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196 ähnliche Ergebnisse für Phanes
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Ähnliche Wörter:
Ein-Phasen-Bereich, Hans-Insel, LKW-Plane, Lag-Phase, Paies, Pants, Peales-Delfin, Peales-Tümmler, Phage, Phagen, Phase, Phasen, Phasen-Doppler-Anemometrie, Phasen-Interferometer, Phonem, Plane, Planen, Planer, Planet, REM-Phase, Thanet
Ähnliche Wörter:
Chair-O-Planes, VTOL-planes, baby-phones, bi-planes, panes, phages, phases, phones, planes, rocket-planes, twin-planes, window--panes

Beschlag {m}; Trübung {f} (von Glasscheiben) dimness (of window panes)

Kettenkarussell {n} swing ride; chair swing ride; flying swing; Chair-O-Planes

Verschneidung {f} von geneigten Ebenen [math.] cutting of inclined planes

schubweise {adv} [med.] in phases; in stages

Phasenkonzept {n} concept of phases; phase conception

Flächengefüge {n} structure of planes

Autoglasscheiben {pl} [auto] car window-panes

Abbauphase {f}; Abbaustadium {n} [biol.] [chem.] degradation/downgrade stage; degenerate phase (in a succession) [anhören]

Abbauphasen {pl}; Abbaustadien {pl} degradation/downgrade stages; degenerate phases [anhören]

Abdeckscheibe {f} (Glas) covering pane

Abdeckscheiben {pl} covering panes

Ablagerungsfläche {f} deposition plane; bedding stratification plane

Ablagerungsflächen {pl} deposition planes; bedding stratification planes

Abplatthobel {m} [mach.] panel raising plane

Abplatthobel {pl} panel raising planes

Abrichthobelmaschine {f}; Abrichtmaschine {f}; Abrichte {f} (Tischlerei) [mach.] surface planing machine; smoothing plane (carpentry)

Abrichthobelmaschinen {pl}; Abrichtmaschinen {pl}; Abrichten {pl} surface planing machines; smoothing planes

Alarmstufe {f} alert phase; state of alert

Alarmstufen {pl} alert phases; states of alert

Anfangsphase {f}; Anfangsstadium {n}; Anlaufphase {f} initial phase; first phase; early stage; running-in phase; starting period

Anfangsphasen {pl}; Anfangsstadien {pl}; Anlaufphasen {pl} initial phases; first phases; early stages; running-in phases; starting periods

im Anfangsstadium in the early stages

Das Projekt ist über das Anfangsstadium nicht hinausgekommen. The project did not progress beyond the early stage.

Anschlussfläche {f}; Anschlußfläche {f} joint plane

Anschlussflächen {pl}; Anschlußflächen {pl} joint planes

Aquarienscheibe {f} aquarium pane

Aquarienscheiben {pl} aquarium panes

Arbeitsebene {f} working plane

Arbeitsebenen {pl} working planes

Aufbauphase {f} building phase

Aufbauphasen {pl} building phases

Aufklärungsflugzeug {n}; Aufklärer {m} [mil.] reconnaissance aircraft; reconnaissance plane; recce plane [Br.]; recon plane [Am.]; scout plane

Aufklärungsflugzeuge {pl}; Aufklärer {pl} reconnaissance aircraft; reconnaissance planes; recce planes; recon planes; scout planes

strategischer Fernaufklärer long-distance strategic reconnaissance aircraft

Ausdehnungsphase {f}; Expansionsphase {f} expansion phase; phase of expansion; expansion stage

Ausdehnungsphasen {pl}; Expansionsphasen {pl} expansion phases; phases of expansion; expansion stages

Autotelefon {n} [auto] [telco.] [hist.] car telephone; car phone; carphone; automobile telephone [Am.] [rare]

Autotelefone {pl} car telephones; car phones; carphones; automobile telephones

Babyphon {n}; Babyfon {n} audio baby-monitor; baby-phone

Babyphone {pl}; Babyfone {pl} audio baby-monitors; baby-phones

Backenhobel {m} [techn.] fence plane

Backenhobel {pl} fence planes

Bakterienvirus {n}; Bakteriophage {m}; Phage {m} (Virus, das Bakterien infiziert) [biol.] bacterial virus; bacteriophage; phage [coll.]

