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194 Ergebnisse für Laboratory
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 Deutsch  Englisch

technisch {adj} (Reinheitsgrad) [chem.] [anhören] technical-grade; laboratory-grade /lab./ (purity grade)

Laborpräparat {n}; Präparat {n}; Objekt {n} (präparierte Probe) [biol.] [anhören] laboratory specimen; specimen [anhören]

Laborpräparate {pl}; Präparate {pl}; Objekte {pl} laboratory specimens; specimens

biologisches Präparat biological specimen; biospecimen

Nasspräparat {n}; Feuchtpräparat {n} fluid-preserved speciem; wet specimen

Trockenpräparat {n} dry specimen

Spirituspräparat {n} spirit preparation

Labor {n}; Laboratorium {n} lab; laboratory [anhören] [anhören]

Labors {pl}; Labore {pl}; Laboratorien {pl} labs; laboratories

Baulabor {n} field laboratory

Demonstrationslabor {n} demonstration lab; demonstration laboratory

Forschungslabor {n} research laboratory; research lab

klinisches Labor hospital clinical laboratory

kriminaltechnisches Labor forensic science laboratory

Referenzlabor {n}; Referenzlaboratorium {n} reference lab; reference laboratory

Sentinella-Labor {n}; Beobachtungslabor {n} (Epidemiologie) sentinel laboratory; sentinel lab (epidemiology)

im Labor nachgewiesen laboratory-confirmed

Laborassistent {m}; Laborant {m} laboratory assistant; lab assistant; laboratory operator [Am.] [anhören]

Laborassistenten {pl}; Laboranten {pl} laboratory assistants; lab assistants; laboratory operators

medizinisch-technischer Laborassistent medical laboratory technician

Labortechniker {m}; Labortechnikerin {f} laboratory technician; lab technician

Labortechniker {pl}; Labortechnikerinnen {pl} laboratory technicians; lab technicians

Chemielabortechniker {m} chemical laboratory technician

Laboranhänger {m} [auto] laboratory trailer

Laboranhänger {pl} laboratory trailers

Laborapparat {m} laboratory appliance

Laborapparate {pl} laboratory appliances

Laborblatt {n} laboratory sheet

Laborblätter {pl} laboratory sheets

Labordiagnose {f} laboratory diagnosis

Labordiagnosen {pl} laboratory diagnoses

Laborinfektion {f} [med.] laboratory infection

Laborinfektionen {pl} laboratory infections

Laboringenieur {m}; Laboringenieurin {f} laboratory engineer

Laboringenieure {pl}; Laboringenieurinnen {pl} laboratory engineers

Labormühle {f}; Labormahlwerk {n} laboratory crusher; laboratory grinder

Labormühlen {pl}; Labormahlwerke {pl} laboratory crushers; laboratory grinders

Laborplatz {m} laboratory place

Laborplätze {pl} laboratory places

Laborprüfverfahren {n}; Laborprüfmethode {f} laboratory testing method; lab testing method

Laborprüfverfahren {pl}; Laborprüfmethoden {pl} laboratory testing methods; lab testing methods

Labortechnik {f} [chem.] [techn.] laboratory applications; laboratory testing; laboratory procedures

Fotolabortechnik {f} photo lab procedures

Labortest {m}; Laborversuch {m}; Kleinversuch {m} laboratory test

Labortests {pl}; Laborversuche {pl}; Kleinversuche {pl} laboratory tests

Labortier {n} laboratory animal; lab animal

Labortiere {pl} laboratory animals; lab animals

Labortisch {m} laboratory bench

Labortische {pl} laboratory benches

Laboruntersuchung {f}; Laborprüfung {f} laboratory examination; lab examination; laboratory investigation

Laboruntersuchungen {pl}; Laborprüfungen {pl} laboratory examinations; lab examinations; laboratory investigations

Laborversuch {m}; Laborexperiment {n} laboratory experiment

Laborversuche {pl}; Laborexperimente {pl} laboratory experiments

Laborwaage {f} laboratory balance

Laborwaagen {pl} laboratory balances

Laborwecker {m} laboratory timer

Laborwecker {pl} laboratory timers

Versuchstier {n} laboratory animal

Versuchstiere {pl} laboratory animals

Laborprobe {f} laboratory sample; lab sample

Laborproben {pl} laboratory samples; lab samples

Brennraum {m} (eines Keramikofens) laboratory (of a pottery kiln) [anhören]

Experimentierkasten {m} laboratory kit; experimental kit

Laborabfälle {pl} laboratory waste

Laborausrüstung {f} laboratory equipment

Laborbedingungen {pl} laboratory conditions

Labordiagnostik {f} laboratory diagnostics

Laboreinrichtungen {pl}; Laborräumlichkeiten {pl}; Laborflächen {pl} laboratory facilities

Laborgeräte {pl}; Laboreinrichtung {f}; Laborausstattung {f}; Laborbedarf {m} laboratory equipment; lab equipment; laboratory apparatus

Laborgeräte {pl} aus Glas laboratory glassware

Laborglas {n} laboratory glass

Laborkapelle {f} laboratory cupel

Labor-Mischwalzwerk {n} laboratory mixing mill

Labormedizin {f} [med.] laboratory medicine

Laborpersonal {n} laboratory personnel; lab personnel; laboratory staff; lab staff

Laborstadium {n} laboratory stage

Laborsystem {n} (Kerntechnik) laboratory system (nuclear engineering)

Labortischplatte {f}; Labortisch {m} [chem.] laboratory bench top

Versuchsstadium {n} laboratory stage

Weithals-Standflasche {f} [chem.] laboratory bottle with wide mouth

labordiagnostisch {adj} [med.] laboratory diagnostic

Laborarbeit {f} laboratory work

Laboranalyse {f} laboratory analysis; lab analysis

Laborkontrolle {f}; Laboruntersuchung {f} laboratory test; lab test

Probenentnahme {f}; Probennahme {f}; Beprobung {f}; Bemusterung {f} sampling; taking samples; collection of laboratory specimens [anhören]

Probenentnahmen {pl}; Probennahmen {pl}; Beprobungen {pl}; Bemusterungen {pl} samplings; collections of laboratory specimens

Erstbemusterung {f} initial sampling; first sampling

neue Probenahme resampling

makroskopische Bemusterung macroscopic sampling

Laborbericht {m} lab report; laboratory report

Laborberichte {pl} lab reports; laboratory reports

einen Laborbericht ausarbeiten to write up a lab report

Rauschgiftlabor {n} drug laboratory; drug lab

Rauschgiftlabors {pl} drug laboratories; drug labs

ein geheimes Rauschgiftlabor ausheben to dismantle a clandestine drug laboratory

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