Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

inner city; city centre [Br.]; city center [Am.]; town centre [Br.]; town center [Am.]; downtown [Am.]; central business core [Am.]; central business district /CBD/ [Austr.] [listen] Innenstadt {f}; Stadtzentrum {n}; Zentrum {n}; City {f} [listen]

inner cities; city centres; city centers; town centres; town centers; downtowns; central business cores; central business districts Innenstädte {pl}; Stadtzentren {pl}; Zentren {pl}; Citys {pl}

the city das Stadtzentrum

They have a flat in the city centre.; They have an apartment downtown. [Am.] Sie haben eine Wohnung in der Innenstadt.

central; cardinal; pivotal; key [listen] [listen] [listen] zentral; der/die/das wichtigste {adj}; Haupt...; Schlüssel...; Kardinal... [selten] [übtr.] [listen]

cardinal error; key error Kardinalfehler {m}

pivotal role zentrale Rolle {f}; Schlüsselrolle {f}

pivotal question Kardinalfrage {f}

pivotal man Schlüsselfigur {f}; Schaltstelle {f} [sport]

the key developments of the last decade die wichtigsten Entwicklungen der letzten 10 Jahre

in pivotal positions in the political landscape an Schlüsselstellen in der politischen Landschaft

to hold a central / pivotal / key position eine Schlüsselposition innehaben

to be of cardinal importance von zentraler Bedeutung sein

to be a key threat to sth. eine zentrale Bedrohung für etw. darstellen

Two cardinal points must be borne in mind. Zwei zentrale Punkte müssen dabei beachtet werden.

2011 was a truly pivotal year for the company. 2011 war ein ganz entscheidendes Jahr für die Firma.

central [listen] zentral; zentral gelegen {adj} [listen]

German Central Bank Bundesbank {f}

central bank; reserve bank; monetary authority Zentralbank {f}; Zentralnotenbank {f}; zentrale Notenbank {f}; Nationalbank {f} [fin.]

central banks; reserve banks; monetary authorities Zentralbanken {pl}; Zentralnotenbanken {pl}; zentrale Notenbanken {pl}; Nationalbanken {pl}

Bank of England; Old Lady of Threadneedle Street [coll.] [humor.] britische Zentralbank

domestic central banks innerstaatliche Zentralbanken

European Central Bank /ECB/ Europäische Zentralbank {f} /EZB/

main station; main-station; central station Hauptbahnhof {m} (Hbf.; HB)

main stations; main-stations; central stations Hauptbahnhöfe {pl}

the Darmstadt central station der Darmstädter Hauptbahnhof

central processor; processor; central processing unit /CPU/; processing unit; central unit; basic processing unit /BPU/ [listen] zentraler Verarbeitungsprozessor {m}; Hauptprozessor {m}; Prozessor {m}; zentrales Rechenwerk {n}; Zentraleinheit {f} /ZE/ [comp.]

bit slice processor Bitscheibenprozessor {m}

co-processor Koprozessor {m}; Coprozessor {m}

multicore processor Mehrkernprozessor {m}; Multikernprozessor {m}

CPU usage; CPU load Rechnerauslastung {f}; CPU-Auslastung {f}

central fire alarm system Brandmeldezentrale {f}

central fire alarm systems Brandmeldezentralen {pl}

single-line fire alarm system Einlinien-Brandmeldezentrale {f}; Einlinienzentrale {f}

Central Council of Jews; Central Consistory of Jews [rare] Zentralrat {m} der Juden [relig.]

Central Council of Jews in Germany; Central Council of German Jews Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland

Central Consistory of Jews in France; Central Consistory of French Jews Zentralrat der Juden in Frankreich

central plank; fundamental plank; key plank Eckpfeiler {m}; zentraler Punkt {m} [pol.]

central building control system; building services management system Gebäudeleittechnik {f}; Gebäudeleitsystem {n}

central building control systems; building services management systems Gebäudeleitsysteme {pl}

central character; main character; principal character; leading figure; central figure Hauptfigur {f}

central characters; main characters; principal characters; leading figures; central figures Hauptfiguren {pl}

central clock; master clock Hauptuhr {f}

central clocks; master clocks Hauptuhren {pl}

central business district; central business core [Am.] in a proposals map (spatial planning) Kerngebiet {n} im Bebauungsplan (Raumplanung) [geogr.]

central idea Kerngedanke {m}

central ideas Kerngedanken {pl}

central problem; vital problem Kernproblem {n}

central problems; vital problems Kernprobleme {pl}

central column (reactor) Kernrohr {n} (Reaktor) [techn.]

central columns Kernrohre {pl}

central air conditioning plant Klimazentrale {f} [techn.]

central air conditioning plants Klimazentralen {pl}

central island of a/the roundabout [Br.]; center island of/in a/the traffic circle [Am.] Kreisverkehrsinsel {f}; Kreisinsel {f} [auto]

central theme; central idea Leitgedanke {m}; Leitidee {f}; der rote Faden

central themes; central ideas Leitgedanken {pl}; Leitideen {pl}

central block Mittelbau {m} [arch.]