Bakterienviren {pl}; Bakteriophagen {pl}; Phagen {pl} bacterial viruses; bacteriophages; phages

Bauabschnitt {m}; Ausbaustufe {f}; Baustufe {f}; Bauphase {f} [constr.] stage/phase of construction; construction stage/phase; job section [anhören]

Bauabschnitte {pl}; Ausbaustufen {pl}; Baustufen {pl}; Bauphasen {pl} stages/phases of construction; construction stages/phases; job sections [anhören]

Bauphase {f} [constr.] construction phase

Bauphasen {pl} construction phases

Bauprozess {m} construction process; construction phase

Bauprozesse {pl} construction processes; construction phases

Beobachtungsflugzeug {n} [aviat.] observer plane

Beobachtungsflugzeuge {pl} observer planes

Bezugsebene {f}; Bezugsfläche {f}; Referenzebene {f}; Referenzfläche {f} reference plane

Bezugsebenen {pl}; Bezugsflächen {pl}; Referenzebenen {pl}; Referenzflächen {pl} reference planes

Biegeebene {f} plane of bending

Biegeebenen {pl} planes of bending

Bildebene {f} (Optik) image plane

Bildebenen {pl} image planes

Bissebene {f} [anat.] bite plane; occlusal plane

Bissebenen {pl} bite planes; occlusal planes

Bordflugzeug {n} ship plane

Bordflugzeuge {pl} ship planes

Bruchfläche {f}; Bruchoberfläche {f} surface of fracture; fracture surface; failure surface; plane of fracture; fracture plane; plane of a rupture; plane of a break

Bruchflächen {pl}; Bruchoberflächen {pl} surfaces of fracture; fracture surfaces; failure surfaces; planes of fracture; fracture planes; planes of a rupture; planes of a break

Butzenscheibe {f}; Mondscheibe {f} (Glas) [constr.] bull's eye pane; bullseye pane; bullion point sheet; glass roundel

Butzenscheiben {pl}; Mondscheiben {pl} bull's eye panes; bullseye panes; bullion point sheets; glass roundels

Charterflugzeug {n}; Chartermaschine {f} charter plane; chartered plane

Charterflugzeuge {pl}; Chartermaschinen {pl} charter planes; chartered planes

Dämmerungsphasen {pl} [geogr.] [phys.] twilight phases

bürgerliche Dämmerung; zivile Dämmerung civil twilight

nautische Dämmerung nautical twilight

astronomische Dämmerung astronomical twilight

Doppeldecker {m} [aviat.] bi-plane; biplane

Doppeldecker {pl} bi-planes; biplanes

Doppelhobel {m} [mach.] double iron plane

Doppelhobel {pl} double iron planes

Drehebene {f} [math.] rotation plane

Drehebenen {pl} rotation planes

Ebbephase {f}; Ebbphase {f} [geogr.] [phys.] ebb phase; ebb period

Ebbephasen {pl}; Ebbphasen {pl} ebb phases; ebb periods

Eckensimshobel {m} [mach.] bullnose plane

Eckensimshobel {pl} bullnose planes

Einführungsphase {f} introductory phase; introduction phase; launch period; rollout phase

Einführungsphasen {pl} introductory phases; introduction phases; launch periods; rollout phases

Einlassebene {f} inlet plane

Einlassebenen {pl} inlet planes

Einlasseckenhobel {m} [mach.] butt hinge plane

Einlasseckenhobel {pl} butt hinge planes

Einschulungsphase {f}; Anlernphase {f} [school] initial training phase; initial teaching phase

Einschulungsphasen {pl}; Anlernphasen {pl} initial training phases; initial teaching phases

Ekliptikebene {f}; Ekliptikalebene {f} [astron.] ecliptic plane; plane of the ecliptic

Ekliptikebenen {pl}; Ekliptikalebenen {pl} ecliptic planes; planes of the ecliptic

Endstadium {n}; Endphase {f}; Endstufe {f} final stage; terminal stage; terminal phase; final phase

Endstadien {pl}; Endphasen {pl}; Endstufen {pl} final stages; terminal stages; terminal phases; final phases

Entspannungsphase {f} relaxation phase

Entspannungsphasen {pl} relaxation phases

Entwicklungsphase {f} phase of development

Entwicklungsphasen {pl} phases of development

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