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175 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Palé
Tipp: Rechtschreibprüfung: Wort?

 Deutsch  Englisch

Ähnliche Wörter:
Pilé-Zucker, ALT-Taste, Aal, Aale, Al-Iskandariyah, Al-Kaida-Netzwerk, Al-Kuwayt, Alb, Ale, All, All..., Alm, Alt, Alt..., Alu-Fassaden, Alu-Felge, Alu-Nutenprofilgestell, Alu-Traversen, Au-pair, Au-pair-Mädchen, Balg
Ähnliche Wörter:
pal, pale, pale-colored, pall, pall-bearer, pall-bearers, palm, palp, pals

Archäobotanik {f}; Paleoethnobotanik {f} [bot.] archaeobotany; pal(a)eoethnobotany

Baum der Reisenden {m} (Ravenala madagascariensis) [bot.] traveller's tree; traveller's palm

Bismarckpalme {f} (Bismarckia nobilis) [bot.] Bismarck palm

Carnaubapalme {f} (Copernicia prunifera) [bot.] carnauba palm; carnaubeira palm

Decke {f}; Hülle {f} [anhören] [anhören] pall

Handfläche {f}; Handinnenfläche {f}; Handteller {m}; Hohlhandfläche {f}; Hohlhand {f}; (Regio palmaris / Vola manus) [anat.] palm of the hand; palm; vola [anhören]

Honigpalme {f} (Jubaea chilensis) [bot.] Chilean wine palm

Kiefertaster {m}; Maxillartaster {m}; Maxillarpalpus {m} [anat.] [zool.] maxillary palp; maxillary palpus

Nadelpalme {f} (Rhapidophyllum hystrix) [bot.] needle palm

Pale of Settlement {m} [hist.] Pale of Settlement

Palla {f} (Abdeckung des Messkelchs) [relig.] chalice pall

Palmbutter {f} [cook.] palm butter

Palmöl {n} [cook.] palm oil

Palmomentalreflex {m}; palmomentaler Reflex [med.] palm-chin reflex

Palmsaft {m} [agr.] palm sap

Palmsonntag {m} Palm Sunday

Palmwein {m} [cook.] palm wine; toddy

Pfahl {m} (Wappenkunde) pale (heraldry)

Pilé-Zucker {m} pilé sugar

Schreibtischtäter {m} [iron.] woolly academic; pale theoretician

Spezi {m} [ugs.] pal; chum [coll.] [anhören]

Staket {n}; Stakete {f} pale; paling

Unterkiefertaster {m}; Maxillentaster {m}; Maxillarpalpus {m} (Palpus maxillaris) [anat.] [zool.] maxillary palp

Vorspelze {f} (Palea superior / Glumella) (bei Süßgräsern) [bot.] inner glume; glumella; palet; pale; palea (of true grasses)

Wasserpalme {f}; Flaschenbaum {m}; Elefantenfuß {m} (Beaucarnea recurvata) [bot.] ponytail palm; elephant's foot

Wolkendecke {f} [meteo.] cloud cover; cover of clouds; pall of clouds

Zechkumpan {m} drinking pal

Zwergpalme {f} (Chamaerops humilis) [bot.] dwarf fan palm; Mediterranean dwarf palm; European fan palm

jdn. zu jd. anderem abschieben {vt} [ugs.] to palm sb. off on sb. else

mit jdm. befreundet sein {v} to pal around with sb.

grenzüberschreitend (insb. moralisch); indiskutabel {adj} beyond the pale [fig.]

hellblau; zartblau; lichtblau; mattblau {adj} light-blue; pale blue

hellgelb {adj} light yellow; pale yellow; straw yellow

hellgrau; blassgrau {adj} light grey; pale grey [Br.]; light gray; pale gray [Am.]

mattfarbig {adj} pale-colored; dull-colored; flat-colored; dun-colored

etw. in der Hand verschwinden lassen {v} to palm sth.

weißgelb {adj} pale yellow

Er trug den Sieg davon. He bore the palm.

West Palm Beach (Stadt in den USA) [geogr.] West Palm Beach (city in the USA)

Palmkern {m} [bot.] palm kernel

Mantel {m} [anhören] pall

etw. als etw. verkaufen; etw. als etw. ausgeben {vt} to palm sth. off as sth. [coll.]

Brauentinamu {m} [ornith.] pale-browed tinamou

Blaßfuß-Sturmtaucher {m} [ornith.] pale-footed shearewater

Palmgeier {m}; Geierseeadler {m} [selten] (Gypohierax angolensis) [ornith.] palm-nut vulture; vulturine fish eagle [rare]

Großer Singhabicht {m} [ornith.] pale chanting-goshawk

Wacholderfrankolin {m} [ornith.] pale-bellied francolin

Kupfertaube {f} [ornith.] pale-capped pigeon

Malaitataube {f} [ornith.] pale mountain pigeon

Palmenlori {m} [ornith.] palm lorikeet

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