit; diamond-point bit; diamond-drill bit; solid-crown bit

Diamantmeißel {pl} diamond chisels; diamond bits; diamond-point bits; diamond-drill bits; solid-crown bits

Brillantsalmler {m} (Moenkhausia pittieri) [zool.] diamond tetra

Diamant, der geschliffen werden muss [übtr.] (Person oder Sache mit Potenzial) diamond in the rough [fig.]

Diamantabscheidung {f} [phys.] diamond deposition

Diamantbesatz {m} (eines Werkzeugs) [techn.] diamond impregnation (of a tool)

Diamantbohrung {f} [min.] diamond bore

Diamantschleifen {n} diamond cutting; cutting of diamonds

Diamantschleifwerkzeug {n} [techn.] diamond lap

Diamantschleifpaste {f} diamond paste

Diamantschleifer {m} (Beruf) diamond cutter (profession)

Innenfeld {n} (beim Baseball) [sport] diamond [anhören]

Maiden-Schläfergrundel {f} (Valenciennea puellaris) [zool.] diamond watchman goby

Rautenprofil {n} diamond pattern; rhombic pattern

Diamantabrichtwerkzeug {n} diamond wheel dressing tool

Diamantband {n} diamond band

Diamantbearbeitung {f} diamond processing

Diamantwerkzeug {n} [techn.] diamond tool

Diamantfeile {f} diamond file

Diamanthohlbohrer {m} [techn.] diamond hollow drill

Diamantindustrie {f} diamond industry

Diamantinstrument {n} diamond instrument

Diamantmesser {n} diamond knife

Diamantnadel {f} (Plattenspieler; Gravur) diamond stylus (record player; engraving)

Diamantpaste {f} (Metallpolitur) diamond paste ( metal polish)

Diamantpellets {pl} diamond pellets

Diamantschleifer {m} (Werkzeug mit Diamantscheibe) [techn.] diamond grinder (tool with a diamond grinding wheel)

Diamantschleifmaschine {f} [techn.] diamond grinder

Diamantschleifscheibe {f} [techn.] diamond grinding wheel; diamond grinding disc [Br.]/disk [Am.]

Diamantschleifwerkzeug {n} [techn.] diamond grinding tool

Diamantseil {m} (Teil einer Säge) [techn.] diamond wire (a part of a saw)

Diamanttechnik {f} [techn.] diamond technology

Diamanttrennscheibe {f} [techn.] diamond blade

Diamantziehstein {m} [techn.] diamond drawing die

diamantenes Jubiläum {n}; Sechzigjahrfeier {f} diamond jubilee (60th anniversary of an important event)

Diamanttäubchen {n} [ornith.] diamond dove

Diamantamadine {f} [ornith.] diamond firetail finch

diamanten {adj} [geol.] diamond [anhören]

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