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65 Ergebnisse für Gull
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Flügeltürer {m} [auto] gull-wing car

Flügeltürer {pl} gull-wing cars

Möwe {f} [ornith.] gull [anhören]

Möwen {pl} gulls

jdm. etw. vorgaukeln {vt} to gull sb. into thinking / believing sth.

Es darf sich niemand der Illusion hingeben / in der Illusion wiegen, dass ... No one should be gulled into thinking that ...

Naivling {m}; Traummännlein {n}; blauäugiger Mensch {m}; unbedarfter Mensch {m} [geh.] [pej.] babe in the woods; gull; dupe; sucker; mug [Br.]; muggins [Br.]; patsy [Am.]; sap [Am.]; schlemiel [Am.]; simpleton [dated]; juggins [Br.] [dated] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören] [anhören]

völlig unbeleckt sein (was ... angeht) to be a babe in the woods (when it comes to ...)

Er war unerfahren und naiv, als er nach New York kam. He was a babe in the woods when he came to New York.

Ich fühle mich ganz verloren in der virtuellen Welt des Internets. I feel like a babe in the woods in the virtual world of the Internet.

jdn. hereinlegen; reinlegen [ugs.]; hinters Licht führen; übertölpeln; düpieren [geh.]; anschmieren [ugs.]; betakeln [Ös.]; belackmeiern [selten] {vt} to dupe sb.; to hoodwink sb.; to gull sb.; to con sb.; to take insb.; to put one over on sb.

hereinlegend; reinlegend; hinters Licht führend; übertölpelnd; düpierend; anschmierend; betakelnd; belackmeiernd duping; hoodwinking; gulling; conning; taking in; putting one over

hereingelegt; reingelegt; hinters Licht geführt; übertölpelt; düpiert; angeschmiert; betakelt; belackmeiert duped; hoodwinked; gulled; conned; taken in; put one over

sich von jdm. übertölpeln lassen to let oneself be duped by sb.

Seemöwe {f} [ornith.] sea gull; seagull

Seemöwen {pl} sea gulls; seagulls

Flügeltür {f}; Flügeltüre {f} [auto] gull-wing door

Aztekenmöwe {f} (Larus atricilla) [ornith.] laughing gull

Bonapartemöwe {f} (Larus philadelphia) [ornith.] Bonaparte's gull

Dünnschnabelmöwe {f} (Larus genei) [ornith.] slender-billed gull

Eismöwe {f} (Larus hyperboreus) [ornith.] glaucous gull

Elfenbeinmöwe {f} (Pagophila eburnea) [ornith.] ivory gull

Fischmöwe {f} (Larus ichthyaetus) [ornith.] great black-headed gull

Heringsmöwe {f} (Larus fuscus) [ornith.] lesser black-backed gull

Korallenmöwe {f} (Larus audouinii) [ornith.] Audouin's gull

Lachmöwe {f} (Larus ridibundus) [ornith.] black-headed gull

Lachseeschwalbe {f} (Sterna nilotica) [ornith.] gull-billed tern

Mantelmöwe {f} (Larus marinus) [ornith.] great black-backed gull

Mittelmeermöwe {f} (Larus michahellis) [ornith.] yellow-legged gull

Polarmöwe {f} (Larus glaucoides) [ornith.] iceland gull

Präriemöwe {f} (Larus pipixcan) [ornith.] Franklin's gull

Ringschnabelmöwe {f} (Larus delawarensis) [ornith.] ring-billed gull

Rosenmöwe {f} (Rhodostethia rosea) [ornith.] ross' gull

Schwalbenmöwe {f} (Xema sabini) [ornith.] Sabine's gull

Schwarzkopfmöwe {f} (Larus melanocephalus) [ornith.] Mediterranean gull

Silbermöwe {f} (Larus argentatus) [ornith.] (European) herring gull

Amerikanische Silbermöwe {f} (Larus smithsonianus) [ornith.] American herring gull

Steppenmöwe {f} (Larus cachinnans) [ornith.] Caspian gull

Sturmmöwe {f} (Larus canus) [ornith.] common gull

Zwergmöwe {f} (Larus minutus) [ornith.] little gull

Gabelschwanzmöwe {f} [ornith.] swallow-tailed gull

Armeniermöwe {f} [ornith.] armenian gull

Olrog's Möwe {f} [ornith.] Olrog's gull

Schwanzbandmöwe {f} [ornith.] band-tailed gull

Braunkopflachmöwe {f} [ornith.] brown-headed gull

Maorimöwe {f} [ornith.] black-billed gull

Kaliforniermöwe {f} [ornith.] Californian gull

Graukopfmöwe {f} [ornith.] grey-headed gull

Japanmöwe {f} [ornith.] Japanese gull

Dominikanermöwe {f} [ornith.] kelp gull

Lavamöwe {f} [ornith.] dusky gull

Beringmöwe {f} [ornith.] glaucous-winged gull

Hartlaub's Möwe {f} [ornith.] Hartlaub's gull

Heermannmöwe {f} [ornith.] Heermann's gull

Hemprichmöwe {f} [ornith.] sooty gull

Tundramöwe {f} [ornith.] Siberian (Heuglin's) gull

Weißaugenmöwe {f} [ornith.] white-eyed gull

Gelbfußmöwe {f} [ornith.] yellow-footed gull

Patagonienmöwe {f} [ornith.] brown-hooded gull

Graumöwe {f} [ornith.] grey gull

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