Central Italy Mittelitalien {n} [geogr.]

central console Mittelkonsole {f}

central barrier Mittelleitplanke {f} [auto]

central barriers Mittelleitplanken {pl}

central polarization; central polarisation [Br.] Mittelpolarisierung {f}

central nave; nave Mittelschiff {n}; Hauptschiff {n} (einer Kirche) [arch.]

central reservation [Br.]; median strip [Am.]; medial strip [Am.] [rare]; neutral ground [Am.] [New Orleans]; central nature strip [Austr.]; neutral section [Austr.] Mittelstreifen {m}; Trennstreifen {m} [auto]

central reservations; median strips; medial strips; neutral grounds; central nature strips; neutral sections Mittelstreifen {pl}; Trennstreifen {pl}

central bank privilege; central bank's privilege Notenbankprivileg {n} [fin.]

central banking Notenbankwesen {n} [fin.]

central control room; central control station; control centre [Br.]; control center [Am.] Steuerzentrale {f}; Steuerwarte {f}; Schaltzentrale {f} [techn.]

central control rooms; central control stations; control centres; control centers Steuerzentralen {pl}; Steuerwarten {pl}; Schaltzentralen {pl}

central clock Taktzentrale {f}; Zentraltaktsteuerung {f}

central defender Vorstopper {m}; Vorstopperin {f} [sport] [listen]

central defenders Vorstopper {pl}; Vorstopperinnen {pl} [listen]

central securities deposit /CSD/ (stock exchange) Wertpapiersammelstelle {f}; Wertschriftensammelstelle {f} [Schw.]; Zentralverwahrer {m} (Börse) [fin.]

central securities deposits Wertpapiersammelstellen {pl}; Wertschriftensammelstellen {pl}; Zentralverwahrer {pl}

central office Zentrale {f}; Hauptstelle {f} [listen]

central offices Zentralen {pl}; Hauptstellen {pl}

central purchasing Zentraleinkauf {m}

central committee Zentralausschuss {m} [adm.]

central committees Zentralausschüsse {pl}

central bank money stock Zentralbankgeldmenge {f} [fin.]

central bank credit Zentralbankkredit {f} [fin.]

central bank notes; government bank notes Zentralbanknoten {pl}

Central Bank Council; Federal Reserve Board /FRB/ [Am.]; Federal Open Market Committee /FOMC/ [Am.] Zentralbankrat {m} /ZBR/ [Dt.] [fin.] [adm.]

central bank independence Zentralbankunabhängigkeit {f} [fin.]

central attachment Zentralbefestigung {f}

central force motion; motion in a central force field Zentralbewegung {f}

central library; main library Zentralbibliothek {f}

central sulcus Zentralfurche {f} [anat.]

central organ (of a party/organization) Zentralorgan {n}; Zentralblatt {n} (Zeitung einer Parteileitung/Organisationszentrale im Gegensatz zu Regionalzeitungen)

central organs Zentralorgane {pl}; Zentralblätter {pl}

central computer; main computer; master computer; mainframe computer; host computer; host [coll.] (in a network, supporting workstations) [listen] Zentralrechner {m}; Hauptrechner {m}; Leitrechner {m}; Wirtsrechner {m}; Hostrechner {m} (in einem Netzwerk) [comp.]

central computers; main computers; master computers; mainframe computers; host computers; hosts Zentralrechner {pl}; Hauptrechner {pl}; Leitrechner {pl}; Wirtsrechner {pl}; Hostrechner {pl}

central well; downtake (of a vacuum tank) Zentralrohr {n}; Steigrohr {n} (eines Vakuumbehälters)

central wells; downtakes Zentralrohre {pl}; Steigrohre {pl}

central lubrication Zentralschmierung {f} [techn.]

central line placement; central line Zentralvenenkatheter {m} [med.]

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